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SUMMARY: Chapter 9, in Renfrew & Bahn's textbook (Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice), covers the various types of trade and exchange in past societies, and how one may assess it, including different types of interactions (e.g.,... more
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      ArchaeologyAnthropologyInternational RelationsInternational Trade
The relative-value (R-value), discrimination-factor (D-factor), and vector-ratio (V-ratio) method (RDVM) provides a geological knowledge-based statistical and geological-genetic interpretation scheme for geochemical data that enhances... more
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      GeochemistryMineral explorationLead Isotope Analysis
This paper considers the contribution that lead isotope analysis can make towards an understanding of metal sourcing in Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age. The study includes a pilot programme of analysis of early copper and bronze... more
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      Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Neolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyPrehistoryLead Isotope Analysis
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      Aegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology)Lead Isotope AnalysisChemical Analysis
Thirty-nine Neolithic and Early Bronze Age copper objects (primarily axe blades and daggers) from Central, southern and eastern Switzerland or eastern France were analysed typochronologically, chemically and with regard to their lead... more
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      Neolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyCorded Ware CultureEarly Bronze Age (Archaeology)Copper extraction and production
The aim of this article is to reinterpret a well-known underwater archaeological site located at Las Amoladeras, in La Manga del Mar Menor, near Cabo de Palos. For this purpose, after a historiographical review of the existing... more
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      Roman HistoryStable Isotope AnalysisArchaeology of the Iberian PeninsulaRoman Economy
The Balkan Peninsula played a crucial role for the introduction of metallurgy during the Copper Age and numerous archaeometallurgical examinations have delivered highly interesting insights on this topic. However, there is a lack of... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyBalkan Prehistory (Archaeology)Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Archaeology of Mining
The copper mines of Wadi Amram are located only 10 km north of the prehistoric settlements Tall Hujayrat al-Ghuzlan and Tall al-Magass where there is some evidence of copper metallurgy in the Late Chalcolithic / Early Bronze Age I. These... more
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      ArchaeometallurgyProvenance studies of archaeological materialCopper ageLead Isotope Analysis
This study deals with the remains of metal objects from the settlement of workers living and labouring at the Egyptian site of Giza in the reigns of Dynasty 4 Kings Khufu and Khafra (c. 2500–2450 BCE). It provides the first detailed set... more
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      ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyBronze Age ArchaeologyPredynastic (Egyptology)
This paper presents on going research, and is a work in progress. It was presented at the Spartan Austerity panel at the Celtic Conference in Classics, 21.7.2017, Montreal. "My argument is that the lead votives, as tempting as it is,... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologySpartaAncient Greek Religion
This study deals with the remains of metal objects from the settlement of workers living and labouring at the Egyptian site of Giza in the reigns of Dynasty 4 Kings Khufu and Khafra (c. 2500–2450 BCE). It provides the first detailed set... more
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      ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyBronze Age ArchaeologyPredynastic (Egyptology)
Lead ingots with Cypro-Minoan markings were found in the Caesarea anchorage. Lead Isotope Analysis indicated that the lead was mined in Iglesiente, Sardinia.
