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      Coastal ManagementWetlandsConservation BiologyInvasive species ecology
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      Ocean EngineeringCoastal ManagementQualityWater
The southern distributional limit for mangroves on the east coast of Africa is thought to be at the planted mangrove forest at Nahoon Estuary (33° S) in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. This study investigated the influence of a tidal... more
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      Estuarine EcologyCoastal Marine Diatoms
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      Estuarine EcologyMeiofaunaSandy BeachesCluster Analysis
The use of hydraulic geometry and other geomorphic indices has been recommended for habitat restoration and creation of estuarine tidal channels. Although such an approach provides design guidance for tidal channel form, it does not... more
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      Landscape EcologyEstuarine Ecology
This memo is the result of an exploration of possible sources on the Eastern Scheldt estuary. The memo’s aim is to provide a clear point of departure for the Eastern Scheldt Survey, which will summarize up to date knowledge on the Eastern... more
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      Environmental EngineeringHydraulicsFlood Risk ManagementSustainable Building Design
Estuaries and coastal lagoons around the world are wetlands of great importance and they are regularly targeted as prime conservation sites. Many include wildlife refuges and have nature reserves that were set up in areas preserved from... more
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      BiodiversityBirds (Ecology)Estuarine EcologyBirds
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      Earth SciencesEnvironmental ScienceCarbon DioxideBiomass
Relationship between toxicity and bioavailable metals in sediments from the Huelva estuary and its littoral of influence was analyzed. Toxicity was assessed with Microtox ® bioassay using a marine lumi-nescent bacterium: Vibrio fischeri.... more
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      SedimentologyCoastal ManagementCoastal EngineeringWater Pollution
The aim of this survey is to give a concise overview of the pre- and post-barrier functioning of the Eastern Scheldt estuary. The survey builds upon the Eastern Scheldt Memo (dated March 2016), which explored possible sources and... more
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      Environmental EngineeringFlood Risk ManagementSustainable Building DesignEnvironmental Sustainability
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      Remote SensingEstuarine EcologyLandscape and Land-use-history
Long-term assessment of ecosystem restoration projects is complex because of ecological processes such as succession, particularly in highly dynamic ecosystems such as estuaries. Restoration of intertidal flats and marshes on formerly... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesEstuarine EcologyIntegrated Coastal Zone ManagementEstuaries
British Columbia Birds 25:2–12.
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      Estuarine EcologyResident Canada Geese
The diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates in the Upper (Zone 1) and Middle Thames Estuary (Zone 2) and its associated tributaries, creeks and dock basins was studied using the commonly used hand picking, kick-sampling, core-sampling and... more
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      Aquatic EcologyMarine EcologyMarine ScienceEstuarine Ecology
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      Marine EcologyBenthic macroinvertebratesEstuarine EcologyCalcareous tubeworms
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyPaleoanthropologyPrehistoric Archaeology
The focus of this article is to link historical accounts about former islands of the Anatolian gulfs of the Aegean Sea to geoarchaeological evidence. During the Holocene, prominent environmental and coastline changes have taken place in... more
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      Ancient HistoryGeoarchaeologyAncient Greek HistoryEstuarine Ecology
A pesca de Penaeus paulensis no estuário da Lagoa dos Patos atua sobre uma importante área de criação e crescimento para grande parte dos peixes e crustáceos comercialmente explorados no sul do Brasil. Este trabalho avalia o impacto da... more
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      Fisheries ScienceFisheriesBrazilSHRIMP
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      ZoologyPlant BiologyBiologyEcology
The Mundaú-Manguaba Lagunar-Estuarine Complex is located on the medium littoral in the State of Alagoas, Brazil. It is a multi-stressed ecocomplex secularly occupied by fishing communities and presently it suffers an increasing... more
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      Human EcologyEthnobiologyEthnoecologyEstuarine Ecology
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      Estuarine EcologyResident Canada GeeseEstuarine Marsh Impacts
The river Subarnarekha, about 460 km in length, originates in the Chotanagpur plateau near Ranchi, traverses through the states of Jharkhand, West Bengal and Orissa before meeting the Bay of Bengal about 1.5 km downstream of Kirtania /... more
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    • Estuarine Ecology
Ekosistem adalah hubungan timbal balik antara unsur biotik dan abiotik yang membentuk sistem ekologi. Ekosistem perairan dibagi menjadi tiga, yaitu perairan tawar, laut, dan estuari. Estuaria adalah wilayah pesisir semi tertutup yang... more
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      Estuarine EcologyEstuariesPlanktonBenthos
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      ZoologyEstuarine EcologyFisheries Sciences
Mangrove vegetation is one of the forest ecosystems that offers a potential of substantial greenhouse gases (GHG) emission mitigation, due to its ability to sink the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere through the photosynthesis process.... more
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      MangrovesMangrove EcologyCarbon SequestrationEstuarine Ecology
From a human history perspective, the intrinsic characteristics of estuaries have made them preferable sites of occupation and, consequently, intense areas of development. A direct consequence of human occupation of these coastal areas is... more
