Recent papers in Fibre
One of the many challenges faced in developing world is the issue of waste management. Organic fibres forms major percentage of waste produced from agricultural products and should be of great concern. Fibres have been used to reinforce... more
It has become evident that the addition of a suitable short fiber results in further improvement in mechanical properties. Reinforcement of elastomers with short fibers combines the rigidity of the fibre with the elasticity of rubber.... more
Fibre blend ratio is an important factor that determines the properties of spun yarn. Modal is a regenerated manmade fibre and free from short fibres, neps and impurities. In this paper, the influence of modal fibre percentage on the... more
The present study focused on inhibitory activity of freshly extracted essential oils from three legal (THC b 0.2% w/v) hemp varieties (Carmagnola, Fibranova and Futura) on microbial growth. The effect of different sowing times on oil... more
Fibre dimensions are of great significance due to their strong relationship with the strength properties of wood and paper. The fibre characteristics of three selected plant species (Verbenaceae family Duranta erecta and Lantana camara,... more
Fibres have been used in construction materials for a very long time. Through previous research and investigations, the use of natural and synthetic fibres have shown promising results, as their presence has demonstrated significant... more
Composite materials have assumed a significant part all through mankind's set of experiences, from lodging early civic establishments to empowering future developments. Composites offer numerous advantages; the key among them are erosion... more
This book documents an exploration of emergent and linear modes of defining space, form, and structure. The thesis highlights a dialog between analog and digital modeling techniques, in concept and project development. It identifies that... more
DETERMINATION OF FIBRE % cane is at the core of the evaluation of cane and for factory control purposes. The acceptability of any method depends on the accuracy of results, complexity of procedure, time required for the procedure and... more
"عنوان: بررسی و فن شناسی خاک جزیره قشم جهت احداث کارگاههای سفالگری چکیده بنا به درخواست سازمان منطقه آزاد قشم، بخش صنایع دستی، به منظور ایجاد اشتغال برای ساکنان بومی این جزیره و ایجاد جاذبههای توریستی، تواناییهای موجود در منطقه... more
Summary The present work is intended to describe the variability of fibre colours in the population of alpacas from the region of Huancavelica, Peru. The population structure, the incidence of defects and the quality of the fibre, were... more
The huge production of cement concrete is causing environmental issues at one end and the uncontrolled usage of natural resources on the other end. Because of the danger to the ecology, many investigations were being made to use... more
Fibre dimensions are of great significance due to their strong relationship with the strength properties of wood and paper. The fibre characteristics of three selected plant species (Verbenaceae family-Duranta erecta and Lantana camara,... more
The huge production of cement concrete is causing environmental issues at one end and the uncontrolled usage of natural resources on the other end. Because of the danger to the ecology, many investigations were being made to use... more
Leaf mechanical properties strongly influence leaf lifespan, plant–herbivore interactions, litter decomposition and nutrient cycling, but global patterns in their interspecific variation and underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood.... more
Studies of the Mesolithic–Neolithic transition in Europe have focused on plants and animals exploited for food. However, the exploitation of plants for fibres underwent a significant change with the addition of domestic flax as a fibre... more
Gel fibres of barium M ferrite, BaFe12O19, were blow spun from an aqueous inorganic sol and calcined at temperatures up to 1200°C. The ceramic fibres were shown by X-ray diffraction to be single phase crystalline M ferrite at 1000°C, and... more
The huge production of cement concrete is causing environmental issues at one end and the uncontrolled usage of natural resources on the other end. Because of the danger to the ecology, many investigations were being made to use... more
5 INNOVATIONs for the YANKEE and Drying Cylinder Section
3 AUSTRIAN Patents out of 5 application already accepted.
English Translation for all the PATENT-SUMMARIES and drawings.
3 AUSTRIAN Patents out of 5 application already accepted.
English Translation for all the PATENT-SUMMARIES and drawings.
The huge production of cement concrete is causing environmental issues at one end and the uncontrolled usage of natural resources on the other end. Because of the danger to the ecology, many investigations were being made to use... more
It has been hypothesised by us that the relative variability of wool and cotton prices rises with increasing capacity utilisation in the man-made fibre industry. The purpose of this paper is to consider whether or not the available... more
This study was conducted to investigate the impact of machine milking on fibre diameter and some plasma parameters such as cholesterol, triglycerides and total protein of lambs and their dams in early lactation period. In this study, 20... more
A testimonianza della mostra omonima che propone un ampio excursus nell’arte tessile e del ricamo della Sicilia Centrale tra il XV e il XVIII secolo, con particolare riguardo alle produzioni artistiche destinate alle celebrazioni... more
In this study some of the important properties of experimentally manufactured wood–plastic composites (WPC) were determined. Specimen having 60% and 80% particle and fiber of radiata pine (Pinus radiata) were mixed with polypropylene... more
Primarily a feminine duty or pastime, knitting has a deliciously rich history of political subversion in fiction and life. As a preemptive measure just prior to the Revolutionary War (1775–1783), American colonists boycotted British... more
Kohika is an important wet site for New Zealand archaeology, providing valuable information on prehistoric village life. This thesis looks at the fibre collection excavated from Kohika in 2005 and 2006, studying in depth the construction... more