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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesGlobalizationClimate Change
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      MythologySoutheast Asian StudiesHistory of ReligionRitual
There has been much public comment on the recent Encyclical Letter of Pope Francis. Not least this has come from climate change commentators, communicators and policy advocates welcoming the Pope’s engagement with the issue. In this... more
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      Religion and PoliticsCatholic Social TeachingScience and ReligionEnvironment and Religion
The Introduction to this book is available here: https://www.academia.edu/34095644/Introduction_to_Materiality_and_the_Study_of_Religion_The_Body_of_St_Cuthbert.pdf Material culture has emerged in recent decades as a significant... more
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionAtheismMuseum Studies
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      ChristianityCultural GeographyCultural LandscapesReligious Studies
The Bible presents man, whether righteous or wicked, redeemed or doomed, naïve, wise, or merely mortal, through tree imagery. 1 This rich imagery has been discussed in rabbinic texts and by medieval and modern scholars alike. 2 Much of... more
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      GeographyBiblical EthicsBiblical ExegesisEnvironment and Religion
Please also see the publisher's page: https://brill.com/view/title/35837
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      Anglicanism (Anglicanism)Natural TheologySacramental TheologyAnglican Church History
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      ChristianityScience and ReligionEschatology and ApocalypticismEcology
The premise that some forests are not resources to be exploited by individuals or corporations for economic gain, but are resources to be shared by a community is inherent in the conception of the forest belonging to the village guardian... more
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      Religion and Thai CultureNortheast ThailandEnvironment and Religion
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      Sustainable DevelopmentEnvironmental EthicsIslamic StudiesEnvironmental Sustainability
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      JainismEnvironment and Religion
A summary of the ways that "religion" in its many facets is involved in environmental governance.
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      Environmental SociologyEnvironmental StudiesReligion and EcologyEnvironmental Politics
The concept of 'nature' in the Daode jing 道德經 and the Zhuangzi 莊⼦ and its relevance to today's environmental issues. The inherent harmony and continuity between nature and human beings is an underlying and dominant theme in Daoist... more
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      Daoist PhilosophyYoga PhilosophyReligion and EcologyEnvironmental Ethics
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      Jewish StudiesJudaismEnvironment and Religion
Le nuove Frontiere del Sacro al di fuori della religione
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionJapanese StudiesLGBT Issues
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      HinduismEnvironmental SustainabilityIndiaEnvironment and Religion
Libro que reúne artículos de varios autores sobre la temática del bienestar y la espiritualidad. El capítulo de Daniel Duhart hace referencia a las relaciones entre ciencia, religión y desarrollo. Otros co-autores: Claudio Araya Véliz,... more
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      Science and ReligionDevelopment and Religion(s)Religion and DevelopmentReligion and Spirituality - Sociology, Environment, Peace
In exploring the relationship between religion and climate change this essay argues three things. First, it makes the case that religious thought and practice -- cosmologies, beliefs and perceptions, ethics and ways of life -- is... more
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      Climate ChangeEnvironment and ReligionReligion and Climate Change
This paper deals with a community project for rejuvenation of the dying river Kali Bein in Punjab, a Northern state of India. The community venture is being organized by a Sikh Saint, Baba Balbir Singh Seechewal, who has been termed as... more
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      SikhismCommunity ParticipationWater PollutionRiver Restoration
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      Environmental EthicsEschatology and ApocalypticismEcotheology (Environment)Theology and ethics
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      Religion and natureNature and spiritualitySacred Natural SitesSacred Natural Sites
This article analyzes Buddhist environmentalism in Japan during the last few decades, which manifests through various discussions and forms of activism and is characterized by the use of popular Buddhist ideas such as aversion to greed,... more
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      ReligionBuddhismNew Religious MovementsComparative Religion
For the last two hundred years, unprecedented environmental challenges and irreversible mass extinctions have been caused on the Earth including a rising trend in the global temperature during the 20 th century. The loading capacity of... more
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      Environmental StudiesIslamEnvironment and Religion
Overview of the meanings and uses of "nature," as both concept and referent, in studies of religion and in contemporary religious belief and practice. Covers "nature in itself" (including debates over its "social construction"), "nature... more
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      Environmental PhilosophyPhilosophy Of ReligionEnvironmental StudiesReligion and Ecology
The article takes into account different reasons, contributing factors and impact of Air Pollution.
