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      Responsibility to ProtectInternational Humanitarian LawLybia
Special issue on environmental history of migration co-edited by Roberta Biasillo, Claudio De Majo and myself
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      Mobility/MobilitiesEnvironmental HistoryArgentina HistoryMigration History
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      International LawUnited NationsSecurity CouncilHuman rights council
L'esperienza coloniale italiana si esaurisce nell'arco di sessant'anni, tra la seconda metà dell'Ottocento e la prima del Novecento (1882-1943). Dopo una prima fase sotto il governo liberale, durante l'ultimo ventennio la politica... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesEthiopian StudiesIdentity (Culture)Sociology of Identity
Recent developments in the Eastern Mediterranean, such as considerable gas finds; disagreements over the demarcation of maritime boundaries; large-scale violence and political instability following the Arab Spring; mass migration via sea... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesMiddle East StudiesWar StudiesCyprus Studies
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      History and MemoryColonialismLybia
În urma raportului ICISS din 2001, adoptarea unanimă a conceptului Responsabilității de a Proteja (R2P) în 2005, a marcat piatra de hotar a unei înțelegeri comune în ceea ce privește răspunsul comunității internaționale la adresa... more
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      Doctrine (Military Science)NATOLiberalismSyria
Ca. 78 Millionen Opfer seit 1946 Wieviel Vollidioten in der Politik gibt es die sich erst als richtiger Mann oder Frau sehen wenn sie Uniformen im Einsatz sehen? Militäroperationen und Kriege der Vereinigten Staaten und NATO seit 1945... more
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      Eastern EuropeWar StudiesPolitical SciencePolitical Violence and Terrorism
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      International RelationsInternational SecurityMaritime LawMigration Law
KZ Auschwitz.txt KZ Auschwitz -Nie mehr wieder
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      GovernmentLeadershipWar StudiesPolitical Science
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      African StudiesGenocide StudiesNigeriaRwandan Genocide
US NATO Krieg in Afghanistan seit 2001 ohne Erfolg, in Vietnam ohne Erfolg, Irak ohne Erfolg, in Libyen ohne Erfolg und jetzt gegen Russland? Der Intelligente Teil der Welt lacht schon über so viel Größenwahn! Kriegstote Bisher kamen... more
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      Social SciencesWar StudiesAfghanistanVietnam War
Like many other European countries, at the end of the 19th century Italy occupied a number of territories around the world, though most of these colonies were located in Africa. In those where the Italian presence has been longer and... more
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      Ethiopian StudiesColonialismPidgins & CreolesPost-Colonialism
Nel 1912 Marcello Piacentini realizza a Bengasi il Grand Hotel Roma e in seguito realizza progetti per la sede del banco di Roma e il nuovo palazzo municipale (1922-23): lo stile prescelto riprende motivi dell'architettura araba e... more
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      Orientalism in artOrientalismLybiaMarcello Piacentini
Un battaglione di ascari sul fronte libico e poi in visita premio in Italia nell’estate del 1912, accolto da una folla festante e da una curiosità morbosa. È questo il tema del lavoro che ripercorre i sei mesi di missione del V... more
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      History of photographyEritreaHorn of AfricaItalian colonialism
Si existe un relato que, desde tiempos muy anteriores a la Guerra de Troya, ha unido y relacionado África con Asia occidental ese es el de la expedición militar de la reina amazona Mirina. Desde el siglo VIII a.C. hasta el siglo IV de... more
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      ReligionAncient Egyptian ReligionComparative ReligionMythology And Folklore
Ce travail se fonde sur une partie de ma thèse de doctorat (2010), dédiée à Claude Le Maire et aux activités archéologique françaises en Afrique du nord et remploi des monuments en France, entre XVIIe et XVIIIe (dir. A. Schnapp). On... more
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      ArchaeologyAestheticsMuseum StudiesXVIII century
Dodici antenne satellitari ben visibili a sud delle piste della stazione aeronavale di Sigonella quando si percorre in auto la superstrada che da Catania giunge a Gela. Sorgono in un’area della base di 1,200 metri quadri insieme ad una... more
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      Italian StudiesNATONATO's New Strategic ConceptSicilia
La guerra di Libia fu un avvenimento chiave per l’età giolittiana e, a ben vedere, si può considerare l’inizio della fine dell’Italia liberale: da quel momento in avanti la politica sarà dettata dall’agenda di gruppi politici legati al... more
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      FreemasonryHistory of FreemasonryLibiaLybia
La colaboración de la mujer libia en la Revolución de 2011 fue sin duda manifestación de la enorme participación política que ha caracterizado por largo tiempo a los habitantes de la región y a la mujer en específico. Sin embargo, una... more
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      African StudiesMiddle East StudiesConflictArab women
A tágabban értelmezett Mediterrán-térséget tárgyaló kötet 18 írása nemcsak témájában, földrajzi fókuszában tér el, hanem abban is, hogy a feldolgozandó témaköröket az azokhoz a legkülönböző módon kapcsolódó szakemberek segítségével... more
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      Balkan StudiesIberian StudiesMigrationMediterranean Studies
The research question of my work deals with the belief that a reform of UN peace operations should be developed in order to improve the decision-making and decision-implementation process both at the Security Council and the DPKO level in... more
