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Discusses literary dreams by Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenberg), Gérard de Nerval, and Thomas De Quincey.
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      Comparative LiteratureRomanticismLiteratureComparative Cultural Studies
Der sehr verschlüsselte Text der Lehrlinge zu Sais wurde unterschiedlcih interpretiert, teils strukturalistisch, teils auf die wissenschaftlichen Vorlagen bezogen. Diese Arbeit zeigt erstmals, wie beide Interpratationen sinnvoll... more
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      German RomanticismJohann Gottlieb FichteFriedrich von Hardenberg (Novalis)Early German Romanticism
Am 8. Mai 2016 wurde meine Dissertation "Novalis und die negative Theologie - Träume und Abgrund in der europäischen Romantik" (in französischer Sprache) mit dem Novalis Preis 2016 in Jena ausgezeichnet. Am Vorabend durfte ich bei einem... more
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      ReligionRomanticismPoetryGerman Romanticism
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      ReligionGerman StudiesComparative LiteratureMythology
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      Philosophy of ArtGerman IdealismGerman RomanticismFriedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling
Conférence grand public au château d'Oberwiederstedt (Saxe), 27 février 2016.
Öffentliche Konferenz im Schloss Oberwiederstedt (Sachsen-Anhalt), 27. Februar 2016
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      ChristianityLutheranismGerman RomanticismGerman Pietism
Günderrodes Gedicht "Liebe" wird in Kürze auf dessen metrische, klangliche und formale Aspekte, sowie auf sprachliche und stilistische Besonderheiten untersucht. Darauf folgt eine knappe Interpretation des Gedichts.
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      FrühromantikRomantikNeuere Deutsche LiteraturGedichtanalyse
Discusses the use of dreams in Novalis's novel "Heinrich von Ofterdingen" (1802), in E.T.A. Hoffmann's narrative "Die Bergwerke zu Falun" (1819) and in Charles Nodier's "Smarra" (1821) as the origin of fantastic literature.
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      Comparative LiteratureRomanticismLiteratureGerman Romanticism
Ler o Livro do Mundo. Walter Benjamin: romantismo e crítica poética, São Paulo: Iluminuras/FAPESP, 1999. 249 pp. (Segunda edição, 2020, 238 p. ISBN 9786555190427)
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      Critical ThinkingWalter BenjaminNovalisFrühromantik
Discusses the theory of the dream in the writings of Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenberg) against the background of Enlightenment and Romantic dream theories.
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureRomanticismHistory of Science
[Published in French - May 2017 - Presses du réel: http://www.lespressesdureel.com/ouvrage.php?id=5513&menu=] This book is an essay conceived as an intellectual portrait of the German writer, psychologist and art theorist Karl Philipp... more
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      AestheticsEnlightenmentGerman RomanticismAutobiography

Zwei Dichtungen der Natur:
Novalis und Hugo Jamioy des Kamëntsa Volkes

Vergleich des frühromantischen Naturbegriffs in Die Lehrlinge zu Sais und des indigenen Naturverständnisses in Bínÿbe oboye jauyeng (Windtänzer)
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      Indigenous StudiesPhilosophy of NatureFrühromantik
Overview and Review of publications in 2016 on German Romanticism
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      Heinrich HeineGerman RomanticismHeinrich von KleistJohann Wolfgang von Goethe
‘Romanticism’ is one of the more hotly contested terms in the history of ideas. There is a singular lack of consensus as to its meaning, unity, and historical extension, and many attempts to fix the category of romanticism very quickly... more
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      KantRomanticismGerman RomanticismHegel
Reconstruction of the double emergence of a new theory of the dream around 1800 in literature and science: in Novalis's novel "Heinrich von Ofterdingen" (1802) and in the writings of German Romantic anthropologists, esp. Gotthilf Heinrich... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureRomanticismHistory of Science
Vortrag, der am 30. Oktober 2016 bei der Tagung der Internationalen Novalis Gesellschaft über Novalis und die Religion in Wiederstedt gehalten wurde. In diesem Text geht es um eine Verdeutlichung der Religiosität des Novalis anhand von... more
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      History of ReligionGerman RomanticismRomantic poetryPietism
"The Work of Philosophy as a Work of Art. On the Style of Kant" Abstract A short essay upon the style of Immanuel Kant as the writer of the Critique of Pure Reason. Some general remarks about the relation between the philosophical book... more
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      KantJean-Luc NancyDeconstructionHegel
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesLiteratureGerman Romanticism
Overview and Review of publications on German Romanticism in 2015
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      German StudiesHeinrich HeineHeinrich von KleistJohann Wolfgang von Goethe
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      RomanticismNineteenth Century StudiesHistory of ChristianityBaruch Spinoza
The focus of the article is Friedrich Schelling’s ontology of the autonomous, spontaneous and productive nature. The author reconstructs in detail the inherent tensions as well as rivalry between Schelling’s conception of... more
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      Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph SchellingPhilosophy of NatureNaturphilosophieFrühromantik
