History of Mining and Industry
Recent papers in History of Mining and Industry
Der Aufsatz ist ursprünglich in dem Tagungsband des 16. Internationalen Bergbau - u. Montanhistorik -Workshops Müsen im Siegerland (28. Mai bis 01. Juni 2013) erschienen und war Gegenstand des gleichlautenden Einführungsvortrages des... more
LACKO, Miroslav. Robotnícke kolónie na Železníku - zabudnutý industriálny skvost [Workers' Lodgings in Železník - A Forgotten Industrial Jewel]. In: Z dějin hutnictví 42 - Rozpravy Národního technického muzea v Praze 219 (2012), pp.... more
RANTINGS OF A MAD MINER is Bill Glover's fourth book and third in the Mad Miner Trilogy. The Mad Miner is back with a selection of true tales from life on the mining trail, written by a miner who walked the walk. Share light-hearted... more
By re-examining primary source material (in particular: contemporary investigation evidence and reports, Acts of Parliament, Hansard extracts), this essay reviews efforts towards child employment reform in the Victorian era pottery... more
Издание посвящено выдающемуся инженеру-путейцу, промышленнику, меценату, благотворителю, коллекционеру, одному из основателей Брянского машиностроительного завода Виктору Федоровичу Голубеву. Авторы – брянские историки и краеведы Артур... more
A pesar deI inten3s que ha despertado Alonso Barba y su obra (vease, por ejemplo, Bargal16 (1969) y Barnadas, (1986)), se conocen pocos datos de la biograffa de este gran metalurgista hispano. "Natural de la Villa de Lepe, en la... more
Dargestellt wird die Entwicklungssgeschichte dieses alten, bereits im 16. Jahrhundert urkundlich erwähnten Bergwerks im sog. Freien Grund.
Alburnus Maior site, or the present day Roşia Montană represents one of the most important mining centers of the Roman world, being exploited during the 2nd and 3rd centuries BC for gold and silver. Due to a large scale mining project in... more
This paper examines the relationship between the design and use of mechanical technology, patronage and investment, and economic return, using three main case studies: water-lifting devices, the water-powered grain mill, and the diverse... more
The book presents results of the research into the role played by the state in the origins of the Russian industry, with the XVIIth century Ural and Siberian metallurgy taken as an example. The history of iron, non-ferrous and precious... more
Estudio comprensivo de la producción industrial en Lima colonial. Establece que, al lado de numerosos pequeños talleres artesanales había grandes talleres manufactureros y una gran producción domiciliaria organizada por grandes... more
Ročenka o dejinách baníctva a hutníctva / Jahrbuch für Geschichte des Berg- und Hüttenwesens
in: Historica Carpatica 37 (2006), s. 55-80. ISBN 978-80-89093-14-4
A survey of the literature that notes gaps and possibilities for a new history of British coal.
Montánna história / Die Montangeschichte : Ročenka o dejinách baníctva a hutníctva / Jahrbuch für Geschichte des Berg- und Hüttenwesens 3 (2010), S. 94–195.
In: Der Anschnitt : Zeitschrift für Kunst und Kultur im Bergbau 68 (2016), Heft 4-5, S. 156-167. ISSN 0003-5238.
In den ansteigenden Höhen des Lohbergs südlich des Ortes Altenseelbach setzten mehrere, 50 -100 m parallel verlaufende N-S Gänge auf, die von W nach 0 als „Mannseifer", .Lohmann" und .Wilhelmstroster Gang" zusammengefaßt werden können und... more
in: Montánna história / Die Montangeschichte 1 (2008), s. 242-247. ISBN 978-80-970099-0-8.
A biography of the Scottish mining engineer.
Cerro Muriano is a small population centre situated 16 km to the north of the city of Córdoba, between the municipalities of Córdoba and Obejo (Andalusia, Spain). This territory is situated over a large field of copper veins, which has... more
A biography of a coal owner prominent in the industrial relations of the British industry in its most turbulent period.
A mediados de 1866 la firma neoyorquina Lower California Company comisionó al geólogo William More Gabb (1839-1878) para que inspeccionara los territorios que el gobierno mexicano le había otorgado en concesión en Baja California. El... more
This paper represents a synthesis of the research and patrimonialisa-tion work carried out on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the foundation of the National Mining Office for Hydrocarbons and Georesources (UNMIG) dating back... more
The cultural context generated by the mining industry works as an unifying force among mining enclaves, as well as an element of distinction in relation with the surrounding territories. The mining culture, set up as the common answer to... more
Toda una constante tradición historiográfica sostuvo durante tiempo y con firmeza que la siderurgia vasca había introducido el empleo de la energía hidráulica en el proceso metalúrgico en pleno siglo XVI, con considerable retraso, nada... more
This article opens up the 1914 case of smugglers Hira Naran and Dulabh Vira to consider an illicit trade in gold between the eastern ports of southern Africa, east Africa and southern Asia. From a newly compiled database of two and half... more
Montánna história / Die Montangeschichte : Ročenka o dejinách baníctva a hutníctva / Jahrbuch für Geschichte des Berg- und Hüttenwesens 4 (2011), S. 214–221.
In: Bergbau und sein Erbe. 14. Internationaler Montanhistorischer Kongress: Schwaz – Hall in Tirol – Sterzing 2015. Hrsg. Wolfgang Ingenhaeff – Johann Bair. Wattens : Berenkamp Buch- und Kunstverlag, 2016, S. 168–198. ISBN 978-3-85093-360-5
K transferu inovácií v stredoeurópskom hutníctve: Bartolomej Ľudovít Hechengartner (1702–1773) a zhutňovanie medi na Spiši v prvej polovici 18. storočia [Zum Innovationstransfer im mitteleuropäischen Hüttenwesen: Bartholomäus Ludwig... more
The last three decades of the reign of Poland’s last king, Stanisław August Poniatowski were a period of cultural and economical revival of the country. The development was due to the reforms introduced by the king: a new economical... more
LACKO, Miroslav. Frühneuzeitlicher Bergbau und Umwelt in Mitteleuropa. Probleme und Perspektiven der Forschung. In Bergbau und Umwelt. 15. Internationaler Montanhistorischer Kongress: Sterzing/Hall in Tirol/Schwaz. Hrsg. von Wolfgang... more