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In: K. van Berkel & C. van Bruggen, Academische vrijheid. Geschiedenis en actualiteit (Amsterdam: Boom 2020), pp. 87-115 .
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      Academic FreedomHistory of University
Prispevek obravnava slovenske doktorje na področju germanistike, ki so promovirali na Univerzi na Dunaju. Čeprav je bila nemščina vse do razpada avstro-ogrske mo-narhije učni jezik na gimnazijah in tako močno zasidrana v družbeno in... more
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      German StudiesHistory of ScienceGermanic StudiesHistory of University
POVZETEK: V prvem delu članek prikazuje značilnosti nacionalsocialistične koncepcije znanosti z oporo v ideologiji völkisch in navaja nekatere njene regresivne družbene učinke, kot so okrepitev antiintelektualizma, degradacija temeljnih... more
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      EducationLanguages and LinguisticsTransformation of University SystemsHistory of Universities
Should education have any use? The question seems hardly worth asking, let alone answering. Yet this apparently absurd topic constitutes the major issue that has dominated debates about higher education in Britain for the past two hundred... more
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      Knowledge ManagementAnthropology of KnowledgeKnowledge SocietyHistory of Universities
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      History of UniversitiesHistoria de las Universidades: ámbito español y proyección hispanoamericanaHistory of UniversityEstudiantes De La Universidad
The central question of the considerations is how lot-casting was integrated into decision processes for the distribution of goods and allocation of offices at the medieval university and how the contingency arising from this was dealt... more
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      Cultural HistoryMedieval HistoryDecision MakingMedieval Studies
Alberico Gentili (San Ginesio 1552 - Londra 1608) studia presso l’Università di Perugia dove si laurea in diritto civile il 23 settembre 1572. Nel 1580 è costretto a fuggire dall’Italia, per motivi religiosi, per giungere a Londra in... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History
This book sketches the history of higher education, in parallel with the development of science. Its goal is to draw attention to the historical tensions between the aims of higher education and those of science, in the hope of... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistorySociology of CultureSociology of Education
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      HistoriographyUniversity HistoryFrench HistoriographyHistory of University
The present study provides some analysis methods of historiographic images, as a result of which at every historiographic stage dominant and marginal images were defined and their main structure elements were determined. The work reveals... more
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      History of UniversityMetodology of History
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      Gender StudiesMasculinity StudiesGenreMasculinity
La Facoltà di Scienze dell’Università di Bari fu l’esito del lungo percorso compiuto dall’istituzione pugliese per costruire la propria identità culturale e rispondere in maniera efficace alle esigenze di sviluppo del territorio. Gli... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyHistory of UniversityHistory of School Institutions and Educational Systems
"Creating the Future of Health" is the fascinating story of the first fifty years of the Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary. Founded on the recommendation of the Royal Commission on Health Services in 1964 the... more
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      History of MedicineCanadian HistoryMedical EducationHistory of University
Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Studenten aus Ingolstadt, die zwischen 1392 und 1600 an Universitäten und Hochschulen im Reich studierten. Dabei beschäftigt sie sich mit der Entwicklung des Schulwesens in Ingolstadt, den herzoglichen... more
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      History of UniversitiesSocial HistoryStudentsBavarian History
Medieval Christology looks at Thomas Aquinas and Scholasticism. The established doctrines of the church were recast in relation to the rediscovered categories of Aristotelian philosophy, and theology was established as a discipline in the... more
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      Medieval HistoryAristotleMedieval TheologyChristology
Fascism, culture and university in an important speech by Giuseppe Bottai (1928) ABSTRACT: The paper analyzes the contents of the inaugural speech given by Giuseppe Bottai, undersecretary of the Ministry of Corporations, at the University... more
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      History of EducationContemporary HistoryHistory of University
Basado en una rica veta documental de archivos españoles y mexicanos, el presente libro muestra las vicisitudes institucionales por las que transitó la medicina de corte hipocrático-galénico en la Nueva España entre los siglos XVI y XVII.... more
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      MedicineNew SpainHistory of UniversityProtomedicato
Taşçı-Kaya, G. (2015). Walter Ruegg “A History of the University in Europe, Volume IV: Universities since 1945, Book review, Journal of Ottoman Research, (45), 369.
