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A review of George Gawrych's The Young Atatürk: From Ottoman Soldier to Statesman of Turkey 2013 from H-net http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=39948
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      Military HistoryStrategy (Military Science)Ottoman HistoryTurkish Nationalism
After Hitler had came into power, Philipp Schwartz was obliged to leave his Professorship mission in Frankfurt University Medical Faculty Pathology Institute because of being jewish. By going to Switzerland, he established an association... more
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      Nazi GermanyRefugee Scholars and ScientistsHistory of Turkish RepublicHistory of Pathology
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      HistoryHistory of Turkish Republic
This research aims to examine the reforms in social life in the early republican era in the perspective of the The New York Times (NYT) which is one of the most effective newspapers in the USA and the world. The research was made by way... more
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      Modern HistoryCultural HistoryTurkish and Middle East StudiesTurkish History
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman StudiesTurkish HistoryOttoman Empire
ÖZ Türk siyasal yaşamında demokrasinin gelişimi açısından parlamentoda kadın temsiliyetinin varlığı ve etkisi önemlidir. Bu varlık ve etki, meşrutiyet döneminin ilk tohumlarını attığı ancak Cumhuriyet döneminin adını koyduğu ve... more
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      Women's RightsOttoman EmpireDemocracyDemokrasi
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      Ottoman HistoryGerman HistoryJewish HistoryHolocaust Studies
In this paper, the magnetic tape collection of Austrian Turkologist Andreas Tietze (1914–2003) will be introduced. In 2016, the collection was given to the Phonogrammarchiv for the purpose of itemising, archiving and analysing its... more
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      MusicTurkish and Middle East StudiesTurkish HistoryModern Turkey
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      Balkan HistoryPolitical ScienceYugoslaviaTurkish History
Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi Bölümü tarafından 5 Kasım 2014 tarihinde gerçekleştirilen "Osmanlı ve Cumhuriyet Tarihi Araştırmaları - V. Lisanüstü Öğrenci Sempozyumu"nda sunulan... more
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      Military HistoryOttoman HistoryOttoman BalkansOttoman Military History
Tarihsel olaylar, ekonomik ve toplumsal pek cok etkenin yani sira belirli olcude kisisel saiklerle gerceklesir. Biyografiler ozellikle kisi eksenli siyasi yapilanmalarin anlasilmasi acisindan son derece onemlidir. Olaganustu sayilamayacak... more
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      ModernizationBiographyModern TurkeyEarly Republican Turkish History
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      HistoryPolitical ScienceHistory of Turkey and Middle eastRefugees
Bu calisma Jean Bodin’in nufus ve guc iliskisi bakimindan egemenlik anlayisi uzerinden Milli Mucadele sonrasi Turkiye’nin nufus artisi politikalarinin guce erisme kapasitesi degerlendirmesini icermektedir. Ekonomik olarak ve nufus... more
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      Population StudiesJean BodinHistory of Turkish RepublicTürkiye Cumhuriyeti TArihi
This paper uses a language ideology framework to look at the work of the early 20th century Turkologist Ziya Gokalp's work.
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      Language and IdeologyTurkish LanguageHistory of Turkish Republic
The aim of our work is to determine joint-stock companies operating and producing sports services in the Late period of Ottoman Empire and the Early period of Turkish Republic. In the study, a qualitative method was followed by... more
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      Sports HistorySports ManagementTurkeyOttoman Empire
Publicly visible forms of celebrating and commemorating Turkey’s founding father predate his death and subsequent apotheosis in 1938. While markers of his visual ubiquity would increase with time, but careful consideration of the full... more
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      Caricature (Visual Studies)Print CultureArt HistoryVisual Culture
Osmanlı saltanatının son döneminde başlayan “Klasik Batı Müziği” ile modernleşmenin basamaklarında yükselme hevesi Cumhuriyet ile beraber bir ülkü haline gelmiştir. Klasik müziğin ithalinden klasik müzikte doku nakline geçilmiştir. Ulus... more
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      Music EducationMusic HistoryMusicologyTurkish and Middle East Studies
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      HistoryHistory of Turkish RepublicGeneral Turkish Historyold turkic studies
20. yüzyılın ilk yarısında Türkiye’de kadın sorunsalı toplumsal dönüşümün ana eksenini oluşturuyordu. Özgürlükten eşitliğe, uluslaşmadan laikliğe, gündemdeki tüm temel dönüşümler kadına odaklıydı. Kadın “yeni hayat”ın nirengi noktasıydı.... more
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman StudiesTurkish HistoryOttoman Empire
Donated by Klaus Kreise
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman StudiesTurkish HistoryFeminism
... iikufe Nihal'e gére Flfkfi ergec; kendi temsilcilcrini Meclis'te ... Bizdc bugfin siyasi bir tek firka var: Anadolu ve Rumeli Mfidafaa-i Hukuk Heyeti. Ehemmiyetsiz ferdi gayret ve muhalefet miistesna olmak iizere... more
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman StudiesTurkish HistoryOttoman Empire
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      Social MovementsPhilosophyTurkish and Middle East StudiesPolitical Violence
"Der Abschnitt Transformation von Staatlichkeit wird von Ismail Küpeli mit seiner historischen Aufbereitung des sogenannten Kurdenkonflikts eröffnet. Er zeichnet im Artikel »Machbarkeit der türkischen Nation« die gewaltvolle... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesColombiaGenocide StudiesAnarchism
ÖZ: Eski Türk inanç sistemlerinden biri olan Şamanizm'de şamanlar; kötü ruhları kovmak, ölüleri öteki dünyaya göndermek, insanlarla tanrılar arasında iletişimi sağlamak gibi dinî görevlerin yanı sıra hekimlik, falcılık ve... more
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      Religion and PoliticsShamanismTurkish and Middle East StudiesTurkish Literature
French libertarian ideas did not only revolutionize the whole European continent but also spread into its marginal territories, including Ottoman lands. The French Revolution was the revolution of its time, and the Ottoman Empire, in its... more
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman StudiesTurkish HistoryOttoman Empire
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      TurkeyPolitical History of TurkeyHistory of Turkey and Middle eastModern Turkey
Anayasa ve onun siyasal yansimalari Turkiye gibi demokratiklesme surecini henuz tamamlayamamis ulkelerde son derece onemlidir. Turkiye’de siyasal tartismalar zaman zaman anayasal zemin uzerinden yurutulegelmistir. Turk siyasi tarihi... more
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      Constitutional LawComparative Constitutional LawTurkish and Middle East StudiesTurkish politics
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      American HistoryComparative PoliticsHistorical StudiesHistory of Turkish Republic
The Turkish Constitutional Court is often described as an agent of the raison d'etat. Although a number of judgements confirm this assessment, by shifting the focus from result to process the article reveals that judicial decision-making... more
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      Comparative PoliticsPolitical TheoryJudicial reviewConstruction
"Türk milli kimliğinin Cumhuriyet’in kuruluşunu izleyen ilk onbeş yıldaki niteliği On Beşinci Yıl Kitabı'nda ötekinin izi sürülerek tanımlanmaya çalışıldığında karşımıza Kurtuluş Savaşındaki düşmanlar ya... more
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    • History of Turkish Republic