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Taft R. F. The Great Entrance. A History of the Transfer of Gifts and other Preanaphoral Rites of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. [A History of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, vol. II]. Roma, 1975. (Orientalia Christiana Analecta;... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine Studies
A deep study of the magical aspects of ritual, both anthropological, social as wel a psychological. Various models about how rituals works, how the mind deals with magic, how rituals help to overcome time and space limitations, can help... more
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      RitualMagicWitchcraft (Magic)Magic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)
Compendio legislativo de protocolo y ceremonial de Estado en Cu-ba Mikel Arista Salado Especialista en Derecho Premial y falerística cubana 1. INTRODUCCIÓN Todo estudio científico implica desarrollar o aplicar una definición sobre la cual... more
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      Cuban HistoryProtocolLiturgical CeremonialEtiqueta Y Protocolo
¿Cuáles son esos signos y símbolos para la liturgia contemporánea? ¿Hacia dónde hemos de mirar? ¿Cuál debe ser, por tanto, el modelo de referencia para la creación de arte sacro? La presentación de la tercera edición oficial del Misal... more
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      Liturgical StudiesLiturgyLiturgical HistoryLiturgical Theology
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      Liturgical StudiesTextiles (Art History)18th Century Studies in the Bohemian LandsAustria-Hungary
It’s been 10 years since the publication of the motu proprio Summorum pontificum. A lot has changed since then, including the frequency of Pontifical Masses in the classic and dignified Roman rite which is visibly higher. There are... more
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      LiturgyTridentine CatholicismCatholic LiturgyLiturgical Ceremonial
Публикация отражает результаты исследования чина евхаристического богослужения испано-мосарабского обряда по печатному мосарабскому миссалу 1500 г. (Missale mixtum secundum regulam beati Isidori dictum mozarabes). В статье рассматривается... more
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      Liturgical StudiesEucharistMozarabic SpainHistory of Liturgical Books
Jest to robocza wersja podręcznika dla ceremoniarzy z 2008 roku.
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      LiturgyCatholic LiturgyLiturgical CeremonialCeremonies
Late Medieval Papal Legation is a result of long term study of papal legates in the late medieval period. Even though this crucial institution of the reform papacy of the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth centuries kept its standards as... more
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      European HistoryCanon LawMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
Muy significativa entre los manuscritos litúrgicos del rito hispano-mozárabe actualmente es la colección de libros de Toledo. Está conformada por siete códices relativamente completos y el mismo número de fragmentos de libros mozárabes de... more
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      Liturgical StudiesManuscript StudiesManuscripts (Medieval Studies)Visigothic Spain
Extracto de la tesis doctoral titulada "Te Deum laudamus. La formulación y la celebración de la gloria de Dios a través de una forma hímnica. Aproximación teológica, litúrgica y musical", donde se incluye la introducción general, el... more
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      Liturgical StudiesEarly ChristianityBaroque MusicMedieval Music
In more solemn celebrations of Mass, bishops may impart a blessing with the gospel book after the proclamation of the gospel. The article delineates the origins of this blessing in the Byzantine Rite, where the priest blesses the people... more
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      Liturgical StudiesLiturgyByzantine LiturgyLiturgical History
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      Medieval HistoryCultural HeritageLiturgyEarly Medieval Archaeology
2015 marks the 500th anniversary of the foundation in Jaén of a major confraternity attached to the parish church of San Andrés and known as Santa Capilla. What differentiates this brotherhood of others created in Spain at the time is the... more
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      Patronage (Music)Josquin des PrezRenaissance musicPolyphony
The article is prompted by COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on the liturgical celebrations: the loss of a communitarian spirit of the celebration; the risk of pri- vatization and clericalization; the lack of a “full and active”... more
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      LiturgyRoman LiturgyLiturgiaLiturgie
Studio sul tema mistero (mysterion-sacramentum-mysterium) nel culto cristiano.
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      Liturgical StudiesLiturgyLiturgical HistoryLiturgical Theology
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      Liturgical StudiesEarly Modern HistoryMaterial culture of religionRitual
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      Medieval HistoryLiturgyMedieval StudiesScholarly Editing
Ensayo visual para participar en el 4° Encuentro Académico de Antropología Visual en Ensenada Baja California, México. Octubre de 2016. El trabajo no fue seleccionado y no se encuentra publicado, pero he decidido compartirlo como un... more
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      RitualPsychology of ReligionStudy of ReligionsLiturgical Ceremonial
The sequence is a kind of Medieval chant generally situated between the Alleluia and the Gospel in the Mass. It was used for certain feasts in the Roman-Frankish liturgy. Although it was not uniform or prescriptive in nature,... more
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      Liturgical StudiesLiturgyMedieval StudiesMedievalism
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      Late Latin LiteratureLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesLiturgical StudiesLiturgy
The 28 chalices described with their inscriptions date from 1722 to 1961: 7 from the 18th century, 20 from the 19th, 2 from the 20th century. The 140-page “Catalogue of the Liturgical Metalwork,” describes, illustrates, and presents all... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryOttoman HistoryArt
a survey of Gio Antonio Sauli paintings collections and two unpublished letters by Orazio Gentileschi
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      History of TextilesHistory of Western CostumesLiturgical CeremonialStory of Art
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      RitualRitual (Anthropology)Ritual TheoryCourt Culture
This reformatted article was published in "Shared Tradition", the journal of the Anglicanorum Cœtibus Society.