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      AestheticsGerman RomanticismPoeticsFriedrich von Hardenberg (Novalis)
"«Di maggiore importanza per lo sviluppo della sua mente e dell’indirizzo della sua cultura fu la circostanza della sua dimora di alcuni anni in Germania, a Monaco e ad Erlangen, dove frequentò le rispettive università in qualità di... more
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      German RomanticismFriedrich Wilhelm Joseph SchellingJohann Wolfgang von GoetheJohann Caspar Lavater
Die Gründung der Frühromantik wurde den Jahren 1798-1799, der Zeit der Veröffentlichung der von August Wilhelm Schlegel und Friedrich Schlegel herausgegebenen Zeitschrift Athenaeum, in der das prägende progressive... more
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      Deutscher IdealismusNovalisFrühromantikFriedrich Schlegel
This examination considers the influence of the seventeenth century Cambridge Platonist Cudworth upon the thought of the late eighteenth century German thinker Herder. It focuses upon Herder’s use of Cudworth’s philosophy to create a... more
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      Intellectual HistoryAestheticsPhilosophy Of ReligionBaruch Spinoza
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      AestheticsGerman RomanticismPhilosophy of LoveFriedrich von Hardenberg (Novalis)
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      ReligionRomanticismNineteenth Century StudiesHistory of Christianity
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      RomanticismGerman Romanticism19th Century literatureFrühromantik
This examination provides a history of the problematic characterization of Early German Romanticism (or Frühromantik) as subjectivist, and challenges this characterization in light of recent scholarship. From its earliest critical... more
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      Intellectual HistoryRomanticismNineteenth Century StudiesEarly German Romanticism
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      Critical TheoryHermeneuticsSchleiermacherTheory of interpretation
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Este artigo procura desenvolver o conceito de "crítica" no primeiro romantismo, sobretudo em seus principais representantes, Friedrich Schlegel e Novalis. A partir destes autores já não se pode falar de uma obra de arte desvinculada da... more
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      Critical ThinkingArt CriticismNovalisFrühromantik
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      Literary SymbolismGerman IdealismGerman RomanticismHeinrich von Kleist
Bilingual English-German edition of second collection published by the German poet, dramatist, and philosopher Karoline von Günderrode (1780–1806). The second collection of writings by the German poet, dramatist, and philosopher Karoline... more
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      German LiteraturePhilosophyContinental PhilosophyGerman Idealism
Resumo: Hablar de la educación del Yo, es decir, de su formación, es hablar de la co-formación y co-educación del mundo. Traicionando y respetando al mismo tiempo el espíritu de la primera Wissenschaftslehre, Novalis muestra la... more
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      EducationSelf and IdentityRomanticismJohann Gottlieb Fichte
Dieser Artikel setzt sich mit der Beziehung zwischen Ontologie, Kontingenz und Geschlecht in der Frühromantik auseinander und legt den Fokus dabei auf die Figur von Dorothea Schlegel. Obwohl Dorothea Schlegels Werk oft getrennt von den... more
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      German IdealismImmanuel KantFrühromantikContingency
Abstract This article analyzes first how Friedrich Hölderlin (1770-1843) distances himself from Aristotle’s Poetics by positing the figure of tragic hero as the foundation of tragedy in the Grund zum Empedokles [Basis of Empedocles],... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureGreek TragedyRomanticism
Research seminar, Dipartimento di Scienze Umane - Università degli Studi dell'Aquila, 17 giugno 2021
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      German IdealismGerman RomanticismTheory of literatureFrühromantik
This paper analyses the diagnoses, solutions and means of implementation of an egalitarian social order outlined by Friedrich Schiller and Gerald Cohen. To accomplish that, both thinkers consider the urgency of eradicating egoism and... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical ScienceG. A. CohenFriedrich Schiller
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      ReligionRomanticismHistorical TheologyNineteenth Century Studies
Largely neglected today, the work of Karl Philipp Moritz was a highly influential source for Early German Romanticism. Moritz considered the form of myth as essential to the absolute nature of the divine subject. This defence was based... more
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      Intellectual HistoryMythologyRomanticismHistorical Theology
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      Intellectual HistoryPhilosophyAestheticsPhilosophy Of Religion
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      Intellectual HistoryPhilosophyAestheticsPhilosophy Of Religion
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      Johann Gottlieb FichteFriedrich von Hardenberg (Novalis)FrühromantikRomantik
Revista Ensemble, nº11, 2013, p. 37. Un des romans les plus célèbres du boom latino-américain pourrait-il être un héritier de la pensée et de l’esthétique du premier romantisme allemand (Frühromantik) ? C’est cette hypothèse qu’explore... more
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      RomanticismJulio CortázarLiteratura LatinoamericanaEsthetics
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      Philosophy Of ReligionRomanticismGerman RomanticismPlato and Platonism