Judicial Discretion
Recent papers in Judicial Discretion
In the Matter of: Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC; DLJ Mortgage Capital, Inc.; Credit Suisse First Boston Mortgage Acceptance Corp.; Credit Suisse First Boston Mortgage Securities Corp.; and Asset Backed Securities Corporation... more
Abstract. Nel dibattito sulla prova specialistica, in particolare scientifica, si evoca spesso una formula, “Iudex peritus peritorum”, per rendere l’idea dell’autonomia valutativa riservata al giudice anche in questa sfera. Tuttavia, non... more
The mechanism for cancellation of bail is provided in law in order to ensure that justice will be done to the society by preventing the accused who had been set at liberty by the bail order from tampering with the evidence in a heinous... more
Bahan Ceramah Dinamika Hukum Acara Mahkamah Konstitusi di Joint Course Session, antara FH UMJ, FH UMT, FH UP, dan FH TRISAKTI
Статия, публикувана в Theo noster. (Сборник в памет на гл. ас. Теодор Пиперков). С., 2014, 344-366. (Състав.: М. Новкиришка-Стоянова).
PROBLEM: School officials throughout the United States have adopted zero tolerance policies to address student discipline, resulting in an increase in out-of-school suspensions and expulsions. The introduction of police on school campuses... more
This thesis examines the influence of the governments of the Member States of the European Union (EU) on the decisions of the European Court of Justice (ECJ). Part One develops an analytical framework inspired by Giddens' structuration... more
El artículo aborda dos cuestiones de método jurídico. La primera es la de si en los casos convencionalmente no resueltos (los que en principio admiten más de una respuesta) los jueces deciden discrecionalmente o tienen el deber de hallar... more
This work considers to what extent judicial discretion can be said to exist in the UK legal system. It then considers that discretion with reference to the theories of Professor Ronald Dworkin. Then, the ‘one right answer’ thesis of... more
RESUMO Por intermédio da presente pesquisa, sumarizar-se-á as concepções da interpretação do direito na sociedade ao redor da história, contudo preocupando-se em destrinchar qual o papel do juiz, assim como se é cabível, a ele, fazer uso... more
1. У цьому дослідженні суддівський розсуд розглядається як суб’єктивний вибір одного з можливих варіантів у тлумаченні та застосуванні права та у встановленні фактів, що здійснюється суддею. Це не виключає існування інших підходів до... more
La distinction du fait et du droit est une problématique centrale dans l'organisation des voies de droit. Elle exerce en effet, au-delà d'une variété de formes et de significations, une influence décisive sur l'office du juge ainsi que... more
The legislation alone cannot make justice available to citizens in society. Seeking equality in an unequal society is a task demanding concerted action on the part of the individuals, the community, government and the judiciary on a... more
This dissertation considers whether the provision of the Islamic law of qisas and diyat in Pakistan is justifiable in light of how it is employed to evade punishment for honor killings, thereby producing an environment in which the... more
Väitöstyön tarkoituksena on tuottaa opetushenkilöstön eli kunnan viranhaltijoina toimivan opettajan ja rehtorin harkintavallasta kokonaiskuva kunnan järjestämän perusopetuksen kurinpitotilanteessa. Tutkimusaihe on ajankohtainen, sillä... more
La demora judicial ha motivado sucesivas reformas en la administración de justicia penal bonaerense. Estas reformas han tenido como efecto el adelantamiento del momento resolutivo del proceso penal a la etapa de garantías. Esta tendencia... more
In the accepting of the operation of the law in different countries it has been evident that scheduling conference is part of the trial process. This has however been greatly accommodated in the laws and practice, but deposition has not... more
Much empirical analysis has documented racial disparities at the beginning and end stages of a criminal case. However, our understanding about the perpetuation of — and even corrections for — differential outcomes as the process unfolds... more
The general, but false, perception of migrant smuggling through Indonesia, a large, archipel-agic country, is that smugglers operate entirely on their own. In fact, the more complex smuggling operations rely on broad networks of foreign... more
Este trabajo analiza las formas en que pueden reglamentarse los derechos fundamentales y el modo en que esto puede incidir en el cumplimiento de los objetivos del proceso penal. Para esto, primero se muestra que el análisis del tema debe... more
This Article, which is part of a symposium on “Law and Ethics at the Frontier of Genetic Technology,” examines an unprecedented experimental study published in Science. The Science study indicated that psychopathic criminal offenders... more
This research empirically examined indicators of charging and sentence reduction and the criminal sanctions meted out to a representative sample of felons convicted in one midwestern state court. A multivariate analysis of prosecutorial... more
Karl Llewellyn's critique of the canons of statutory interpretation led to a decline in their use for several decades. His critique, however, faced sustained resistance from some corners of the academy and the judiciary. Although this... more
In order to set anew the question about the nature of argumentation and about the responsabilities of the judges in plural deliberative democracy, Dworkin made two main distinctions ; the first analytically divide the issue of the... more
This was my Juris Doctor thesis which I wrote and defended at the De La Salle University Manila College of Law. This work begins from the premise that studies of judicial decision-making models constitute an already-established field... more
The title of this text suggests that in the past several years the Court of Justice has been showing signs of passivism in some of its most prominent cases related to the 2015/2016 refugee influx into the EU. Such Court's behaviour will... more
Using a comparative case study design, this thesis explores the impact on the Mexican federal judiciary of steep rises in violent crime, proliferation of armed organised crime groups, greater involvement of the military in crime control... more