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ÖZ: Bu çalışmada unutulmuş yazarlarımızdan biri olan İrfan tarafından kaleme alınan ve 1912’de yayımlanan Matmazel Anjel adlı roman incelenmiştir. Roman; kurgusu, konusu ve barındırdığı örtük iletiler göz önüne alındığında “Türk Tarihinde... more
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      Modern Turkish LiteratureTürk RomanıII. MeşrutiyetTürk Dili ve Edebiyatı
Ponencia: "El último viaje: la escatología shií en la perspectiva de Mulla Sadra"
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      Islamic StudiesIslamic EsotericismIslamic misticismMulla Sadra
Questions that are put forth here are what the Imaginal Realm is? What role and necessity does it have in the Islamic cosmology? The Imaginal Realms attributes and how it can be logically proved? What does the Qur'ān and the narrations of... more
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      GnosticismIslamic MysticismMundus ImaginalisNoetics
Paper session presented to the Association for Iranian Studies, 12th Biennial Conference, University of California – Irvine, Irvine, California (August 2018)
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      Intellectual HistoryPhilosophyDivinationHistory of Science
Lectures and academic articles. Order from here: https://onlineshiastudies.com/books/ Or from Amazon. Contents: Lectures: 1. Transforming our Way of Being 2. Entering the Prophetic Path 3. The Return to Our Primordial Nature... more
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      MysticismIslamic StudiesSpirituality & MysticismReligion and Modernity
S ciljem predstavljanja irfana, odnosno gnoze ili puta spoznaje Boga – kako stoji u podnaslovu ove poslanice – kakvim se baštini unutar ehli-bejtskog učenja, izbor ovog djela se neizbježno nametnuo iz više razloga. Jedan od tih razloga je... more
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      SufismIrfanAllameh Tabatabaeivelajet
Knjiga pred nama predavanja su arifa, filozofa i fakiha Allame Sejjid Muhammed Husejn Husejni Teheranija koje je održao u posljednjim godinama njegova boravka u Teheranu, prije nego što se naselio u Mešhedu, u kojem je preselio na bolji... more
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      SufismIrfanAllame Tehrani
Uzvišeni Bog je blizu svakoj stvari, kao i što sām kaže: “Ja sam, sigurno, blizu.” Ustvari, budući da Božije stvaranje nije ništa drugo do Njegova manifestacija i očitovanje, sva bića su po Njemu očitovana i po Njemu postoje. Uzvišeni Bog... more
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      IrfanFaculty of Electrical and Electronical Engineering
Predaja “Ko spozna sebe spoznao je svoga Gospodara” spada u red veoma poznatih islamskih predaja, koja je stoljećima zbog svog značaja okupirala umove muslimanskih mislilaca iz svih područja znanosti, kakve su filozofija, irfan, tefsir,... more
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This article examines four mystical treatises by the Safavid scholar, Fayd al-Kāshānī (d. 1090/1679). Of the four, al-Kalimāt al-Maknūna (“the Hidden Words”), serves as the basis for the three other versions, al-La’āli’, Qurrat... more
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      Islamic PhilosophySafavids (Islamic History)Islamic Thought & PhilosophyIslamic Mysticism
İnsanı insan yapan, diğer canlılardan ayıran özelliği öğrenme kabiliyeti, bu değerler ile birleştirip insan onuruna yakışan şekilde hareket etmesidir. Öğrendikleri ile amel etmesi, öğrendikleri ile iman etmesi insan olmanın, imtihana tabi... more
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      IslamBilimIrfanİslamic Science/İslami İlimler/العلوم الإسلامية
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    • Irfan
Ovaj kratak ogled o pojmu velajeta je objavljen kao dodatak na kraju bosanskog izdanja knjige "Poslanica o velajetu" od Allame Tabatabaija u izdanju Fondacije "Baština duhovnosti" iz Mostara, 2012. god. Iz ogleda: "...dvije ili više... more
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Poslanica Susret sa Allahom ili Sejro-suluk je nadahnjujuće i izuzetno vrijedno djelo Mirze Džeavda Maliki Tabrizija. Ovim djelom, kao i svim ostalim, a posebno svojim životom, Mirza Dževâd Maliki Tabrizi je otvorio vrata spoznaje i... more
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      SufismIrfansejro soluk
Përmbajtja/Contents: Fjala jonë/Editorial: https://gnosa.mk/#/publications/27 1. Max Planck "Feja dhe shkencat natyrore"/ "Religion and Natural Science" UDC 2-18 2. Mahdi Golshani "Shkenca dhe ummeti musliman"/ "Science and the... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceIbn SinaIslam and DemocracyTasawwuf
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      Islamic StudiesShi'ismIrfan
Šejh Šehabuddin Suhrawardi je filozof i arif u kojem su se sjedinili mudrost, spekulativna spoznaja i praktični irfan. U njegovoj filozofiji spekulativno je s praktičnim toliko isprepleteno da se onaj koji nije prošao duhovni put ne može... more
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      Contemporary SufismSuhrawardi MaqtulSufismeIrfan
Jedan od puteva spoznaje Uzvišenog Boga je duhovno otkrovenje i vizija. Ovaj rad nakon definiranja duhovnog otkrovenja i vizije bavi se pitanjima razlike između otkrovenja i kerameta, rahmanijetskih i šejtanskih otkrovenja, te nužnosti... more
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Iz uvoda knjige, Allame Teherani: Osnova ove poslanice je suština i srž prvog kruga časova ahlaka i irfana koje je naš cijenjeni učitelj Allame Tabatabai držao nekim učenicima 1368/69. hidžretske godine u islamskom učilištu Komu. Ovaj rob... more
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      SufismIrfanAllameh TabatabaeiAllame Tehrani
In order to understand the ‘irfān of Imam ‘Alī , we have to know what ‘irfān is, and how it is related to Imam ‘Alī .
