Recent papers in Gagauzia
В дискуссионном материале № 40 представляются результаты анализа по определению факторов влияющих на прибыль и рентабельность больших предприятий в Омской области России. По годовым отчетам этих предприятий видно, что в России разделяют... more
The article presents a mathematical relationship between cost, profit and yield, presents a mechanism for the relationship of yield and the cost of grape production. The dependence of the yield of profit per unit of area and unit of... more
The presidential elections in the Republic of Moldova along with the referendum on the European integration revealed the fractures of the society across the Prut, the dissonances between historical regions as well as the ability of the... more
İn this article, the author, analyzing the works of Gagauz writers, reveals the theme of love. the text provides examples from the works of poets and writers in which this theme is most clearly expressed. it also lists certain artistic... more
- by Galina Mutaf
The article under consideration deals with the concept of “social stress” from the point of view of the impact of various stressors, such as: human abilities and capabilities; competencies and constraints emanating from group practices... more
Экономические науки Сельское хозяйство и перерабатывающая промышленность Информационные технологии, математика и физика Право и политические науки КОМРАТ, 2024 Conferința internatională știintifico-practică în onoarea a 33-a aniversării a... more
The present essay tries to "deconstruct" the far too romanticized vision of the Romanian public regarding the Republic of Moldova, highlighting the major challenges that stand in the way of the country's European path, especially now,... more
Eseul de față încearcă să "deconstruiască" viziunea mult prea romanțată a publicului român cu privire la Republica Moldova, subliniind provocările majore care stau în calea parcursului european al țării, cu precădere acum, înaintea... more
At the present stage of development, one of the most important tools of socio-economic development and positioning of the autonomous territorial unit Gagauzia (Gagauz Yeri) is the formation of a positive image of the region and promotion... more
In this publication, the authors study the catering industry of the ATU Gagauzia through the analysis of the current legislation of RM, regulating this sphere of economy, quantitative and qualitative analysis for the period 2018-2022,... more
The budget of autonomous-territorial unit (ATU) Gagauzia (Gagauz Yeri) is an important financial document that ensures the functioning of public administration bodies and budgetary institutions in the ATU Gagauzia (Gagauz Yeri), Republic... more
In this article, the author described the existing experience of implementing mobile applications and services with augmented and virtual reality technology in the framework of summer schools and trainings. The author analyzed the trends... more
The paper is devoted to the current issue of 2020 on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the tourism industry in general, Azerbaijan in particular, and overcoming this crisis, taking into account the main aspects and goals of... more
Under the conditions of rapid changes, the factors of integrated globalization processes have a strong impact on all spheres of human activity, as well as the activities of organizations. The article notes the problems of population... more
Use of respiratory protective equipment (RPE) has become the most significant way to prevent the coronavirus infection from its rapid spread. Our research goal was to analyze efficiency of various RPE used by people during COVID-19... more
In the article, the author conducts a study of the the mechanism of fixed tax/single payment for economic agents registered and operating in the autonomous territorial unit Gagauzia (Gagauz Yeri) of the Republic of Moldova. A comparative... more
In this publication the author investigates the new mechanism of VAT and excise tax refund from the budget of ATU Gagauzia, Republic of Moldova, introduced from November 01, 2023 through amendments to the Tax Code of RM, identifies... more
Raportul Guvernării Sectorului de Securitate oferă o analiză independentă, obiectivă și cuprinzătoare asupra sectorului de securitate din Moldova și asupra stadiului implementării reformelor din acest domeniu, analizând atât perfomanța... more
Şcoala de Managament în Sănătate Publică, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu” Centrul Naţional de Management în SănătateThe article describes the results of the evaluation of the human resources in the private medical sector and the impact upon... more
- by Oleg Galbur
The current international economic and political situation proves to us once more that economic independence is a fundamental premise for strengthening the independence, sovereignty and national integrity of the Republic of Moldova.... more
Publicația este elaborată cu suportul financiar al proiectelor de cercetare din cadrul Programului de Stat (2020-2023): 1. Proiectul 20.80009.0807.16 Elaborarea instrumentelor economice noi de evaluare şi stimulare a competitivităţii... more
In the last 80 years in the rural area of the Republic of Moldova have taken place essential changes of some demographic processes. Among the most important of them we can notice the reduction of the population number, due to the decrease... more
STATE OF CASTLE BREEDING IN THE PSKOV REGION IN 2000-2022 Аннотация. Данная статья посвящена анализу состояния скотоводства Псковской области за период 2000 по 2022 годы как аналитической базы проведения научного исследования. Ключевые... more
In this article the author makes a comprehensive analysis of the basics of regional investment policy, provisions of normative-legal acts regulating investment activity in the Republic of Moldova and ATU Gagauzia. Specific examples of... more
Румын или гагауз? К вопросу об этническом происхождении маршала Александру Авереску (1859-1938)
The business climate is one of the basic pillars of the development and advancement of a state under various aspects. Its analysis is extremely important for strengthening companies' capacities, which are the driving force behind the... more
- by Elena Moroi
Аннотация. Актуальность исследования обусловлена процессами цифровизации деятельности органов расследования и суда и их влиянием на доступность правосудия для граждан, в первую очередь, жертв преступлений. Одним из рисков цифровизации... more
IMSP Spitalul Clinic Republican, USMF ,,Nicolae Testemițanu”Rezumat În baza datelor statistice ale CNSP a fost studiată incidenţa şi prevalenţa anomaliilor congenitale ale sistemului circulator în populaţia Republicii Moldova. S-a... more
Думиника Иван. «Формулярный список 1922 года» протоиерея Михаила Чакира (новые аспекты источника) // Culegere de articole selective prezentate la Conferinţa ştiinţifico-practică cu participare internaţională „Unitatea personalităţilor... more
Între anii 1960-1990 incidenţa globală a scăzut de la 260,4 până la 32,4%ooo. În următorii 15 ani (1990-2005) se constată o creştere considerabilă a acesteia faţă de nivelul anului 1990 - 117,7%ooo în anul 2005. Între anii 1960 - 1990... more