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      Air pollutionPollutionEnvironment and ReligionArabic Language and Literature
Th e way many Ghanaians relate to the environment now is not the best; they just do not care about how to handle the environment in a sustainable way. Th ey have forgotten that life is environment and environment is life due to rapid... more
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    • Environment and Religion
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      Islam and EnvironmentEnvironment and Religion
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    • Environment and Religion
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      MetaphysicsScience and ReligionEthics and ReligionNature
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      Japanese ReligionsReligion and PoliticsNationalismShinto Studies
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      Ecological AnthropologyJewish MysticismBiblical StudiesEcocriticism
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      Environmental LawLaw and ReligionAncient ReligionJudicial Precedent
bibliography of publications and matters in press, April 2016
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      History of MedicineUrban HistoryHistory of ScienceWater History
Warnings about climate change often come wrapped in apocalyptic language and scenarios, often as a rhetorical strategy to convey the sense of urgency with which action is required. Similarly, technologies that promise to deliver us from... more
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      Environment & Religion studiesReligious StudiesClimate EngineeringEnvironment and Religion
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      Environmental StudiesDeconstructionJacques DerridaContinental Philosophy and Theology
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      ReligionAnthropologyAnimal GeographyPolitical Ecology
The Holy Quran, the sacred Muslim religious book, is also a sum of principles and teachings covering all aspects of human life ‒ religious concepts, ethical and spiritual conduct precepts, and rules and regulations on various aspects of... more
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      EthicsPhilosophy Of ReligionReligion and Spirituality - Sociology, Environment, PeaceEnvironment and Religion
Increasing awareness regarding environmental values can lead to changes in consumer behavior and governmental policy. This book aims to discuss, revaluate and disseminate environmental values emerging in the ASEAN region in current... more
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      Religion and Thai CultureThailandThailand TourismEnvironmental Sustainability
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      Border StudiesSpace and PlacePilgrimageRitual
For newbooks.asia
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      Buddhist StudiesGreen BuddhismEcology, Environment, BuddhismEnvironment and Religion
Secte apocalyptique d’obscurantistes, comme l’affirment les anti-écologistes, ou mouvement politique fondé sur une science indiscutable ? Assurément les acteurs de la transition écologique, qui ne se disent pas nécessairement écologistes,... more
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      Political EcologyEcopsychologyDeep EcologyFrance
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      ReligionEthicsClimate ChangeNegative Theology
For the last two hundred years, unprecedented environmental challenges and irreversible mass extinctions have been caused on the Earth including a rising trend in the global temperature during the 20th century. The loading capacity of the... more
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      EconomicsEnvironmental StudiesIslamEnvironment and Religion
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      Religion and EcologyEnvironmental EthicsEcologyEnvironmental Sustainability
Reseña del libro Desarrollo Non Sancto. La religión como actor emergente en el debate global sobre el futuro del planeta, de Adrián E. Beling y Julien Vanhulst (Coordinadores).
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionSpiritualitySustainable Development
The Bible was composed during the Holocene era, which was characterized by a stable climate enabling humans and human civilization to grow and flourish. The biblical cosmology, as expressed through its creation stories and other texts, is... more
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      Environmental StudiesHebrew BibleOld Testament TheologyReligion and Ecology
This paper examines the role of religion in shaping environmental action by bringing contemporary arguments in cultural sociology to bear on longstanding debates about the role of religion in environmental care. Drawing on 169 in-depth... more
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      Sociology of ReligionReligion and CultureEnvironment and Religion
Relazione presentata al Colloque international du Conseil pontifical de la culture Abbayes et monastères aux racines de l’Europe, Abbaye Sainte-Foy Conques (France), 2-4 Juin 2000. Il testo è stato pubblicato in lingua francese negli atti... more
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      Forest HistoryEnvironment and Religion
In this paper I use insights from extensive ethnographic research with evangelicals in Colorado Springs, Colorado to investigate how competing ethical understandings of time and the future underpin conceptions of and responses to... more
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      Climate ChangeSocial and Cultural AnthropologyClimate change policyApocalypticism
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      ReligionCultural Politics of Nature and the EnvironmentEnvironment and ReligionCulture and Enviornment