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Thèse de doctorat en histoire de l'art, soutenue le 13 novembre 2020 à l'université Paris Nanterre, sous la direction de Rémi Labrusse et Christian Joschke. PhD dissertation "Graphic Propaganda : Photomontage in the Visual Culture of... more
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      Visual StudiesArt HistoryFrench HistoryVisual Culture
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      African StudiesPrint CultureFeminismSenegal
On the occasion of the 2020 exhibition "LIFE Magazine and the Power of Photography," this essay reevaluates longstanding myths about "the photo essay at life" while tracing how and by whom the magazine's varied photo features were... more
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      American HistoryPrint CultureDocumentary PhotographyHistory of photography
At the beginning of the 1970s, broadcast news and a few newspapers such as The New York Times wielded national influence in shaping public discourse, to a degree never before enjoyed by the news media. At the same time, however, attacks... more
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      HistoryJournalismArtJournalism History
Gendered visual communication is a major part of contemporary, mediated discourse, yet these expressions are seldom reflected upon from a designers' perspective. Whose voices are empowered in tabloid newspapers and gendered magazines? In... more
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      DesignFeminist TheoryPopular CultureInteraction Design
Título: Revista: um objeto de estudo (quase) por desbravar Palavras-chave: estudos do jornalismo; imprensa; revista A revista só recentemente começou a ser privilegiada como objeto de estudo académico e é nos Estados Unidos que a maior... more
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      Media StudiesJournalismMagazines
O trabalho apresenta pesquisa que avaliou de que maneira o projeto gráfico da revista Madrugada – Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil, 1926 – é representativo do período em que surgiu, quando a modernidade se constituía no País. Parte de um... more
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      DesignGraphic DesignEditorial DesignMagazines
Short Fiction in Theory and Practice 4.2 (2014): 175-85. Print.
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      Critical TheoryCanadian StudiesGender StudiesSex and Gender
In this special issue, a select group of Architects explore the possibilities of drawing in Architecture. Whether from a computer, generating mechanical interfaces, or even resorting to collages, architecture drawing seems to be more and... more
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      DesignArchitectureMagazinesArchitecture Magazines and Journals
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      Visual CultureGraphic DesignNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Magazines
PhD dissertation: This dissertation examines how mass magazines framed American abstraction for a broad public during the years following the Second World War. While art historians have devoted much attention to Abstract Expressionism’s... more
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      American StudiesArt HistoryPublic ArtCold War and Culture
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      SociologyMedical SociologyPlastic SurgeryMedia Studies
Emigre magazine, published from 1984-2005, is often considered a provocative example of experimental publishing, critical writing, and design authorship. Its message remains relevant today, as designers continue to question their roles... more
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      Digital HumanitiesGraphic DesignGraphic design historyArchiving
Les novellisations des magazines spécialisés forment le continent oublié de l’histoire culturelle du cinéma, malgré la précocité avec laquelle ce type de presse à grand tirage s’est tourné vers les adaptations romancées de films,... more
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      Gender StudiesMedia StudiesFilm StudiesFrench Cinema
What might be called the “benevolent billionaire model” for supporting journalism begs the obvious point that not all billionaires are benevolent.
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      SociologyMedia SociologyPolitical SociologyAmerican Politics
Une exposition au Jeu de Paume, à Paris, rend hommage au travail de Germaine Krull, qui a fait de la photographie une forme d’expression et d’émancipation autant que d’engagement. De la Russie soviétique à l’Inde en passant par la Seconde... more
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      PhotographyPhotojournalismHistory of photographyMagazines
В данной статье дается краткая характеристика журнала и обзор историографии о нем. To link: Новоселова С.А. Журнал «Старые годы» (1907-1916) как исторический источник // Состояние и перспективы социально-экономического развития... more
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      Art HistoryCultural HeritagePeriodicalsMagazines
The view of magazines as “a medium of public instruction” (Proctor and Weaver, 2017, p. 49) has received relatively little attention from magazine scholars. This chapter aims to fill this gap by considering the didactic and pedagogical... more
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Este relato de experiência pretende expor modos de trabalho em grupo utilizados durante o período de isolamento social devido à covid-19, através da execução de uma revista por alunos do 5º semestre do Bacharelado em Jornalismo. Os... more
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      Graphic DesignJornalismoMagazinesDiagramação
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      Visual RhetoricPersuasionMagazines
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      CosmopolitanismOrientalismMagazinesAnna May Wong
In 2020, the world is fighting against the coronavirus pandemic, and many people share the same mind that it may be the end of the world as we know it. The virus has not merely infected humanity, but also many corporations and their... more
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      Information TechnologyFashion designLiteratureThe Internet
