Recent papers in Jouissance
Comme tous les sports mais avec ses propres caractéristiques, le football, sport dont l’essence nous semble démocratique, met en jeu des sujets, dont la quête de jouissance, qui touche au réel, est bordée par les dit-mansions imaginaire... more
Black Swan (Darren Aronofsky, 2010) presents a vivid staging of enjoyment, which takes us all the way round Lacan’s Graph of Sexuation: from the phallic jouissance of fantasy (desire, [dis]satisfaction) and the jouissance of the idiot... more
L’articolo intende mettere in dialogo alcune analisi di Heidegger e Lacan a proposito della questione del soggetto e, in particolare, del rapporto tra il piano del significato e il piano di ciò che è al di là del significato nella... more
As a film thoroughly concerned with enjoyment and the body, Black Swan (Aronofsky, 2010) presents an opportunity to consider questions of psychoanalysis and embodiment in the cinema. This paper aims to pursue such a possibility by... more
Abstract for a keynote to be given at a conference in South Korea in November 2015
Cet article vise à montrer le lien entre la notion de pulsion de mort chez Freud et celle de jouissance chez Lacan. L'objectif est de mettre en évidence l'évolution des rapports entre ces deux notions au cours de l'enseignement de Lacan.... more
Nous pouvons lire dans son Séminaire XX Encore où Lacan s'interroge sur les jouissances féminine ou mystique, sa remise en question de la notion de sublimation en tant que jouissance au-delà de la jouissance. Nous voyons qu'il pense que... more
Queerness is many things, for example: an identity; a state of being; a characteristic; a mark of the unknown…The number of ways in which ‘queerness’ has been utilised is testament to not only the enigmatic properties of the term, but... more
Abstract: In a blazing assault on the foundations of enlightenment values and rationality, Lacan’s Kant avec Sade attempts to read D.A.F. de Sade, the infamous French Marquis, as the consummate Kantian and in doing so, uncover the... more
Why is it that we sometimes think of Lacan as Marxist when he is so assertively Freudian? Perhaps it is because Lacan perceives Marx rather than Freud as the discoverer of the symptom and furthermore places Marx as... more
What happens to a culture in which the death drive has been totally repressed and turned into a narcissistic desire to consume? Alexander Bove’s response to A. Kiarina Kordela’s first book, $urplus: Spinoza, Lacan (2007), puts ethics,... more
Nural, U.Y., "Jacques Lacan'ın öğretisinin, mantıki zaman diyalektiği içerisinde, topolojisinin üçlü düzeneğinden geçerek anlaşılması üzerine", İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi Psikoloji Kulübü Bülteni "Lacancı psikanaliz ve Türkiye'deki... more
The privileging of physicalist ontologies and rigid experimentalism within parapsychology helps to expose a 'hole' in the praxis of the discipline proper; what psychoanalysis generally refers to as a " lack ". Certain not to fill this... more
Many central terms of Levinas’ philosophy have a clear emotive connotation, such as desire, enjoyment, indolence, horror, love/eros, sensibility, proximity, and obsession. But are these emotions? And does this make Levinas a... more
Nural, U.Y., “Ophelia: Arzu Nesnesi Olmak ya da Olmamak”, İKÜ Psikoloji Kulübü Bülteni, 4, 2014, s.14-17.
As a film thoroughly concerned with enjoyment and the body, Black Swan (Aronofsky, 2010) presents an opportunity to consider questions of psychoanalysis and embodiment in the cinema. This paper aims to pursue such a possibility by... more
ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ ΕΞΑΜΗΝΟΥ-ΚΛΙΝΙΚΗ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΗ ΨΥΧΟΛΟΓΙΑ (Διδάσκουσα: Ντιάνα Χαρίλα) To ερευνητικό αυτό δοκίμιο αποπειράται να διερευνήσει κοινωνικό φαινόμενο των βασανιστηρίων, μέσω της οπτικής της δομικής ψυχανάλυσης, όπως αυτή προτάθηκε και... more
This paper develops a new reading of Žižek’s theory of the psychoanalytic act and the subject.
In 1933 Hans Bellmer completed work on his first doll, the beginning of a lifelong obsession with the prepubescent female form. As the nature of the object suggests, the doll was Bellmer's plaything , an object which he could dismantle... more
Fantasies and especially excessive or ‘phantascistic’ fantasies, as they are referred to here, have the power to suppress within political communities, consciously and unconsciously alike, inner... more
Nural, U.Y., "Bihter ya da Kadınlığın Kaçınılmaz Bölünüşü", İKÜ Psikoloji Kulübü Bülteni, 3, 2013, s. 7-10.
As a film thoroughly concerned with enjoyment and the body, Black Swan (Aronofsky, 2010) presents an opportunity to consider questions of psychoanalysis and embodiment in the cinema. This paper aims to pursue such a possibility by... more
Picasso's sculptures of 1949-56 are usually interpreted biographically. This paper instead reads them as expressions of Picasso's belief that art is a sign language. This idea is often associated with his Cubist work, but in fact is... more
Looks at two types of Disidentification - a healthy, growth-promoting form, born of successful and loving introjection, & an angry, repudiating form - which stifles growth and the becoming of one's "own person".
The 21th century duly noted the relativism of truth, disseminated in generalized storytelling. In the post-truth era, me, the emotion, I speak… What’s the situation with an analysis? In the first text, Jacques-Alain Miller distinguishes... more
This article is a commentary on the Lacanian appropriation of Breaking the Waves by Slavoj Zizek, Frances Restuccia and others who argue that the film’s saintly heroine, Bess, performs an authentic feminine act paradoxically in her very... more
Self-shattering has become something of a keyword in queer theory over the past few decades. Generally mobilized as a way of invoking the radically destabilizing power of sex, the term envisages a link between the ecstatic disorganization... more
This chapter explores the difficulties of replicating real life experiences online. In particular, it focuses on what digital technology struggles to capture about the live music experience. Using arguments from Walter Benjamin, Hannah... more
Il secondo volume della collana Matemi è il frutto di un lavoro seminariale che ha coinvolto numerosi filosofi e psicoanalisti attorno alla questione “desiderio-godimento”. Le diverse prospettive raccolte nel testo sono attraversate da un... more
Freud had ascribed the Eros to biological pressure, but it is also a product of our culture because our culture sets down the rules of proper sexual conduct. Sexuality becomes a problem only when it is destructive and harmful to anyone.... more
Netflix Series Review
This paper shows how hegemonic discourses are sustained through the play of lack and jouissance. Lack refers to the symbolic limits of discourse and is both the condition of possibility and of impossibility of hegemony: while it vitiates... more