Recent papers in Geohistory
Les expositions universelles, une utopie touristique toujours d’actualité ? World’s Fair, The Renew of Touristic Utopia? ¿Exposiciones universales, una utopía turística siempre de actualidad? À travers les expositions universelles... more
Les zones humides contemporaines s’inscrivent dans un territoire construit sur la longue durée, résultant d’interactions multiples entre les sociétés et leur environnement, qu’il est nécessaire de comprendre et de contextualiser pour... more
Los pequeños archipiélagos del litoral chubutense son los únicos de la costa patagónica. La necesidad de preservar su riqueza natural determinó, en 2009, la creación de un Parque pionero en su tipo en el país, co-administrado por Parques... more
Cet article analyse la genèse du concept de géohistoire chez l'historien français Fernand Braudel. Cette notion n'est pas apparue dans La Méditerranée et le monde méditerranéen à l'époque de Philippe II (1949) comme l'historiographie le... more
This text was originally written for the tenth anniversary issue of the Journal of Environmental Thought and Education (Japan). This is an expanded and revised version (June 20, 2018). Links to several earlier versions are included.
Kitab Suci Agama Kristen dan Islam mencatat pembinasaan kota-kota Sodom dan Gomora oleh hukuman Tuhan. “Kemudian TUHAN menurunkan hujan belerang dan api atas Sodom dan Gomora...dan ditunggangbalikkanNyalah kota-kota itu...asap dari bumi... more
Este libro fue tomando forma en el curso de dos ejercicios de investigación. En primer lugar, una serie de estudios arqueológicos e históricos realizados por el autor en las vertientes cordilleranas de los Andes hacia la cuenca del río... more
In The Prince and the Wolf, Latour explained that three years after the publication of Irreductions, he embarked on a multifaceted exploration of regimes of enunciation that, more than 15 years later, culminated in a book that appears... more
The interest of studying past flood events has been recently confirmed by the European Flood Directive 2007/60/CE which recommends describing the floods that had “significant adverse impacts”. This aspect raises some questions. What does... more
This HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) report focuses on the issue of so-called natural landscapes, considered as landscapes co-constructed by Mankind over the last centuries. Written records, old maps and plans, and other... more
The research on geo-history and historical geography during the Ottoman period is based mainly on the use of Ottoman tax registers because they contain a plethora of place-names and have a serial character which helps scholars to carry... more
Em decorrência da política de Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo, futuro marquês de Pombal, um novo paradigma urbano apareceu nos sertões do Norte por meio da criação de vilas de índios voltadas à civilização dos nativos segundo os modelos... more
El presente trabajo trata de la cartografía producida sobre la ciudad de São Paulo entre 1877 y 1930 y de cómo esa cartografía interfirió en la forma de como la ciudad fue vista y construida en el período. Se parte de la configuración del... more
The Northern sertões (hinterlands) – which involved, during Brazilian colonial era, the internalized areas of Maranhão, Piauí, Pernambuco and its attached provinces (Ceará Grande, Rio Grande, Paraíba and Alagoas), Bahia and Sergipe del... more
This is a revised version of a text presented in part at the American Association of Geographers’ Annual Meeting, April 10, 2018, in New Orleans.
Granice polityczne Polski i jej sąsiadów w XX wieku – wybrane zagadnienia / Political borders of Poland and its neighbors in the 20th century (selected issues) "Publikacja to zbiór doskonale opracowanych studiów poświęconych... more
Observers tend to overlook the early neoliberalism that derived from the " Lippmann Colloquium " organised in Paris in 1938. Analysis of the discourse produced and books published at this founding moment shows that neoliberalism was then... more
Environmental History of Nuclear Energy. Contents INTRODUZIONE. TEMPI STORICI, TEMPI GEOLOGICI (p. 9) CAPITOLO 1. AMBIENTE SETTANTA (p. 21) 1.1 Il senso di un decennio (p. 21) 1.2 Scienza, ambiente e istituzioni negli anni Settanta.... more
paysages de rivière nord-américains et européens ont une géohistoire commune, c’est-à-dire une construction sur le temps long qui emprunte des voies parallèles. Ainsi, de part et d’autre de l’Atlantique, les sociétés ont profondément... more
Manusia pada dasarnya tidak lepas dari lingkungan. Manusia perlu melakukan adaptasi atau menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan sekitarnya dikarenakan tidak mungkin manusia tidak bergantung pada alam. Lingkungan merupakan kesatuan ruang... more
Interpretasi saya mengenai sejarah burial geohistory dari 5 formasi. Tugas mata kuliah Geologi Sejarah. Mohon tidak disebarluaskan. Copyright reserved.
Bila dikaji dari sisi geografi, sejarah adalah proses adaptasi manusia dan lingkungan dari masa ke masa. Kondisi geografis menjadi satu hal yang seharusnya menjadi pertimbangan dalam strategi keamanan dan pertahanan nasional. Kita harus... more
Untuk mengetahui pertimbangan apa saja yang menjadi factor dalam menentukan letak sebuah pusat kota tentunya tidak bisa hanya dengan menggunakan analisis kesejarahan saja, karena kondisi alam dan lingkungan sangat memberi pengaruh besar... more
This paper discusses the advance of the speleothem luminescence research. Potential, resolution and limitations of high resolution luminescence speleothem proxy records of Paleotemperature, Solar Insolation, Solar... more
Le passage à l’Histoire est le fait majeur qui caractérise le premier millénaire a.C. en Gaule méditerranéenne même si, singulièrement, les textes anciens – rares et lacunaires jusqu’à la seconde guerre punique – ne nous renseignent... more
Σεπτέμβριος 2021 Κυκλοφορεί από τις Εκδόσεις Ινφογνώμων το νέο βιβλίο των Ιωάννη Βιδάκη και Δημητρίου Γεωργαντά: «Ο Αριστόβουλος Θεμιστοκλής. Ηγεσία, Δημοκρατία και Ελευθερία στην Αρχαία Αθήνα» Τα μηνύματα, τα διδάγματα και οι... more
Ce dossier L’État et son territoire : construction, déconstruction et reconstruction est issu des actes de la journée d’études qui s’est déroulée le 15 février 2019 à Cergy Paris Université. À cette occasion, dix historiens, géographes et... more
Les sociétés riveraines, par les différents aménagements qu’elles greffent aux cours d’eau ainsi que par leurs usages, bouleversent l’équilibre des hydrosystèmes. Les inondations constituent, dans ce contexte, une réponse du milieu face... more
We used the quantitative theory of solubility of karst rocks of Shopov et. al, (1989, 1991a) in dependence of the temperature and other thermodynamic parameters to make reconstructions of past carbonate denudation rates. This theory... more
Os mapas temáticos dessa série foram elaborados para fundamentar a tese de doutorado - Ecos de um suposto silêncio: paisagem e urbanização dos "certoens" do Norte (c.1666-1820) - defendida na Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da... more
Des documents pédagogiques (cartes, schémas, chorêmes) pour permettre d’aborder la complexité du conflit afghan selon des approches géohistorique, chronologique et géopolitique.
The brief and enigmatic Forerunner written by Nicholas Steno after a two-year residence in Tuscany (1667- 1668) contains several basic intuitions of earth sciences. His work influenced contemporary natural philosophers through Europe, but... more
Archaeogeography : a project of archaeology of the geohistorical knowledge. Archaeogeography is a discipline which takes more and more importance since about ten years within the disciplines studying the relation between the societies... more
This specific text focuses on UK energy policy. It attempts to link the past to the present by making a short story focusing on energy sources. The United Kingdom has decided to use the «black gold» in warships, with a serious risk: it... more