Recent papers in LSD
From ecodelic triplit, the peyoteros’ sense of place, interspecies communication and animistic healing to ecocentric entheogenic rituals, psychedelic bioregionalism, biogenetic structuralist ecopsychology and transpersonal ecosophy – this... more
This paper investigates the relationship between psychoactive substances and so-called paranormal phenomena falling within the study of parapsychology. It is primarily concerned with extrasensory perception (ESP)—telepathy, precognition,... more
Gli allucinogeni hanno come effetto principale quello di stravolgere le percezioni e indurre complesse alterazioni cognitive e umorali. Le sostanze in grado di alterare la percezione sensoriale sono prevalentemente considerate per il... more
... The past is resolving itself, allowing the meditator to live more fully in the present moment. CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS I have not intended to suggest that all involuntary tremors and seizures which occur during meditation derive from... more
Joshua Hardman, editor of "Psilocybin Alpha", interviews Thomas B. Roberts about the origins of Bicycle Day, his contributions to psychedelic scholarship, and recommendations for college and university students.
Beginning with his arrest for possession of marijuana December 24, 1965, Dr. Timothy Leary became embroiled in a very public series of court cases that sought initially to utilize the Free Exercise Clause of the United States Constitution... more
This extract from The Drug Users Bible (ISBN: 9780995593688) introduces a basic common sense safety regime (aka "The Ten Commandments Of Safer Drug Use"). It has been made freely available in the hope that it reaches more of the users who... more
Wprowadzenie do pop psychedelii - hybrydy sztuki, mody i marketingu, która stała się popularna pod koniec lat 60. na skutek absorpcji kultury psychedelicznej przez mainstream. Omówienie reprezentacji w filmie autorskim, filmie gatunkowym,... more
Links to a lecture/discussion Nov. 30, 2021 for
The Hamilton College Alumni Association
Presents 4 stages of the psychedelic renaissance and examples of how psychedelics can enrich religion, the humanities, and mind development.
The Hamilton College Alumni Association
Presents 4 stages of the psychedelic renaissance and examples of how psychedelics can enrich religion, the humanities, and mind development.
Psychedelic drugs are making a comeback. In the mid-twentieth century, scientists actively studied the potential of drugs like LSD and psilocybin for treating mental health problems. After a decades-long hiatus, researchers are once... more
Review of TC Boyle's Outside Looking In that recently appeared in the Los Angeles Review of Books
4 stages: medical-neuroscientific, religious-spiritual, intellectual-artistic, multistate mind development
Texto apresentado no I Seminários sobre Psicodélicos do Rio de Janeiro, realizado no ISERJ (Instituto Superior de Educação do Rio de Janeiro), em 26 de novembro de 2014.
Lysosomal Storage Disease (LSD) is a genetic disease where enzymse in lysosom ae absent, so unwanted material will acumulate inside the lysosome. LSD as a genetic disease now in Indonesia is unpopular. Some people don't know about it... more
Comments and excerpts from Michael Pollan's book "How to Change your Mind -- What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us about Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence"
Основната тема на овој труд е феноменот на наркоманијата како еден вид од мноштвото девијантни однесувања. Поимот на наркоманијата е тесно поврзан со поимот на дрогата и наркотиците воопшто. Според дефиницијата за наркоманија, дадена од... more
We now venture—in vision—into Babylon in its various aspects: its nature, goals, arts, sorceries, and its headquarters nation. Excerpted section from the larger work, A Great and Terrible Love
A series of post-publication reflections on "LSD and the Minds of the Universe" that would make a good preface to the book.
Though almost 40 years old, this volume presents knowledge of the chemistry and structure-activity relationships of various psychedelic and psychoactive drugs as it was in the early 1980's.
Is the "Woodstock generation" and its doings a factor in comprehending prophecy? Before one writes that off as but another flake view, consider that the word "sorceries" (Greek, pharmakeia) and its cognates are spoken of four times in the... more
original report: backup source: * Part I. Ref. 5.
En el siguiente trabajo vamos a tratar de entender el surgimiento del movimiento hippie en Estados Unidos, concretamente en la década de los sesenta, la cual fue el apogeo y al mismo tiempo el fin de este movimiento. Estudiaremos los... more
Prof Chris M Bache - LSD and DMT Entity Relation. Divine Molecule Talks at Tyringham – Part II Exploring Entheogenic Entity Encounters, a private symposium, Tyringham Hall, September 2015 (curator and compère).
El objeto de estudio de este trabajo es el Arte Psicodélico, más concretamente el diseño gráfico -los carteles de conciertos y carátulas de discos- asociado a los sonidos del llamado rock ácido o rock psicodélico de los años sesenta. La... more
This study will investigate the process of how use of the substance lysergic acid diethylamide–25 (LSD) became defined as socially unacceptable. It will investigate whether the characteristics attributed to it are an accurate reflection... more
Online Encyclopedia entry at Virginia Commonwealth University's World Religions and Spirituality Project:
An extended review and discussion of Ernst Jünger’s short novel ‘Besuch auf Godenholm’ published in German in 1952 and published for the first time in English in February of 2015 as ‘Visit to Godenholm’ by Edda Publishing. The novel and... more
Il cervello è sicuramente, insieme al cuore, l'organo che più è protagonista del nostro essere, del nostro sentire, della nostra relazione col mondo, con gli altri esseri viventi, con le persone che incontreremo nel cammino della nostra... more
En el año 1962 apareció en Estados Unidos publicada “Alguien Voló Sobre El Nido Del Cuco”, novela contracultural escrita por Ken Kesey, uno de los escritores que más experimentó con drogas en la época psicodélica y Hippie, en especial con... more
This thesis sets out to explore the interconnections between psychedelic experience and the mental health care prescribed for psychotropic drug users. This aim in mind, I present an approach to mental health intervention, Autonomous... more
A novel published in 1933, describes the isolation of a hallucinogenic drug from an ergot-type fungus. It remarkably predates the discovery the hallucinogenic properties of the ergot-derived alkaloid lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) by... more
This is the view on tripping you have been looking for. Not only describing the journey, but discussing the process, the psychological issues, the dangers, offering practical help, also for sitters and therapists, like a toolbox. Based on... more
El libro del Dr Iker Puente "Investigación y psicoterapia psicodélica: pasado, presente y futuro" es un completo recorrido por el trabajo que se está realizando actualmente en este campo, recogiendo las aportaciones de numerosos... more