Forest Tenure
Most downloaded papers in Forest Tenure
This article compares land dispossession for industrial development under state-developmentalism and neoliberalism in India. Drawing on interviews, ethnography and archives of industrial development agencies, it compares earlier steel... more
The Forest Rights Act, 2006 has the potential to democratise forest governance by recognising community forest resource rights over an estimated 85.6 million acres of India’s forests, thereby empowering over 200 million forest dwellers in... more
Tulisan ini membahas tiga kasus devolusi hutan di Indonesia yang mencerminkan dua kecenderungan dalam spektrum kebijakan devolusi, yakni (1) Community Based Resource Management (diwakili oleh kasus Hutan Repong Damar di Lampung Barat dan... more
Much of the literature on the ‘land grab’ has thus far focused on the international drivers of foreign agricultural investment, with far less attention paid to the roles of developing country states and domestic political economy in... more
In 2001 a new Land Law was adopted in Cambodia. It was significant because – for the first time – it recognised a new legal category of people, ‘Indigenous Peoples’ or chuncheat daoem pheak tech in Khmer, and it also introduced the legal... more
Scholars and advocates increasingly favor rights-based approaches over traditional exclusionary policies in conservation. Yet, national and international conservation policies and programs have often led to the exclusion of... more
Our body compulsory demands food, water and air to keep its vital functions and yet their economic nature is rather diverse with food mostly considered a private good, water suffering an accelerated privatization process and air so far... more
While much recent research has focused on the Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP), this is by no means the only social protection policy in rural Ethiopia. Drawing on a very different rationale to the PSNP, the Ethiopian government... more
Inclusion of marginalized sections and minorities remains one of the most vexing problems for democratic politics. This article discusses the enactment of a recent Indian law, ‘The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers... more
The aim of the work is to examine, by means of a look of synthesis based on historical and archaeological research, the different models of state settling (provincial and national) that were implemented in the south frontier of Buenos... more
Keberadaan KPH diharapkan menjadi bagian dari kunci keberhasilan penyelesaian konflik tenurial kehutanan, selain masyarakat dan para pelaku usaha sektor kehutanan. Persoalan dasar dalam pengelolaan hutan masih berkutat pada masalah... more
This chapter examines the effects of aquaculture development on the livelihoods of households in two historically and geographically distinct coastal communities in north and south Vietnam. It is shown that the importance of open-access... more
In sum of my dissertation, food security is the targeted subject. Its relation with Malthus theory of population growth and the role of scarcity, is equivalent to pronounce scarcity an endemic result. I evolve the discussion, into... more
This paper tries to contribute to the knowledge of the land policy developed by the provincial State of Buenos Aires in the first half of the nineteenth century, specially during the Rosas government. Throughout the analysis of the... more
Buku karya Martua Sirait ini sangatlah penting dan tepat waktu. Dikatakan penting karena fokusnya adalah satu isu yang sangat krusial namun jarang sekali dibahas secara kritis, yakni redistribusi tanah kawasan hutan sebagai bagian dari... more
El objetivo del trabajo es analizar los patrones de tenencia de la tierra y la territorialidad de los pequeños-medianos productores y los grupos de “indios amigos” como parte de las relaciones interétnicas durante los procesos de... more
Whether land transactions can benefit the local population depends on the governance system, the so‐called rules of the game and their enforcement. As investors often face a weak institutional environment in target countries, outcomes for... more
SUMMARY This paper investigates the dimensions of justice in Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation plus enhancement of forest carbon stock (REDD+) in West Africa. By paying explicit attention to transparency, equity... more
Because New Guinea is little known to the world at large, I have prepared a brief profile of the island, together with some snippets of personal experience from my time as an academic in Papua New Guinea. More detailed information is... more
Tribal areas in Orissa are some of the most backward and poverty ridden areas in the country. They are also extremely resource rich. 72% of the tribal households in Orissa live beneath poverty line. The paradox of rich resources, poor... more
Ce travail peut être considéré comme une étude de cas basée sur Ekta Parishad, un mouvement social indien d'inspiration gandhienne. A travers l’exploration de ce dernier, c'est la question du changement social contemporain, du poids... more
Certification initiatives are an increasingly prominent means of quelling public concern about the wider socio‐political, economic and environmental consequences of commodity production (timber, palm oil, soy) on increasingly concentrated... more
"The guide emerged out of 11 international dialogues that assembled more than 400 people to discuss how to make investing in locally controlled forestry (ILCF) happen. It is primarily a tool for practical action – providing guidance on... more