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D'usage courant en allemand, le terme de Spitzenkandidat est utilisé depuis 2014 pour désigner la personne «tête de liste», lors de la campagne des élections européennes, susceptible de présider la Commission européenne. La présidence de... more
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      European ParliamentEuropean Union PoliticsEuropean CommissionEuropean elections
Since the Esperanto speech community cannot rely on intergenerational transmission to guarantee its long-term continuity, the Esperanto movement has emerged as an attempted solution to stabilise the community by promoting the language and... more
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      InterlinguisticsEuropean StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsPolitical Parties
The primary goal of the Institute of European Democrats (IED) is to promote an in-depth discussion on the core aspects of the European integration process. Last year, in an attempt to shed some light on the challenge of the upswing of... more
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      European StudiesPolitical BehaviorPolitical SciencePolitical Extremism/Radicalism/Populism
This Chapter interrogates the logics and technologies underlying the governance of elections in Africa. It defines elections, their nature and logics. It argues that elections are tools, which integrate electoral processes and systems to... more
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      HistoryGovernmentRegulation And GovernanceGlobal Governance
This paper was written in the framework of a team project of Sciences Po Paris in partnership with the Think Tank "Atelier Europe", based in Paris. The paper discusses theoretically the European Elections in general and also compares the... more
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      European UnionEuropean Union PoliticsEuropean elections
This book (in Indonesian Language) discusses the implications of national parliamentary elections in various member states of EU on the future of European integration. The elections scrutinised in the analysis were those that took place... more
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      European electionsEuropean Politics, EP elections, Europarties
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      CommunicationPolitical CampaignsPolitical SciencePolitical communication
One of the most important reasons for the expansion of Eurosceptic parties is the worsening of the economic crisis. This and, more generally, the processes of globalization/denationalization have not had the same effects for all citizens;... more
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      Political PartiesEuropean electionsEuroscepticism
En los últimos años hemos asistido al crecimiento, cuando no la aparición, de toda una serie de partidos difíciles de encuadrar pero que comparten en sus líneas programáticas el rechazo a la Unión Europea, los denominados comúnmente como... more
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      European UnionEuropean electionsEuroscepticismDemocracy in the European Union
Master thesis
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      Eastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesVoting BehaviorEuropean Politics
La question de la citoyenneté politique n’a guère été un enjeu dans les négociations sur le Brexit. Pourtant, cette citoyenneté politique, bien qu’embryonnaire, existe, sous la forme, d’une part, du droit de vote et d’éligibilité des... more
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      European UnionEuropean ParliamentEuropean electionsEuropean Parliament elections
Este trabajo evalúa la validez de diferentes modelos interpretativos del comportamiento electoral en las elecciones europeas partiendo del resultado de junio de 2009. Nos centramos, en primer lugar, en modelos que conectan el voto europeo... more
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      Public OpinionElection CampaigningEuropean electionsElectoral cycle
This thesis provides a descriptive study comparing the change, or lack thereof, in levels of Europeanization of the Czech and Polish Green parties between the 2004 and 2009 elections to the European Parliament. The aim is not to explain,... more
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      European StudiesComparative PoliticsEuropean integrationPolitical Science
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      Political SciencePoliticsEuropean electionsHungarian National elections
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      ConstitutionalismEuropean electionsEuropean parties
The working paper in question is concerned with the electoral performance of far-right parties in the 2014 European Parliamentary elections by aiming to interpret the aspects of this vote through the interrelationship between the... more
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      Comparative PoliticsEuropean electionsFar-Right Politics
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    • European elections
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      Italian PoliticsEuropean electionsEuroscepticismLocal elections
L'articolo analizza le elezioni europee del 2019 in Ungheria, nell'ambito del consueto numero monografico della rivista Federalismi.it sullo svolgimento delle elezioni per il rinnovo del Parlamento europeo in ciascuno dei 28 Stati membri... more
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      EU LawEuropean electionsHungaryEuropean Politics, EP elections, Europarties
The article examines the individual decision to vote or to abstain in the 2014 European elections in seven Member States of the EU. We focus on the role of socio-demographic characteristics and attitudinal factors. The empirical analysis... more
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      European StudiesGerman StudiesFranceVoting
Thanks to ART.17.7 of the Lisbon Treaty, the European Council now has to “take into account” the results of EP Elections when selecting a candidate for the role of Commission President. The European Parliament has grabbed the opportunity... more
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationEuropean PoliticsEuropean Union
Nur noch wenige Stunden und die achten Europawahlen beginnen. Den Anfang machen bereits am Donnerstag die Wähler in den Niederlanden und im Vereinigten Königreich. In den meisten Mitgliedsstaaten wird hingegen erst am Sonntag gewählt. rst... more
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      European UnionEuropean ParliamentElectionsEuropean Union Politics
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationEuropean PoliticsEuropean Union
Recommended Citation: Sánchez-Castillo, S., Galán-Cubillo, E. & Gifreu-Castells, A. (2020). Audiovisual Representation in Spanish and European Election Debates. Tripodos. Communication Flows in the European Elections: Amid Populism and... more
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      ElectionsEuropean electionsEuroscepticismSpanish elections 1931
This chapter focuses on the implications of Brexit for the European Parliament. It will start by evaluating the new distribution of seats and then explore the changes of political groups. Finally, the chapter will showcase some key... more
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      European ParliamentEuropean electionsEuropean Politics, EP elections, EuropartiesEuropean Parliament elections
RESUME L’introduction rappelle que, des institutions originelles des Communautés, l’Assemblée parlementaire était la plus immédiatement familière. Pour cette raison, elle a tardé à susciter l’attention des chercheurs. Pourtant, c’est... more
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      European ParliamentEuropean Union PoliticsEuropean elections
Women in politics. Case study of Europe.
