Recent papers in FCPA
This material originally appeared on Etica Lab (www.eticalab.com/blog)
Le rapport au droit aux Etats-Unis est profondément différent de celui de la France, des pays d’Europe adeptes du « droit continental » et d’autres pays du monde. Il repose sur le « due process of Law » où le formalisme procédural joue un... more
Le rapport au droit aux Etats-Unis est profondément différent de celui de la France, des pays d’Europe adeptes du « droit continental » et d’autres pays du monde. Il repose sur le « due process of Law » où le formalisme procédural joue un... more
‘Princelings’ is a Chinese term that refers to the children of senior Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and executives who manage state-owned industries many of which are being publicly sold through initial public offerings (IPOs) financed by... more
Le rapport au droit aux Etats-Unis est profondément différent de celui de la France, des pays d’Europe adeptes du « droit continental » et d’autres pays du monde. Il repose sur le « due process of Law » où le formalisme procédural joue un... more
Le meilleur moyen de domination est celui des idées — le soft power — plutôt que le pouvoir des armes — le hard power. Il s'agit de convaincre les autres de considérer les idées qui correspondent à votre stratégie de puissance comme les... more
La définition de l’ « Etat stratège » nous est donnée par l’histoire : les Etats qui réussissent, par le passé comme aujourd’hui, ont une vision du long terme du développement et savent en actionner les six leviers (Rochet, 2014). Nous... more
La définition de l’ « Etat stratège » nous est donnée par l’histoire : les Etats qui réussissent, par le passé comme aujourd’hui, ont une vision du long terme des leviers du développement et savent en actionner les six leviers (Rochet,... more
Le rapport au droit aux Etats-Unis est profondément différent de celui de la France, des pays d’Europe adeptes du « droit continental » et d’autres pays du monde. Il repose sur le « due process of Law » où le formalisme procédural joue un... more
This paper analyzes the effectiveness of laws against bribery abroad in inducing foreign investors to reduce their investments in corrupt countries. The laws are designed to reduce the supply of bribes by foreign investors by increasing... more
Argentina: Ley de Responsabilidad Penal Empresarial N° 27.401
Настоящая статья задумана с целью изучения исторических предпосылок глобализации антикоррупционного законодательства и существующих точек зрения в отношении причин ведущейся международной антикоррупционной кампании. В работе затрагиваются... more
SUMÁRIO: 1. Introdução; 2. Definição da expressão “corrupção empresarial”; 3. A Pre-Watergate Morality; 4. A Post-Watergate Morality e a promulgação do FCPA; 5. A estratégia adotada pelos EUA ante os desafios trazidos pela promulgação do... more
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) deals with businesses found guilty of bribing foreign officials. The increasing number of cases and high financial penalties present a growing concern for businesses operating or planning to start... more
This material originally appeared on Etica Lab (www.eticalab.com/blog)
Who is a “foreign official” under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act? This question will take on increasing importance in the coming years for two reasons. First, the Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission are... more
This paper describes other options to decrease corruption by arguing that KPK should be more focused on targeting companies because a more systemic approach could prevent crime from occurring; moreover, private sectors were involved in... more
O principal objetivo deste artigo é descrever como o Brasil, como país, e a Petrobras, como empresa, eram candidatos naturais a uma notável atuação anticorrupção dos EUA, por intermédio do U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act – FCPA. Nosso... more
It is a story that has it all: the gambling sin-bin of Macau, human and sex trafficking, bribery, corruption, money laundering, spies, and, if they are to be believed, naive UN officials hiding behind their laissez-passer passports who... more
This document analyzes the legal notion of compliance in relation to the activity of business administration. We will see that this institution expresses itself through a set of norms that guide the performance of companies seeking to... more
An analysis of BizJet FCPA violations relative to a 2013 U.S. Department of Justice criminal complaint against BizJet. Between 2004 and 2010 three BizJet executives named with aliases engaged in a conspiracy to violate the Foreign Corrupt... more
RESUMO Avalia-se o efeito no preço das ações de empresas sujeitas ao Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) decorrentes da punição imposta pela Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) em função de atos de corrupção praticados junto a... more
Огляд законодавства України та законів екстериторіальної дії у сфері протидії корупції.
The Panama Papers refers to a massive leak of information encompassing more than 11 million documents involving more than 200,000 offshore entities. The leak originated in Panama. Some of the documents involve transactions as far back as... more
Российская компания будет вынуждена раскрыть информацию о результатах корпоративных проверок и внутренних расследований, если получит запрос от правоохранительных органов иностран-ного государства. Конфиденциальность можно сохранить.... more
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) deals with businesses found guilty of bribing foreign officials. The increasing number of cases and high financial penalties present a growing concern for businesses operating or planning to start... more
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act deals with businesses found guilty of bribing foreign officials. The increasing number of cases and high financial penalties present a growing concern for businesses operating or planning to start operating... more
La définition de l'« État stratège » nous est donnée par l'histoire : les États qui réussissent, par le passé comme aujourd'hui, ont une vision du long terme du développement et savent en actionner les six leviers 1 (Rochet, 2014). Nous... more
Lawmakers and prosecutors continue to take aim at a major subset of global corruption – corporate bribery of foreign government officials. Specifically , while the enforcement of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act in the United States has... more