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    • History of University
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      PhilologyHistoryAncient HistoryEuropean History
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      Urban HistorySocial HistoryAntisemitismHistory of University
În mod evident, istoria universitară și viața academică din România interbelică sunt insuficient cunoscute, în ciuda rolului major jucat de instituțiile de învățământ superior și de corpul lor profesoral pe scena culturală, și nu mai... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryHistory of EducationHistory of higher education
In "A ‘Splendid Idiosyncrasy’: Prehistory at Cambridge 1915-50" Pamela Jane Smith charts the development of prehistoric archaeology from an amateur ‘haphazard’ pastime to a fully ledged academic discipline. Smith argues persuasively that... more
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      HistoryCultural HistorySociologyArchaeology
En este capítulo nos proponemos analizar lo ocurrido en las universidades nacionales entre 1974 y 1983. A partir de la lectura de distintos tipos de informes de inteligencia – producidos por la Gendarmería Nacional (que en esos años... more
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      History of UniversityUniversity and dictatorship
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    • History of University
This essay concerns the place of books in shaping three decades (1728–60) during which Amsterdam’s Portuguese community deepened and expanded its rabbinic study. It discusses two sets of sources primarily. The first consists of annual... more
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of ReligionBook HistoryHistory of the Book
XIth Conference Medieval Canon Law
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      Canon LawMedieval HistoryLegal HistoryHistory of Church Councils
Linda Erker, Die Universität Wien im Austrofaschismus. Österreichische Hochschulpolitik 1933 bis 1938, ihre Vorbedingungen und langfristigen Nachwirkungen (Schriften des Archivs der Universität Wien, Bd. 29), Göttingen: Vienna University... more
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      Contemporary ArtAustrian HistoryAustrofascismHistory of University
La storia di Sapienza è costellata di eccellenze che rappresentano gran parte della storia del pensiero scientifico in Italia. Le discipline che hanno sviluppato una vera e propria “scuola” presso Sapienza coprono tutto l’arco dei saperi,... more
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      History of architectureUniversityCampusHigher Education and History of Universties
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      University HistoryHistory of University
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Crown of AragonMedieval Universities
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      LawJurisprudenceLegal HistoryRoman Law
corrects attribution of the heuristic term "marriage group" in Chaucer studies to Eleanor Prescott Hammond's 1908 book--4 years before Kittredge's essay.
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      Gender StudiesChaucerMedieval StudiesGender
Un aspecto clave de la construcción de la dictadura franquista y la socialización de su cultura política fue el control de la educación y la ciencia. En la Universidad, el Ministerio dirigido por José Ibáñez Martín separó a los... more
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      Cultural HistoryPierre BourdieuFrancoismIntelectual History
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      Library ScienceHistory of higher educationLibrary historyGerman Language and Culture
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      PhilologyHistoryAncient HistoryEuropean History
Seminário Internacional UNIVERSidades: Redes e Identidades 2022 REFORMAS A partir de finais do século XI, a institucionalização de corporações de mestres e de estudantes dá origem às primeiras Universidades. Apoiada pelo poder de... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History
The purpose of this book is to explain the process of establishing the seven Spanish grand colleges where a large part of the State and the Church elite servants were educated in the 16th and 17th centuries. To this end those colleges are... more
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      Patronage (History)Historia Social Y CulturalHistory of UniversityMedieval and Early Modern Spain
This paper in German language is discussing the cultural, religious and political background of the foundation of the University of Wittenberg 1502. The foundation of the University in Wittenberg is strongly influenced by the... more
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      Courts and Elites (History)Maximilian von HabsburgHistory of Universities in the Middle Ageslate medieval and early modern history of European nobility and courts
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      HistoryAntisemitism (Prejudice)Jewish HistorySocial History of Medicine
In 1355 the Commune of Perugia had some privileges confirmed by the Emperor Charles IV which temporarily reinforced its power and ability towards the cardinal Albornoz. Six 'diplomata' were produced: three, which were related to the power... more
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      Medieval HistoryLatin PaleographyCritical Edition (Medieval History)History of University
This chapter analyzes the intellectual context of the astronomical treatises found in the Icelandic composite manuscript GKS 1812 4to and endeavors
to suggest how these works arrived in Iceland.
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsMedieval ScienceMedieval ScandinaviaHistory of Astronomy
Περιοδικό Τριπτόλεμος, τ. 41 (Άνοιξη 2017)

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      Modern Greek HistoryHistory of University
Orta Çağ, Yunan Roma kültüründen sonra gelerek, Aydınlanma Çağı'na kadar uzanan yaklaşık bin yıllık bir dönemi kapsar. Orta Çağ şüphesiz Antikçağ ile Rönesans arasında bir geçiş dönemi olarak kabul edilir. Dolayısıyla hem önceki dönemden... more
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      History of UniversitiesMiddle AgesEuropean universitiesHigher Education and History of Universties
Für die finale Version siehe: Linda Erker, Die Universität Wien und die Diktatur der vielen Namen. Ein Beitrag zur Faschismusforschung, in: Carlo Moos (Hg.), (K)ein Austrofaschismus? Studien zum Herrschaftssystem 1933–1938 (Austria:... more
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      Contemporary HistoryFascismInterwar Period HistoryAustrian History
Marc Champagne argues that the supposedly ‘professional’ style of the analytic
tradition does not ensure professionalism, nor indeed, clear-mindedness.
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryAmerican LiteratureDiscourse Analysis
This article deals with the birth of the Studium of Medicine in Bologna during the 13th century. The theme of the beginning of teaching in a context of spontaneous origin highlights the fluidity of the object of the research. Also through... more
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      History of MedicineHistory of UniversitiesMedieval MedicineHistory of Medicine in Medieval and Early Modern Europe
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      History of EducationHistory of University
The Foundation of the Erzsébet University, the History of Pozsony and Budapest Years This paper presents the events before the foundation period and the creation of the new law concerning the new universities of Pozsony and Debrecen in... more
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      History of HungaryHistory of UniversityHistory of Bratislava (Pressburg/Pozsony)
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      History of LawHistory of University
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of UniversitiesHoly Roman Empire