John Heartfield
Recent papers in John Heartfield
Eine Einführung für Schulen und Kunstvermittlung: Die Dada-Bewegung von den Anfängen im Cabaret Voltaire in Zürich 1915/16 bis zur Weiterführung dadaistischer Aktivitäten in Berlin, Paris, Hannover, New York. Herausgegeben im Rahmen von... more
Bu makale, fotoğrafın sanatsal ve toplumsal etkisini, "paradigma" kavramının bilimsel anlamını, avangart bir akım olarak Dadaizm’i ve bu hareketin önde gelen sanatçılarından John Heartfield'ın çalışmalarını ele almaktadır. Paradigma... more
This is the second essay I have written on radio art and political activism. The essay was written in 2016 and published in the Worker's Cinema anthology.
Dada’s relationship with consumerism and market aesthetics has always been a complicated one, but the fact that there is a connection is undeniable. Kurt Schwitter’s Merz was a none–to–subtle allusion to the German word Kommerz,... more
Im Februar 1930 veröffentlichte der damals bereits bekannte Fotomontagekünstler John Heartfield seinen ersten Beitrag in der Arbeiter-Illustrierten-Zeitung (AIZ), einem Periodikum am linken Rand des polarisierten politischen Spektrums der... more
Weniges ist so anschlussfähig wie ein Schluss. Das nächste Update kommt bestimmt, so lautet ein Grundsatz der Mediengesellschaft. Wie also macht man Schluss? Und wann gilt etwas als ›passé‹? Was wissen Menschen, Tiere, Götter, Sprachen,... more
Metinlerin kendi içlerinde ve fotoğrafla olan bağlamları, imgeleri sembolik olarak okumaya ve kendilerinden önceki sanat yapıtlarını düşünmeye sevk eder. Bu açıdan çalışmanın amacı, dilin yazıya yansıması, kavramsal düşüncenin somut... more
Da più parti si è assai insistito sull’aspetto umoristico de L’uomo invisibile di H.G. Wells, mettendo quasi in ombra il fatto che si tratta, pur sempre, di un’opera appartenente al genere fantascientifico.
From a semiotic point of view, photography is still considered a different kind of sign. Then, how can imagetext works be studied, formed by photography and word? This article argues that fictional texts expose the semiotic nature of... more
As Germany began its slide into hyperinflation following the First World War, it did not escape the notice of some that while generals and politicians banqueted, citizens, including the war-injured, were starving. Hannah Höch was one such... more
Dossier Témoignage et intermédialité
The Ambiguous Aesthetic of Dada: Towards a Definition of its Categories,
Dada Raoul dans les années cinquante – Reconsidérer Dada.
In: Timothy Benson/ Hanne Bergius/ Ina Blom (eds.): Raoul Hausmann et les avant-gardes. Dijon: Les Presses du Réel 2014, 34 – 69.
ISBN 978-2-84066-653-0
In: Timothy Benson/ Hanne Bergius/ Ina Blom (eds.): Raoul Hausmann et les avant-gardes. Dijon: Les Presses du Réel 2014, 34 – 69.
ISBN 978-2-84066-653-0
Kimi sanat anlayislari, ideolojik akimlarin bir uzantisi olarak ortaya cikmaktadir. Kimi ideolojik yaklasimlar ise sanat akimlarindan etkilenmektedir. Sosyalist gercekcilik, sosyalizmin bir ideoloji olarak etkin olmaya basladigi donemde,... more
"Rosanna Gangemi dedica una profonda analisi alla pratica del fotomontaggio di John Heartfield, fondata sull’idea che il principio della composizione classica, basata sul pezzo isolato, restituisce l'immagine univoca di un mondo perfetto,... more
From a semiotic point of view, photography is still considered a different kind of sign. Then, how can imagetext works be studied, formed by photography and word? This article argues that fictional texts expose the semiotic nature of... more
The text discusses inclusion and social engagement in art, which are central to my practice. My projects operate at the interface between dialogical education and participatory as well as collective art making. By referring to Kester's... more
Le phototexte engagé – Une culture visuelle du militantisme au XXe siècle, dir. C. Foucher Zarmanian, M. Nachtergael, presses du Réel, Dijon, 2021
The Marxist cultural historian Eduard Fuchs (1870-1940) made major contributions to our understanding of caricature which are of continuing relevance today. Although he has been criticised for his inconsistent methodology, the question of... more
The essays on Aesthetics of philosopher Günther Anders are still almost unknown; for his part, painter George Grosz' production from the 1930s and during his American exile has been mainly despised by art historians. Both Anders and Grosz... more