Corporate Magazine/Newspaper Experiment
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationDesignInternational Business
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      Popular CultureDigitizationPeriodical StudiesMagazines
El presente trabajo indaga sobre el discurso visual de la revista Billiken en la década del 50. El principal tema de interés son los imaginarios sociales que giran en torno a los llamados “Niños Billiken” y su significación en la memoria... more
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      Visual StudiesArgentinaSocial ImaginariesVisual Arts
Mémoire d'étude, sous la direction de Monsieur Denis Bruna. Cette étude propose de revenir sur le lieu commun qui érige au XXe siècle la transition de l'illustration de mode à la photographie de mode, en lui redonnant toute sa... more
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      PortraitsFashion PhotographyWomen's EmpowermentFashion Illustration
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      Cultural StudiesVisual StudiesArt HistoryHumanities
In March 1923 Karel Teige received a letter from Bauhaus director Walter Gropius regarding the International Architecture Exhibition, a section of the first Bauhaus Exhibition in Weimar. Gropius wanted there to be strong Czech... more
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      Periodical Studies20th century Avant-GardeBauhausMagazines
Pamphlet prepared for the exhibition of the Edmondson comic collection at the Canberra Museum and Gallery, December  2005
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      Museum StudiesChildren's and Young Adult LiteratureComicsMuseums and Exhibition Design
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      American HistoryPeriodicalsMagazines
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      AuthenticityContent AnalysisEthnographic MethodsExtreme Sports
These are the results of a writers' study into writing about family. 11 magazine writers were interviewed about articles that had a family theme and also won a Western Magazine Award (Canada).
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      Literary JournalismFamilyMagazines
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      Social MovementsGender StudiesMedia StudiesRace and Ethnicity
This article identified the frames most frequently employed by two women's magazines, Cosmopolitan and Vogue, in referencing feminism in their online content. Four frames emerged: focus on women's agency, anti-demonization,... more
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      Popular CultureFeminismWomen's EmpowermentWomen's Magazines
SQUIZZ WORLD magazine is one of the most favorite and famous magazines among children. With stories, games quizzes SQUIZZ WORLD is an age-appropriate magazine which also gives a fair environment to every child to develop a habit of brain... more
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    • Magazines
In a cluttered and increasingly complex environment characterized by the multiplication of platforms, a constellation of quality football print magazines has emerged as an alternative destination in sports journalism. To trace the... more
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      MagazinesSports JournalismCommunication and SportsIndependent Publishing
Este artigo avalia de que maneira o projeto gráfico de uma revista se relaciona com seu projeto editorial, tomando como estudo de caso a revista Capricho no período de 1995 e 2005. Para isso, apresenta os elementos básicos de projetos... more
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      Graphic DesignEditorial DesignMagazinesEditorial
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      Brazilian StudiesGraphic DesignMagazines
L'articolo indaga la funzione della rivista fascista "Etiopia latina" - che si stampava ad Addis Abeba - come diffusore dell'ideologia razzista tra i coloni italiani. “Etiopia latina” appare particolarmente significativa per il suo... more
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      Women's StudiesRace and RacismPropagandaFascism
Published after two international conferences dedicated to the issue of the relation between mediums and architecture, this work examines the productive forces behind the architectural discourse between the 1960's and the 1980's.... more
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      PostmodernismPeriodicalsExhibition Design (Architecture)Magazines
Sugli ebook "aumentati" e per estensione sulle applicazioni per i magazine digitali si articola più di un dibattito che alterna grandi speranze e sconsolate profezie di fallimento. Le potenzialità dei digital media per tablet e smartphone... more
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      Digital MediaWeb ApplicationsDigital PublishingInformatica umanistica
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      Visual StudiesPostcolonial StudiesVisual CultureAdvertising
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      Art HistoryMagazinesArt collectors and connoisseursConnoisseurship
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      HistoryMagazinesFrench Indochina
The age after ten and before fifteen is the age of major developments of a child's mind and body. Lots of physical changes are there if your children are crossing 12 and more. This time can lead to lots of self-consciousness and... more
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    • Magazines
Este artículo aborda el aparecimiento y desarrolló de las revistas en el Ecuador, desde 1873, en que salió a la luz la primera de ellas, hasta inicios del siglo XXI. Es un recorrido por 130 años de historia, en los cuales se puede... more
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      MagazinesRevistas religiosasHistoria de las revistas en el Ecuador Revistas políticas
ÖZ Medyanın dijitalleşmesi ve yeni medya ortamlarının artması ile birlikte yayın süreçlerinde, yayınların içeriğinde hızlı bir değişim ve dönüşüm yaşanmaktadır. Bu dönüşüm özellikle gazete ve dergilerde kendini göstermektedir. Dergilerin... more
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      PublishingDigital MediaDigital JournalismMagazines