Recent papers in Faustus
The master thesis deals with finding Faustian motives, allegories, ideas, metaphors, and other tropes in Oscar Wilde’s novel The Picture of Dorian Gray. Christopher Marlowe’s Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus is... more
The construction of ‘sorcerers’ in the Formicarius, Malleus Malificarum, Die Emeis and other treatises presented a comparatively impoverished imagery, whereas imaging the male victims of feminine witchcraft, like the harridan-ridden... more
If you want to understand why 3 + 3 + 3 = 9 the discursive rhythm Dusapîn uses in the music of his Faustus think of the witches in Macbeth THE THREE WITCHES The weird sisters, hand in hand, Posters of the sea and land, Thus do go... more
A comprehensive exploration of Dr. Faust, the man who sold his soul to the Devil, and those who dared to tell his tale. Volume 1 includes: New insights into the life and times of the historical Dr. Faustus, the notorious occultist and... more
Sympathy for the Devil: The Representation of Satan in Western Literature and Popular Culture
Jan Svankmajer’s cinematic animation of puppets and use of life-sized puppets renders a situation where animated objects have a dominant function that is separate from their pragmatic function. This plurality of function constitutes... more
*Academic Book Review* Jan Svankmajer – Dimension of Dialogue/ Between Film and Fine Art ed. Frantisek Dryje and Bertrand Schmitt. Revnice: Arbor Vitae, 2012. 508 pages. $49.95, paperback. Excerpt: The most interesting piece is perhaps... more
In 1833, the year prior to his death, Coleridge stated that ‘I never put pen to paper as translator of Faust’, but Burwick and McKusick believe that he did just that.11 The editors’ account of Coleridge's alleged translation of Faust has... more
The article focuses on the Catalan theatre group La Fura dels Baus's works on the myth of Faust. The analysis is based on the drama F@ust versió 3.0 (1998), the free adaptation of Berlioz's La damnació de Faust (1999), the cyber show... more
Many Shakespeare Marlow parallels - some exact, some more of a free association strongly link Marlowe and Shakespeare as the same author.
In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: When Czech filmmaker Jan Švankmajer released his film adaptation of the Faust legend in 1994, it was the culmination of a longstanding fascination with the story. His first... more
A “Coleção Mitos da Pós-Modernidade”se propõe a pensar o imaginário do mundo contemporâneo, enfatizando o caráter transdisciplinar desse tipo de pensamento e priorizando diálogos com a educação na atualidade. O mito de Fausto, terceiro... more
A unique, in-depth account of the genesis of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's masterpiece, Faust, Parts One and Two. An examination of the early sketches of his classic drama. Includes detailed explanations of Goethe's hidden symbolism in... more
Abstract: Something is rotten in the kingdom of healthcare. Due to the ‘dreams of reason’ in our current scientific and technological phase of development, we have finally confused the ‘machine’ for the ‘mechanism’. The immense... more
La critique de la rationalité du savoir à laquelle Kant se livre dans la Critique de la raison pure révèle un dédoublement (nous soulignons volontairement l'idée du double) entre le domaine transcendantal et la pratique empirique. Rien... more
Comparing the portrayals of three magic-users - Prospero, Sycorax, and Faustus - found in Shakespeare's The Tempest and Marlowe's The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus, this paper asserts that magic is a symbol of higher learning.... more
XXII Franz Liszt’s arrangement of Maria Pavlovna’s Lied “Es hat geflammt” and large-scale structures in Liszt’s Sonata in B minor and Faust-Symphonie by Tibor Szász © 2018, Hermann, www.editions-hermann.fr ABSTRACT The Grand Duchess... more
Avrupa kültürünün en etkileyici tarihsel figürlerinden biri olan Faust'u önemli kılan sadece şeytan ile yaptığı sözleşme ve sonucunda Hıristiyan etiğine uygun düşen bir şekilde cezalandırılması değildir kuşkusuz. Yazılı-sözlü, tüm Faust... more
SVOBODOVÁ, Z.: How can the legend of Faust speak to people today? Studia Aloisiana 1/2021. The present text examines Patočka's texts on the Faust theme, together with Havel's play Temptation. It seeks inspiration from elaborating the... more
Cet article se consacre à l’étude des relations entre la création du Faust de Valéry et les notes de son cours de poïétique donné pendant la Seconde Guerre. On y verra que les dilemmes de la fiducia politique et de la science moderne en... more
Sobre a poesia de Bruno Tolentino.
... 2 No.1, 2010, pp. 29-41 JJMLL Marlowe's Doctor Faustus: A Postcolonial ReadingSamira Al-Khawaldeh ... (II.i.552558) Significantly, it is Mephistopheles the devil (satanic source) that hands him such a volume on the natural... more
This paper argues that Marlowe's Doctor Faustus incorporates multiple degrees of domination that include the acquisition of subjectively intentional knowledge closely connected to colonialism. The dramatic text reveals the... more
The material dialectic put under the scrutiny of deconstruction. Dialectics and semantics used to outline a method and trace of thought to unify modern and postmodern pieces of theory towards a logic of composition, architectural or... more
Tomando en cuenta el texto de Friedrich Hegel, elegí la escena de Fausto donde Mefisto transforma a un Fausto viejo y cansado en uno joven y bello. Hegel nos dice que las bellezas de la naturaleza no se comparan con las bellezas creadas... more
REVUE « THÉÂTRES DU MONDE » Prix, commandes et abonnements Siège social : Université d'Avignon Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines ARIAS-Théâtres du Monde 74, avenue Louis-Pasteur 84029 - Avignon Cedex 1 N° d'ISSN :... more
The study analyzes the literary opus of dr. Joža Lovrenčič (1890–1952), a Slovenian poet, writer, translator, and classicist. Pointing out several details in his curriculum vitae, it deals primarily with his affinity for Graeco-Roman... more
in Hermann Witekinds Christlich bedencken und die Enstehung des Faustbuchs von 1587, ed. Frank Baron, Berlin: Weidler Verlag, 2009. ISBN:978-3-89693-550-2
This is one of a number of pieces covering events at the Edinburgh International Book Festival, which runs from 9th–25th August 2014 at Charlotte Square Gardens, Edinburgh. Carol Ann Duffy and John Sampson performed at the Edinburgh... more