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Warum erzählt Hugo von Hofmannsthal um 1900 Geschichten noch einmal, die die Welt seit über 2500 Jahren kennt? Diese Frage führt ins Herz dieser Untersuchung, die einen neuen Zugriff auf Hofmannsthals Poetologie anhand seiner irritierend... more
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      Cultural HistoryComparative LiteratureGender StudiesMythology
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      Gender StudiesLiterary CriticismFranz KafkaJ.J. Bachofen
Articolo sull'itinerario intellettuale del famoso giurista e antropologo svizzero Johann Jakob Bachofen apparso su Eranos Yearbook 73 (2015-2016), The World and its Shadow
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      J.J. BachofenJohann Jakob BachofenStoria Del Diritto
LEITURA DO MATRIARCADO DE BACHOFEN RESUMO: O artigo objetiva mapear na literatura de expressão alemã afortuna crítica dos estudos de Johann JakobBachofen, historiador do âmbito da Jurisprudência e do Direito Romano. Parte do ensaio de... more
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      Walter BenjaminMitologiaJ.J. BachofenFeminino
Nel mito le donne di Lemno uccidono i loro mariti e i loro padri dando luogo ad una 'ginecocrazia'. Il presente lavoro intende esaminare in modo essenziale come questa leggenda è stata interpretata dagli studiosi moderni.
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      Ancient myth and religionClassical MythologyGeorges DumezilJ.J. Bachofen
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      Carl SchmittAnthropology of LawJulius EvolaMitologia
In 1861, Johan Jakob Bachofen wrote Das Muterrecht, a monumental work wherein he listed myths, legends and ethnographies of the Antiquity where he gathered vestiges of an ancient matriarchy that preceded classical patriarchy. This book... more
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      J.J. BachofenOswald de AndradeBrazilian Anthropophagic Movement
Este ensaio tentará mostrar, a partir de alguns pontos da tese A crise da filosofia messiânica de Oswald de Andrade, certas afinidades entre seu método desviante e aquele do filósofo alemão Walter Benjamin. Alguns dos elementos... more
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      Walter BenjaminModernismoJ.J. BachofenModernidade
Hier handelt es sich um den vollständigen TEXT meines Buches "Muttermythos und Herrschaftsmythos - Zur Dialektik der Aufklärung bei den Kosmikern, Stefan George, Walter Benjamin und in der Frankfurter Schule", das in einer erweiterten... more
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      German LiteratureHistory of ReligionFrankfurt School (Philosophy)Friedrich Nietzsche
This article aims to observe Walter Benjamin’s reception and interpretation in Furio Jesi’s work. The task of interpretation is a political matter, a question of deploying texts on the cultural battlefield, in order to create a future... more
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      Walter BenjaminTranslation and InterpretationSoren KierkegaardItalian Philosophy
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      Gender HistoryEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruscan studiesJ.J. Bachofen
"New Aesthetics Award", 2009 (conferred by the Italian Society of Aesthetics)
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      AestheticsThomas MannLiterary studiesJ.J. Bachofen
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      EcofeminismDonna HarawayFriedrich EngelsJ.J. Bachofen
Negli anni in cui Benjamin lavora a questo saggio, era in pieno sviluppo la "Bachofen-Renaissance", ossia la riscoperta, talvolta un po' interessata e ideologica, dell'opera dello studioso svizzero. In realtà la biografia culturale di... more
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      German StudiesAnthropologyPhilosophyAesthetics
Holdt som forelesning våren 2013
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      HobbesNietzscheAdam SmithFerdinand Tönnies
Versão inicial do primeiro capítulo do livro "O direito materno" (também conhecido pela fortuna crítica como "O matriarcado") de J. J. Bachofen, direto do original em alemão para o português brasileiro. O projeto é traduzir todo o livro e... more
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      German LiteratureGerman HistoryWalter BenjaminEstudos de Gênero (Gender Studies)
Conventionally, images are interpreted through an iconographical analysis and, if possible, related to surviving texts explaining the significance of a motif. Incomplete or altered versions of the same motif are often conceived as being... more
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      Visual StudiesRoman IconographyTerra SigillataAncient Greek and Roman Art
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryEuropean StudiesWorld Literatures