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      Islamic StudiesSufismShi'ismImam Ali
Everyone translates what is transmitted to him into his own language, that is, he makes it into something of the same nature as his person.
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      Heresy and OrthodoxySufism (mysticism), Shi'ism and Islamic eschatologyShaykhiyyaIrfan
Pensamiento y efecto de Nasimi en Literatura comparada en recursos extranjeros (Analizando con Goethe, S. Remiev y Dafydd ap Gwilym) Abstract Imadeddin Nasimi is one of the mystical poets of the 14th century as a continuation of the... more
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      Comparative LiteratureTasavvufAzerbaijan LiteratureIrfan
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      Persian LiteratureIslamic PhilosophyIslamic StudiesSufism
The most powerful of all realms and the origin of our existence. This is one of the realms which the spiritual wayfarer has to pass so as to be able to reach the status of becoming 'the perfect human being'. Our heavenly sustenance is... more
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      SufismIslamic MysticismIbn ArabiIslamic philosophy and theology
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      GnosticismIslamic PhilosophyMysticismShi'ism
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      SufismPersian PoetryIslamic SpiritualityContemporary American Poetry
Throughout Islamic history, the practice of Jihad, as an striving effort in the name of God in accordance with Quranic revelation, has been a matter of great controversy. In fact, after the conquest of the Dar al-Islam by the European... more
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      Islamic PhilosophyNorth African SufismIrfanSufism and Tasawwuf
'Aziz Nasafi, the prominent 13th century Muslim mystic of Iran and Central Asia, was one of the first exponents of Islamic esoteric thought to draw the attention of western scholarship. Here, an introduction and translation of his... more
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      Persian LiteratureIranian StudiesCentral Asian StudiesSymbolism
Özet XIII. asırda İslâmî irfanın bayraktarlığını yapmış olan gönül erlerinden birisi de Şeyh Tâceddîn İbrahim Zâhid-i Geylânî (1218-1301)’dir. Ataları Horasan’dan (bugünkü Türkmenistan’ın Merv bölgesinden) Azerbaycan’ın Lenkeran yöresine... more
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      Iranian StudiesIslamic StudiesSufismSafavids (Islamic History)
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      IrfanJavadi Amoli
Vrlo osobno otkrovenje izložen ovdje u obliku pjesme koja obuhvaća cijeli njegov kontekst. .............. Ah! (Tako mi Boga, ne kličem) ko nije čuo taj glas i ne zna pravo šta je glas Tako je glas-ovit i tako od-svud i tako po-svud i... more
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تعالج هذه المقالة كيفيّة استلهام التصوّف الإسلاميّ المبكّر للتراث الشعريّ العربيّ من خلال طقس السماع، وتبيّن كيفيّة انتقال المعاني والثيمات الشعريّة إلى السياق الصوفيّ وتوظيفها في أداءٍ ساهم في تأسيس شعريّة صوفيّة.
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic PoetryArabicIslamic Studies
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      Iranian StudiesIslamic PhilosophyMysticismQuranic Studies
The discussion of The Fixed Entities, A'yān ath Thābita, is one of the most important topics in mysticism. This study is an effort to delve into this topic and get introduced to one of the most important topics within mysticism. The... more
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      GnosticismIslamic MysticismMundus ImaginalisNoetics
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      AkhlaqIrfanShia Islam
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      HumanitiesSocial SciencesIranian StudiesIrfan
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      GnosticismZoroastrianismIslamic PhilosophySufism
Shaykh Muḥammad Bahārī (1265/1849–1325/1907), aside from being a Shīʿite cleric (mujtahid), was a scholar and follower of Sufism. He was a disciple of Mullā Ḥusayn-Qulī Hamadānī (1239/1824–1311/1894) in ʿirfān (gnosis) in the Shīʿī... more
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Derviş Keşkülü kitabının tanıtımı.
Mütalaat-ı Asya-yı Sagir, (Tahran), sy. 5 (1397 hş./2018), s. 184-186.
Azade İttikal.
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      Iranian StudiesYemenIbn ArabiSociology of shia
Uno degli aspetti centrali della missione degli Imam è di svelare il senso profondo ed esoterico (bâtini) dei versetti coranici. Lungi dal mettere in causa il loro senso apparente (zâhiri), essa ne costituisce l'approfondimento e ne... more
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      Islamic Contemporary StudiesQuranic StudiesIslamic StudiesSufism
U prvom dijelu ovog rada prezentira se retrospektiva i historijski presjek razvoja dokaza postojanja Boga posredstvom “argumenta spoznaje duše” u islamskoj filozofiji i to u njene tri dominantne škole: peripatetičkoj, išraqi i teozofskoj... more
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      SufismIrfanislamska filozofija
İrfan Jurnalı, Avqust  2018 N 141
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      Latin LiteratureSocial SciencesPersian LiteratureArabic Language and Linguistics
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Hafız-ı Şirazî Divanı'nın ilk gazelinin ikinci beytinin şerhidir.
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      SufismDivan EdebiyatıHafezIrfan
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      IrfanJavadi Amoli
With the emergence of systems of thought among Muslims, various interpretations of beliefs were made, including the concept of velayat which can be classified in different disciplines. Historically, the theory of the perfect man can be... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionIslamic StudiesTasawwufIrfan