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      High Church AnglicanismCaroline DivinesBook of Common PrayerLiturgical Ceremonial
Ordo Romanus 49 constitutes the first source for funeral liturgies. By way of analyzing the structure handed down in the Vatican Apostolic Library manuscript, Ott. lat. 312, f. 151v, the present study seeks to take the subject of the... more
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      Liturgical StudiesLiturgyLiturgical HistoryLate Antique Liturgy
The paper studies the connection of Scripture and liturgical actions with the examples of the footwashing and the Ephphetha rite. It examines their historical development and the current rite and especially explores the relationship of... more
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      Liturgical StudiesLiturgyTheological Interpretation of Christian ScriptureBiblical Studies
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      MusicLiturgyMilanCatholic Church music
While the fact that Byzantine painting cannot be comprehended without understanding of liturgical context in which this kind of art originated is not necessary to prove anymore, focusing on the logic of historic interaction between these... more
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      AestheticsIconographyArt HistoryLiturgy
Материјални објекти попут литургијских предмета важни су за визуелну културу, будући да одражавају разнородне аспекте културне и друштвене историје, социјалну и економску динамику времена, те уметничке прилике и феномене. Уметнички... more
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      Liturgical StudiesMaterial Culture StudiesMaterial culture of religionVisual Culture
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      Medieval StudiesSardinia (Medieval Studies)Medieval Art HistorySTORIA DELL'ARTE
In his famous work, The Civilisation of Manners, Norbert Elias regarder the Church purely as an agent in the process of implanting the practices of the court among the lower social groups. Entirely enveloped in the state and possessing a... more
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      French HistoryLiturgical StudiesHistory of Roman Catholicism19th Century (History)
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      Liturgical StudiesLiturgyLiturgical HistoryEastern Orthodox Liturgical Theology
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      Cultural StudiesArt HistoryLiturgical StudiesMaterial Culture Studies
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      Ceremony, Ritual and PerformanceCatholic LiturgyLiturgical CeremonialVatican City
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      Medieval StudiesPapacy (Medieval Church History)Ceremony, Ritual and PerformanceLiturgical Ceremonial
In general, in all lithic media with Tiwanaku iconography, male zoomorphic and anthropomorphic personages and a curious absence of women have been recognized. In the category of frontal personages, one present in the Bennett Monolith... more
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      IconographyRitualTiwanakuCeremony, Ritual and Performance
Lucrarea propune o abordare nouă în istoriografia românească, și anume relația dintre muzică și puterea politică în Moldova și Țara Românească în secolele XV-XVIII. Mai exact, prin acest demers se încearcă relevarea modului în care domnul... more
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      MusicMusic TheoryMusicologyMedieval History
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      Medieval FranceArt, Miniature PaintingThe Kingdom of NaplesMedieval Liturgy
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      Visual StudiesArt HistoryLiturgical StudiesVisual Culture
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesRitualKingship (Medieval History)
The following article builds on recent scholarship investigating the ceremonial use of textiles by the Greek Orthodox Church under the Ottomans. While previous publications concur about the impact Ottoman aesthetic had on ecclesiastical... more
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      History of DressTextilesDress and identityByzantine ceremonial
The thesis is a refutation aimed against the use of theocratic presuppositions concerning Israel in Biblical debates, especially pro-theocratic. This paper traces the word's origin and its varied arbitrary definitions for the purpose of... more
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      EthicsInternational LawCovenant TheologyEcclesiology
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      TheologyLiturgical StudiesLiturgyLiturgical History
Trop wielkanocny. Mors et vita duello conflixere mirando dux vitae mortuus regnat vivus. Tytuł dwuznacznie obejmuje (1) nie dostrzeżone liturgiczne tło dla topiki dialogów człowieka ze śmiercią, (2) kryje ogólniejsze odniesienia do... more
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      Medieval LiturgyCatholic LiturgyMedieval liturgical musicLiturgical Ceremonial
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      Liturgical StudiesLiturgyLiturgical HistoryEarly Christian Liturgy
La integración de la música para conjuntos instrumentales en el ceremonial religioso durante el tránsito del siglo XVIII al XIX es una temática que ha cobrado cierta relevancia en los últimos años en la agenda musicológica española e... more
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      Spanish MusicInstrumental MusicLiturgical Ceremonial
Die meisten Feste christlicher Liturgie verstehen sich als Vergegenwärtigung biblischer Geschichte. Es ist allerdings nicht selbstverständlich, dass dies in spielerischer Dramatisierung narrativer Texte geschieht. Das nach der... more
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      ChristianityLiturgical StudiesMimesisLiturgy
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      Liturgical StudiesLiturgical Ceremonial