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      Coastal ManagementCoastal ProcessesWater qualityModeling
The present geomorphology of the Mediterranean’s coasts is largely a product of an intricate long-term relationship between Nature and human societies. A cradle of ancient civilizations, the Mediterranean has seen its shores occupied by... more
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      Landscape EcologyGeographyArchaeologyMaritime Archaeology
The indigenous peoples of the Northwest Coast of North America actively managed natural resources in diverse ways to enhance their productivity and proximity. Among those practices that have escaped the attention of anthropologists until... more
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      Traditional Ecological KnowledgeOral Traditions (Culture)British Columbia and the Canadian WestClam Gardens
Interpretation of fossil assemblages in mixed energy environments, such as estuaries, is complex due to the accumulation of material from different sources. In such environments, different proxies may result in contrasting... more
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      PalynologyEstuarine EcologyCoastal and Estuarine Sediment TransportAlluvial archaeology/geoarchaeology
Plankton plays an important role in a body of water as the primary producers and the beginning of the chain in the food web (food chain) causes the plankton used as a measure of fertility an ecosystem scale. This study aims to analyze the... more
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      Water qualityMangrovesMangrove EcologyMarine Science
Pada saat muson tenggara perairan selatan Jawa, Bali dan Nusa Tenggara mengalami upwelling yang berpengaruh ke perairan selat Bali disebut sebagai in-direct upwelling. Pengaruh upwelling ini bisa dilihat dari perubahan parameter fisika,... more
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      Marine BiologyMarine EcologyMangrovesFisheries Management
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      Marine AquacultureEstuarine EcologyEelgrassZostera Marina
The wide spatial distribution of wetlands (e.g., swamps, bogs, marshes, and mires) across different latitudes and geomorphological settings reflects their complex biotic and abiotic interactions that define their ecological function and... more
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      WetlandsEstuarine EcologyCoastal and Estuarine Sediment Transport
The Patos Lagoon estuary (PLE; BR-LTER Site 8; approx. 1,000 km2), located in the extreme south of the Patos Lagoon (32 ° 00 ‘S, 52 ° 05’ W) has a high biological productivity, ecological complexity, and great economic importance due to... more
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      Marine BiologyClimate ChangeEstuarine EcologyCoastal and Estuarine Sediment Transport
Pada buku ini, akan dikupas hasil-hasil penelitian terkait dengan model (kasus) pengelolaan ekosistem perisir dan lautan yang ada di Indonesia. Studi kasus dari masing-masing bagian mengkaji tentang kawasan estuari, kawasan ekosistem... more
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      Mangrove EcologyEstuarine EcologyIntegrated Coastal Zone Management
Natural or anthropogenic induced variations in estuaries and the dynamics of marine fish populations potentially promote differences in connectivity between estuaries and marine areas, i.e. in their importance as nursery grounds. Within... more
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      Estuarine EcologyPopulation ConnectivityNursery Areas
Perairan Muara Gembong merupakan salah kawasan dengan fungsi ekologis sebagai daerah asuhan dan pemasok sumber daya perikanan yang tinggi di Teluk Jakarta (Puspasari et al., 2017). Hal ini dikarenakan perairan Muara Gembong dan sekitarnya... more
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      EcologyFish EcologyEstuarine EcologyInstitut Pertanian Bogor
Spatio-temporal distribution and composition of ichthyoplankton assemblages were studied in the Golden Horn estuary (Istanbul) over a 10-month period. Environmental parameters were considered to determine the environmental status in... more
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      Community EcologyFish EcologyEstuarine EcologyMarine fish eggs and larvae
O estudo da composição do fitoplâncton torna-se essencial quando se percebe a importância e influência deste na dinâmica da vida aquática. Conhecer os seus componentes, sua frequência e a relação com os processos físico-químicos... more
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      Environmental StudiesEstuarine EcologyUrban RiversFITOPLANCTON
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      Earth SciencesSpatial AnalysisMarine EcologyInvasive species ecology
In northwest Europe conflicts have routinely occurred between economic and conservation interests regarding shellfish such as cockles and mussels. The harvest of these species is economically important, but shellfish also constitute the... more
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      Aquatic EcologyNatural ResourcesConservation BiologyConservation
The waters of the Bay of Bengal intrude into the Sunderbans over flooding the creeks and dal courses for years as a result of sea level rise due to climac changes. This situaon causes ecological disaster for the man and environment.... more
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      GeographyClimate ChangeClimatologyCoastal Geomorphology
Wide estuaries are natural magnets for urban development. Several of the World’s major cities developed around estuaries, but at the same time encroached upon some of the most complex and vital ecosystems. Sea-level rise threatens to... more
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      WetlandsClimate Change AdaptationUrban PlanningNatural Resource Management
There is growing concern over observed declines in fish catch and therefore catch rate in coastal water bodies in Ghana which have been attributed, in part, to changes in the environment and excessive pressure on exploited fish... more
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    • Estuarine Ecology
Crabs are amongst the most conspicuous and ecologically important organisms inhabiting nearshore environments. Their complex life cycle and bioindicator capacity makes them good models for the study of distribution and abundance patterns... more
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      Ecosystems EcologyMarine EcologyInvertebrate BiologyEcology