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      Women's RightsEuropean UnionWomen and Gender StudiesEuropean elections
“L’Altra Europa con Tsipras: tutti per uno, uno per tutti?” in Marco Valbruzzi e Rinaldo Vignati (eds) “L'election day del 25 maggio. Elezioni europee, regionali e amministrative”, Bologna: il Mulino, pp. 157-168.
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      Italian PoliticsEuropean electionsLeft Wing PartiesAnti-Austerity Left Parties
Abstract. European elections used to be considered as national second-order elections where parties and voters tended to position themselves on national rather than European issues. These last years, some researchers have claimed this is... more
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      European UnionEuropean elections
Since the 2000s, the reference to 'values' has become a key topic in the legitimation and politicization of the European Union (EU). This article studies to which extent and how members of the European Parliament (MEPs) mobilize values in... more
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      ChristianitySocial NetworksValuesEuropean Union
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      European electionsAutonomous Regions (Azores and Madeira)
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      European StudiesPolitical ParticipationEuropean UnionElectoral Behavior
Cette étude se penche sur les « partis politiques au niveau européen », organisations politiques mal connues et souvent confondues avec les groupes politiques du Parlement européen. Le but est ici de présenter ces organisations et leur... more
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      European PoliticsEuropeanisation of political partiesEuropean Union PoliticsEuropean elections
Since May 2017, when its president and candidate, Marine Le Pen, has successfully made it to the second round of the French presidential election, the Front National/FN (renamed into the Rassemblement National/RN, the National Rally) has... more
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      Political SciencePolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismNationalismPopulism
The 2019 European Parliament (EP) elections campaign revealed the emergence of a transnational political space 1 : beyond national considerations, which were still dominant, political parties timidly dealt with European issues and... more
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      Europeanisation of political partiesEuropean Union PoliticsEuropean electionsEuropean Politics, EP elections, Europarties
Although EU Law provides that Member States have to organise European elections at universal direct suffrage, there is no explicit provision in EU law granting Union citizens the right to vote and to stand as a candidate for these... more
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      European StudiesEuropean LawHuman RightsEuropean Constitutionalism
Interview dans La Croix (19 juin 2018, p. 4)
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      Political SociologyPolitical ScienceEuropean electionsPolitical Sciences
Mit der ersten Fernsehdebatte der europäischen Spitzenkandidaten am 28. April 2014 erlebte der Europawahlkampf seinen ersten Höhepunkt. TV-Duelle können vor allem bei knappen Wahlen durchaus wahlentscheidend sein. Damit erlangt das erste... more
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      European UnionEuropean ParliamentElectionsEuropean Union Politics
Television constitutes the most influent mass media for citizen-ship political and electoral literacy nowadays. oncerning European elections, TV channels play a clue role in bringing this institution closer to people, when it is a... more
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      European StudiesMediated Discourse AnalysisEuropean PoliticsQuantitative Research
The chapter analyses Twitter as one of the several fora where the general public sphere manifests itself. The Twitter debate generated in Italy during the campaign for EP2014 is used as a prism for looking in depth into the mutual shaping... more
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      Public SphereTwitterDigital EthnographyEuropean Public Sphere
In May 6th 2010, the Greek parliament voted the bailout treaty, so called the Memorandum of Understanding, with the European Union, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund. In simple terms, the bailout program... more
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      Political communicationEuropean UnionFinancial Crisis of 2008/2009Political Advertising
Este artículo ofrece una descripción de la cobertura que la prensa de Aragón (España) otorgó a las elecciones europeas de 2014. La metodología empleada es el análisis de contenido. La investigación parte de la hipótesis de que el... more
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      Political JournalismPeriodismoEuropean electionsPress
This article systematically investigates, in a comparative perspective, the support for new extreme right-wing political parties (ERPs) in national elections across the Western European Union countries (WEU). The objective of the research... more
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      European StudiesEuropean UnionEuropean electionsExtreme and Far Right
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      Political ScienceModern GreeceElectionsEuropean elections
Building on MEP Andrew Duff’s proposal to create a limited pan-European constituency for electing representatives to the European Parliament, this paper argues that there are good reasons for believing that such an institution would... more
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      Democratic TheoryVoting Advice Applications (VAAs)Supranational GovernanceEuropean elections
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesEuropean LawEuropean Union
Am 26. Mai 2019 haben die Duisburgerinnen und Duisburger gewählt. Lange galt die Europawahl als Nebenwahl. Die neunte Direktwahl zum Europäischen Parlament wurde hingegen zur Schicksalswahl erklärt. Dies blieb nicht ohne Folgen: Zum... more
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      European ParliamentVotingElections and Voting BehaviorGermany
Questo capitolo mira a presentare l’evoluzione e il rafforzamento dei gruppi politici del Par-lamento Europeo e dei partiti politici europei in una prospettiva comparativa. In particolare, si analizza la relazione tra questi due volti del... more
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      European ParliamentEuropean electionsEuropean Politics, EP elections, EuropartiesEuropean Parliament elections