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Nowadays, discussing and commenting interactively on an article in Internet-based social media platforms is pervasive. The topic of a comment/reply in these discussions occasionally shifts, sometimes drastically and abruptly, other times... more
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      Social Media AnalysisEmotion AnalysisEmotion VisualizationTopic-Shift in Conversation
Movie ratings and reviews at sites such as IMDb or Amazon are commonly used by moviegoers to decide which movie to watch or buy next. Currently, moviegoers base their decisions as to which movie to watch by looking at the ratings of... more
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      Sentiment AnalysisDimensionality ReductionEmotion AnalysisEmotion Visualization
Social networks are becoming a huge part of current human interactions. People can publish publicly their thoughts, feelings and emotions. Such emotions, easily understandable by humans, represent a valuable data. This paper introduces... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingMachine LearningDeep LearningEmotion Analysis
This paper present on understanding the human behavior with eye tracking studies related to consumer cognition in marketing product. The study of human behavior using eye tracking is a growing multidisciplinary field that links... more
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      MarketingEye trackingStrategyEmotion Analysis
Twitter, has fast emerged as one of the most powerful social media sites which can sway opinions. Sentiment or opinion analysis has of late emerged one of the most researched and talked about subject in Natural Language Processing (NLP),... more
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      Sentiment AnalysisText MiningArtificial Neural NetworksRandom Forest
Understanding the emotions of sharing in social media plays a key role in learning people's thoughts. Knowing the emotion of human beings with developing technology provides benefits in various fields. For example, media, marketing and... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingSentiment AnalysisSocial MediaLatent Semantic Analysis
Bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerinde yaşanan gelişmeler, yaşamın her alanında olduğu gibi bilgi merkezleri için de kaçınılmaz bir dönüşüm süreci yaşatmaktadır. Bilgi merkezleri de yaşanan bu dönüşümü, hizmetlerine yansıtabilmek ve... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceInformation TechnologyLibrary ScienceImage Recognition (Computer Vision)
Huge quantities of information are available through web and social media platforms have made available to users worldwide. Social networking is the most valuable source of learning, getting ideas, reviews for a product or a service.... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer Science EducationSentiment AnalysisOpinion Mining (Data Mining)
This paper present on understanding the human behavior with eye tracking studies related to consumer cognition in marketing product. The study of human behavior using eye tracking is a growing multidisciplinary field that links... more
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      MarketingPsychologyEye trackingStrategy
Twitter, has fast emerged as one of the most powerful social media sites which can sway opinions. Sentiment or opinion analysis has of late emerged one of the most researched and talked about subject in Natural Language Processing (NLP),... more
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      Sentiment AnalysisText MiningArtificial Neural NetworksRandom Forest
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      Recommender SystemsVideo ProcessingCloud ComputingEmotion Recognition
There are many way to by which human being communicate with each other verbal, sign language or facial expression are one of them. Here we propose artificial intelligence based facial expression detection system by which we can detect... more
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      Computer ScienceImage ProcessingMachine LearningFacial expression
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      Sentiment AnalysisAffective ComputingMobile ComputingEmotion Analysis
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      Emotion AnalysisMultimodal
Consumers used to make their complaints via phone and mail before the concept of social media was developed. Now, consumers have begun to state their wishes and complaints concerning companies using social media, and the firms' adaptation... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingData MiningSocial MediaEmotion Analysis
Twitter, has fast emerged as one of the most powerful social media sites which can sway opinions. Sentiment or opinion analysis has of late emerged one of the most researched and talked about subject in Natural Language Processing (NLP),... more
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      Sentiment AnalysisText MiningArtificial Neural NetworksRandom Forest
Internet-based social media platforms allow individuals to discuss/comment on the ”topic” of an article in an interactive manner. The topic of a comment/reply in these discussions occasionally shifts, sometimes drastically and abruptly,... more
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      Social Media AnalysisEmotion AnalysisTopic-Shift in Conversation
In emergency management for mass gathering, the knowledge about crowd types can highly assist with providing timely response and effective resource allocation. Crowd monitoring can be achieved using computer vision based approaches and... more
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      BusinessComputer ScienceSocial MediaEmergency Management
Laughter is a significant paralinguistic cue that is largely ignored in multimodal affect analysis. In this work, we investigate how a multimodal laughter corpus can be constructed and annotated both with discrete and dimensional labels... more
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      Emotion AnalysisMultimodal
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      EngineeringTechnologyRecommender SystemsVideo Processing
Many machine learning datasets are noisy with a substantial number of mislabeled instances. This noise yields sub-optimal classification performance. In this paper we study a large, low quality annotated dataset, created quickly and... more
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      Active LearningTwitterEmotion Analysis