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyLate Bronze Age archaeologyMediterranean Underwater ArchaeologyLead Isotope Analysis
Lead Isotopes Analysis (LIA) is a well-established technique, that is used to determine the origin of copper in an artefact under investigation (i.e. “provenancing”), through lead isotopes ratios. By comparing the ratios of the lead... more
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      Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)ArchaeometryLate Bronze Age archaeologyCopper extraction and production
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      Lead Isotope AnalysisChemical AnalysisBronze Age Metalwork
This pilot study addresses the analytical characterisation of 26 well‐known bronze objects of the Early and Middle Bronze Age of Central and Northern Europe. Besides swords and axes of the hoards from Apa, Téglás and Hajdúsámson, the... more
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      ArchaeologyStable Isotope AnalysisStable IsotopesBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)
The collection of the Badisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe contains numerous late antique and byzantine objects, which were only published in parts hitherto. The artefacts are mainly small finds of high scientific value. Among them are as... more
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      IconographyLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesMuseum Studies
This paper discusses a rod tripod found in tomb 64 in the area Quagliotti in Sirolo (Ancona), a sector of a necropolis of the ancient Picenean settlement of Numana. In the first part of the paper the burial context and its assemblage are... more
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      Funerary ArchaeologyFunerary PracticesUrartuLead Isotope Analysis
In the 2019 Numismatic Chronicle, two of us published a comparative isotopic analysis of the struck lead from Minturnae and the grandes plomos monetiformes of Ulterior Baetica. We showed that the Italians exploited the coastal mines at... more
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      Latin EpigraphySpanish archaeologyArchaeology of Roman HispaniaRoman numismatics and archaeology
The metal plaque of Haft Tappeh was found more than 60 years ago, and except for a few scenes on terracotta plaques and cylinder seals from both Elam and Mesopotamia with similar but not identical settings, it still has no known parallels... more
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      IconographyStable Isotope AnalysisIranian ArchaeologyMetallurgy
At a certain point in time, there were two central places in central Moravia: an older unfortified central agglomeration near the present- day village of Němčice nad Hanou and a younger oppidum at Staré Hradisko. Each of this centres had... more
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      OppidaChronologyLa Tene Period in Middle EuropeLead Isotope Analysis
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      Stable Isotope AnalysisArchaeometallurgyIsotope GeochemistryEarly Bronze Age (Archaeology)
Bronze is the defining metal of the European Bronze Age and has been at the center of archaeological and science-based research for well over a century. Archaeo-metallurgical studies have largely focused on determining the geological... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyMediterranean prehistoryBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)
The recent set of excavations (campaigns 2012 and 2013) at the sites of Belovode and Pločnik (see Chapters 11 and 26) have shown the use of copper minerals and metallurgical activities to be highly consistent with results from previous... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyChalcolithic ArchaeologyArchaeometry
The copper axe blade discovered in the pile dwelling site of Zug-Riedmatt is one of the few Neolithic copper axe blades in Europe that can be dated with certainty. The blade’s form and its metal composition suggest that it is connected... more
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      Neolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyWetland ArchaeologyOtzi the icemanRinaldone culture
The only Argaric halberd of the Meseta was recovered in the motilla of El Retamar in 2019. This find represents the first specialized weapon of the Motilla Culture. The find was retrieved from a non-funerary context (sondage A) in... more
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      Bell Beakers (Archaeology)Early Bronze Age (Archaeology)Argar CultureLead Isotope Analysis
The rich copper ore deposits in the eastern Alps have long been considered as important sources for copper in prehistoric central Europe. However, the role that each deposit played is not clear. To evaluate the amount of prehistoric... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Archaeology of MiningArchaeometallurgy
The program and the contents of the workshop “Archaeometallurgy in Sardinia : from the Origins to the early Iron Age” were reported and discussed in Instrumentum nr. 21, June 2005. We are now also publishing the proceedings in the journal... more
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      Sardinia (Archaeology)Late Bronze Age archaeologyAncient MetallurgyLate Bronze Age, Early Iron Age
The Egyptian Museum of the University of Leipzig has the largest university collection of ancient Egyptian artefacts in Germany. It includes important objects from the excavations of the most prolific excavator among the museum’s... more
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      Bronze Age ArchaeologyNubian-Egyptian RelationsArchaeometallurgyOld Kingdom (Egyptology)
BRONZE AGE TIN is a multidisciplinary project funded by the European Research Council comprising archaeology, history, geochemistry, and geology, conducted by scientists from the University of Heidelberg and the Curt-Engelhorn-Zentrum... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyStable Isotope AnalysisMass Spectrometry
Dado el papel que pudo jugar la plata en los procesos de estratificación social tanto en la sociedad argárica del Sureste como en las sociedades del Bronce Final/Hierro I, especialmente del Suroeste de la Península Ibérica, en este... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyMediterranean prehistoryPhoeniciansPhoenician