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      International StudiesPolitical ScienceInternational Criminal CourtReligion, Conflict and Peacebuilding
, this thesis will analyze the reasons behind the measures’ evolution in the United Nation Security Council’s legal framework under the aegis of Chapter VII of United Nation Charter. Aiming to provide an historical perspective, the first... more
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      International RelationsInternational LawInternational Human Rights LawUnited Nations
A presentation about Libia in 2014 with a focus on the energy sector
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      Oil and gasLibiaLybia
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      Lybia(Italian) Colonialism and PostcolonialismItalian Colonial CinemaItalian Colonial Postcolonial Literature
Entre los numerosos mitos y leyendas griegas, existen figuras que, ya en la propia antigüedad, alcanzaron gran importancia. Nos referimos al mito de las amazonas, cuya existencia podemos retrotraer hasta el siglo VIII a.C. o incluso... more
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      ReligionAncient Egyptian ReligionComparative ReligionMythology And Folklore
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      Military HistoryContemporary HistoryColonialismLibia
Recent developments in the Eastern Mediterranean create strong incentives for greater interstate coordination in the maritime domain there, though current state preferences are expected to limit the gamut of joint action. Yet, the nature... more
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      Cyprus StudiesIranian StudiesIsrael/PalestineLebanon
in Orienti, a cura di Maria Grazia Chiappori, Ariccia RM, Aracne, 2016.
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      Mediterranean StudiesMediterraneanLibiaROMAN LYBIA
The period between 1845 and 1950 is generally evaluated as a moment of global change. Specifically, the first two decades of Twentieth Century revealed the decay of imperialism and the spreading of a common sense of belonging throughout... more
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      Transnational and World HistoryWorld HistoryColonialismPan-Islamism
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      Lybia(Italian) Colonialism and PostcolonialismSephardic Literature and Culture
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      Cultural StudiesColonialismLybia
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A partir del análisis descriptivo de los principales ataques perpetrados por Daesh en Túnez, este artículo estudia la naturaleza y evolución de la organización terrorista en el país magrebí. Así, examina las características y vicisitudes... more
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      Vertebrate PaleontologyMessinian Salinity CrisisLybiaSirenia
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      International Criminal LawInternational Criminal JusticeLybiaUnited Nations Security Council
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      MigrationEuropean UnionInternational MigrationMigration Studies
The article offers a concise topographical and archaeological examination of the sites between Derna and Cyrene that Claude Le Maire, French consul in Tripoli de Barbarie, mentions in a record about his travels in Cyrenaica (1705-6),... more
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      GeographyClassical ArchaeologyMiddle East & North AfricaNorth Africa Studies
In questo articolo si ricostruisce la vicenda storica e culturale di una statua trovata a Bengasi nel 1692-3, conservata grazie a Claude Le Maire, console francese a Tripoli, poi inviata a Luigi XIV, a Versailles. La statua, di età... more
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      ArchaeologyAestheticsArt HistoryArt Theory
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      International LawInternational Criminal LawInternational Criminal CourtCrimes Against Humanity
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      North Africa StudiesModalityTense aspect modalityLybia
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      Maghreb studiesMauretania TingitanaLybiaNumidia
Che Dio stramaledica gli inglesi. Lo sa chiunque: sono imperialisti, corsari. I migliori tra loro devono essere quei manifestanti che a Bristol hanno abbattuto la statua dello schiavista Colston. Nel frattempo, a Liverpool, Penny Lane... more
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      RazzismoLybiaColonialism and ImperialismColonialismo italiano
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyNorth African prehistory (Archaeology)Prehistoric Rock ArtHistory of Archaeology
Bookreview of "Arab Spring, Libyan Winter" by Vijay Prashad
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      African StudiesInternational RelationsLibiaEstudos Africanos
Anthropology has rarely been recognized as one of the "policy sciences," yet at this point in history, anthropological skills are needed more than ever for the government officials, businessmen and journalists who deal with an... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCultural StudiesAmerican StudiesAmerican Politics
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      Cultural StudiesMusic HistoryMusicologyEthiopian Studies
Recent foreign conflict throughout the world has shown an unusually coherent and powerful belief system operating in the exercise of United States foreign policy. Like most belief systems, that of the United States foreign policy... more
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      American StudiesInternational RelationsForeign Policy AnalysisMiddle East Studies
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      United NationsDemocratic transitionLybiaUNSMIL
A 2011-es arab tavasz eseménytörténete nem oda vezetett, ahová sokan várták. Nem következett be európai értelemben vett demokratizálódás, hanem helyette egy hosszan tartó és a végkimenetelét tekintve megjósolhatatlan konfliktussorozat... more
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      International LawFailed StatesUse of force in international law and international relationsLybia