Recent papers in Faces
As individuals who abuse methamphetamine (MA) often exhibit socially maladaptive behaviors such as violence and aggression, it is possible that they respond abnormally to social cues. To investigate this issue, we exposed 12 MA-dependent... more
The present study explores the place of manipulation within the management of human appearance. It focuses on the theme of the mask thought of as an articial face and on masking understood as communicative and semiotic phenomenon.... more
Disponible en: http://redalyc.uaemex.mx/src/inicio/ArtPdfRed.jsp?iCve=27615334004 ... Redalyc Sistema de Información Científica Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal ... Almirón, Analía; Bertoncello,... more
Este libro nace de una fascinación. Una fascinación por la idea de que el carácter moral de una persona pueda revelarse mediante signos corporales y, especialmente, faciales. Una fascinación que se extiende a todas las formas no... more
TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN The Society's artistic justification and value will grow and develop over time in synchrony with the scientific content, becoming an important illustration of the... more
Hyperrealistic replicas of the human face owe their documentary value to the belief that they result from mechanical reproduction. The idea that a picture is automatically produced through a process of imprint taking is often enough to... more
This essay explores the question of (inter)faces as a problem of mimetic form in the work of Sergei Eisenstein. While Eisenstein ’s early theory of attractions emphasizes the production of audience effects through “motor imitation,” his... more
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by reduced attention to social stimuli including the human face. This hypo-responsiveness to stimuli that are engaging to typically developing individuals may result from dysfunctioning... more
The Stones of Radiance assembled in the Body to house the Primordial Paired Energies as FACES that compose the Universe of Intelligence determining space and language. It is necessary to reDress terminologies of reference to figures... more
In Convivium II, 1 The representation of Christ portrayed in the mosaic at S. Pudenziana (402-417) is one of the most important images dating from Late Antiquity. Usually considered a visual echo of Imperial images or of pagan gods, it... more
En 1939 Sartre publica en el nº 5-6 de la revista Verbe un artículo intitulado “Visages” [“Rostros”]. Se trata de una descripción fenomenológica de la aparición de los otros a la conciencia. Previamente a su célebre teoría de la mirada de... more
While humans can recognize faces without much effort, facial recognition is a challenging pattern recognition problem in computing. Facial recognition systems attempt to identify a human face, which is three-dimensional and changes in... more
Cada vez con más frecuencia escuchamos o leemos en la bibliografía sobre gestión empresaria acerca de la complejidad que rodea a las organizaciones y sobre el marco de incertidumbre en el que interactúan. Si bien coincidimos con que el... more