The origin of the tin used for the production of bronze in the Eurasian Bronze Age is still one of the mysteries in prehistoric archaeology. In the past, numerous studies were carried out on archaeological bronze and tin objects with the... more
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      ArchaeologyStable Isotope AnalysisMetallurgyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)
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      ArchaeologyBronze AgeXRFLead Isotope Analysis
An assemblage of ancient Egyptian metalwork from the Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom periods, currently in the Egyptian Museum of Leipzig University (Germany), has been studied using a wide range of available archaeometallurgical methods.... more
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      EgyptologyAnatolian ArchaeologyEgyptian ArchaeologyX-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Spectroscopy
This paper introduces the large-scale coin sampling project, Coinage and the dynamics of power: the Western Mediterranean 500-100 BC, along with the results of the archaic coins analysed. The results demonstrate that multiple silver... more
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      Ancient HistoryClassical ArchaeologyGreek colonies in Magna GraeciaArchaeometallurgy
The rich and long-lasting Nordic Bronze Age was dependent throughout on incoming flows of copper and tin. The crucial turning point for the development of the NBA can be pinpointed as the second phase of the Late Neolithic (LN II, c.... more
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      MetallurgyProvenanceBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Lead Isotope Analysis
Article by: Christos N. Kleitsas - M. Mehofer - R. Jung The hoard of Stephani in Preveza is a closed assemblage of artefacts that contains two stone and fifteen bronze, mainly broken, tools or-and weapons (ten bronze double-edged axes,... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyMetalwork (Archaeology)Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)
The origins of the copper, tin and lead for China's rich Bronze Age cultures are a major topic in archaeological research, with significant contributions being made by archaeological fieldwork , archaeometallurgical investigations and... more
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      ArchaeometallurgyProvenance studies of archaeological materialShang Dynasty Bronzes and Oracle BonesLead Isotope Analysis
The Phoenician ship in the wreck of Bajo de la Campana (Cartagena, Murcia), probably came from Malaga and sank in front of the Mar Menor ca. 625-575 BC. During two survey campaigns in 1972 and 1988 were located, 6 tin ingots and some... more
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      Phoenician Punic ArchaeologyAncient Mining and MetallurgyLead Isotope AnalysisPhoenician trade
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      ArchaeologyGeochemistryArchaeometryLead Isotope Analysis
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyDendrochronologyArchaeometryBronze Age Archaeology
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyYemenArchaeometallurgy
Depuis quelques années, le laboratoire Arc'Antique est sollicité pour des travaux sur les artefacts en plombs provenant de fouilles ou appartenant à des collections muséales. Nous avons cherché à répondre par voie analytique à des... more
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      Stable Isotope AnalysisArchaeometryICP-MSArcheology of Roman mining
The origins of brass are obscure and begin long before the Romans, however, it was the Romans who brought this gold-coloured alloy of copper and zinc from obscurity and placed it at the forefront of monetary policy and military power.... more
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      Roman HistoryArchaeometryArchaeology of MiningArchaeometallurgy
A critical examination is made of the evidence found to date of mining in the north-east and unpublished data are given regarding a recently discovered prehistoric mine (Mina de la Turquesa or Mina del Mas de les Moreres in Cornudella de... more
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      Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Lead Isotope AnalysisPrehistorical Mining and Metallurgy
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryArchaeologyGeology
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      GeographyArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyGeology
The geochemical analysis of oxhide ingots from Eastern Bulgarian museums is a compulsory step towards a convincing explanation of these objects. Being the hallmark of Late Bronze Age trade in the eastern Mediterranean, oxhide ingots are... more
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      Southeastern EuropeArchaeometallurgyLate Bronze AgeProduction Technology
Lead Isotopes Analysis (LIA) is a well-established technique, that is used to determine the origin of copper in an artefact under investigation (i.e. “provenancing”), through lead isotopes ratios. By comparing the ratios of the lead... more
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      Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)ArchaeometryLate Bronze Age archaeologyArchaeometallurgy
The study of silver, which was an important mean of currency in the Southern Levant during the Bronze and Iron Age periods (~1950–586 BCE), revealed an unusual phenomenon. Silver hoards from a specific, yet rather long timespan, ~1200–950... more
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      Archaeology of Mediterranean TradeAncient MetallurgyLate Bronze Age, Early Iron AgeSilver
Stable lead isotope analyses, using high resolution inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), accurately traced the origin of lead ores used in the production of ceramic glaze-paints by prehistoric Pueblo potters in the... more
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      ArchaeologyStable Isotope AnalysisPottery (Archaeology)Stable Isotope Geochemistry