It is argued that Western general consciousness, in parallel with an ongoing cultural dissolution, risks moving in a “matriarchal” direction. The phenomenon represents an inroad of matriarchal consciousness into patriarchal culture, with... more
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      SociologyPsychoanalysisCultural SociologyRace and Ethnicity
Hofmannsthals Florilegien führen die Lesefrüchte, die er zu Johann Jakob Bachofen verzeichnet, verhältnismäßig spät auf. Erst 1916 verweist ein Eintrag in Ad me ipsum auf «Bachofen» und liefert einen seitengenauen Nachweis «S. 344» aus... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesRomanticismGender History
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      Women's Studies20th century Avant-GardeWomen and CultureMyth
Verschiedene Rezensionen/Besprechungen des Buches von G. Doerr: Muttermythos und Herrschaftsmythos -- Zur Dialektik der Aufklärung um die Jahrhundertwende bei den Kosmikern, Stefan George und in der Frankfurter Schule. Würzburg:... more
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      German StudiesHistory of IdeasRace and RacismTheodor Adorno
Among other, identification of two Egyptian Scarabs probably of Dynasty 26 (c. 600 BC) in the collection of Museum August Kestner to have been found at the Etruscan site of Cerveteri / Caere (Italy) in the first half of the 19th century.
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      EtruscanHistory of ArcheologyEtruscan ArchaeologyHistory of Collections (Archaeology)
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesPhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
The theme of matriarchy and the mother's rights such as that of the forms of social organization based on women is present in the contemporary debate, especially in reference to the proposed alternative models of practicable communities.... more
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      Utopian StudiesUtopiaJ.J. BachofenMatriarcato
The paper is an attempt to analyze Schulz’s fiction in terms of Johann Jakob Bachofen’s idea of matriarchy. Particular emphasis has been put on “August,” the opening story of "Cinnamon Shops". In “August,” which begins his “spiritual... more
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      Feminist Literary Theory and Gender StudiesBruno SchulzWomen and Gender StudiesJ.J. Bachofen
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesCultural TheoryDarwin
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      Ancient HistoryGender StudiesHistoriographyFascism
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    • J.J. Bachofen
Kurzbesprechung von Prof. Dr. Rainer Kolk, Bonn. In: GERMANISTIK – Internationales Referatorgan mit bibliographischen Hinweisen, Band 48 (2007) Heft 3-4, S. 885.: Im Durchgang durch Philosophie-, Literatur- und Religionsgeschichte seit... more
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      Comparative ReligionSocial AnthropologyHistory of IdeasFeminist Theory
L'interculturalità si iscrive in un orizzonte geografico disegnato, solcato, marcato da confini. Essa è per molti versi attraversamento di confini: nazionali, naturali, culturali, interiori. Esiste tutta una gerarchia di confini con cui... more
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      J.J. BachofenFrontiere Confini LimitiStoria Del Diritto Medievale E Moderno
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      Gender StudiesEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruscan Funerary ArtEtruscology
Journées d’études « Féminismes, natures, dominations » Katia Genel (CHSPM, Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne) Lucie Wezel (IREPH, Paris Nanterre) Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod (Sophiapol, Paris Nanterre) L’enjeu de ces deux journées est de... more
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      Critical TheoryFeminist TheoryTheodor AdornoHegel
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      Law and LiteratureCarl SchmittLaw, Language, and LiteratureRechtsphilosophie
Introduction to a book honouring the psychoanalyst Jean Clavreul.

See: www.apolis-editions.fr/?p=173
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      Comparative ReligionPsychoanalysisJ.J. Bachofen
Para deglutir Foucault com dendê e mandioca Oneirois de Michel nos delírios tropicais Especulacão fabulativa contra colonialidade impura, e antropofagia matriarcal Eis Foucault! pobre pelado puto, se vê nu em pêlo, em meio às... more
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      Michel FoucaultPaulo LeminskiJ.J. BachofenOswald de Andrade
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      Roman LawHistory of ReligionsHistory of Classical ScholarshipAncient Greek Religion
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      ClassicsRoman HistoryHistoriographyFascism
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      JurisprudenceAnimal LawBearsJ.J. Bachofen