Recent papers in Tunisia
Thesis Submitted for the Master’s Degree in European and International Studies - Studi Europei e Internazionali (Laurea Magistrale)
This chapter investigates the influence of the board composition and leadership on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) disclosure. The empirical study of 68 Tunisian listed companies and 100 Egyptian listed companies reveals that board... more
This chapter interrogates how activist social media communication in authoritarian contexts is shaped through the mutual articulation of social media user practices, business models, and technological architectures, as well as through the... more
This paper compares solid waste management in Lebanon, Jordan, and Tunisia; countries that are at different stages in terms of waste management but they share similarities pertaining to waste practices, sources and types of waste,... more
Current foreign policy under the Obama administration is examined (from the Cheonan incident to the Arab Spring) and there is a brief examination of what may lay in store for America's future.
FRIDE is an independent think-tank based in Madrid, focused on issues related to democracy and human rights; peace and security; and humanitarian action and development. FRIDE attempts to influence policy-making and inform public opinion,... more
Anecdotal evidence on hidden inequity in health care in North African countries abounds. Yet firm empirical evidence has been harder to come by. This article fills the gap. It presents the first analysis of equity in the healthcare system... more
Hepatocellular carcinoma represents the fifth most common cancer worldwide and account for approximately 90% of primary liver cancer. Men have a higher prevalence than women; the sex ratio varies between 2:1 and 4:1, depending on the... more
The national trade union as an institution was created as a result the industrial revolution and has depended on the simultaneous proliferation of the industrial sector in each country. As labor was forced into modernity via the... more
Background: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the commonest sustained cardiac arrhythmia, which confers a high risk of mortality and morbidity from stroke and thromboembolism. Altered platelet activation and platelet-dependent thromboembolism... more
Reçu le 2 mai 2006 ; accepté le 21 juillet 2006 Disponible sur internet le 18 août 2006
Thirty-six children (27 boys, nine girls) that fulfilled CDC criteria for community-acquired infections were diagnosed with bacteraemia and/or osteomyelitis caused by Staphylococcus aureus during an 18-month period (2006)(2007)(2008).... more
Disponible sur Internet le 30 octobre 2009 MOTS CLÉS Échinococcose ; Paroi thoracique ; Parties molles ; Os Résumé L'échinococcose (EC) de la paroi thoracique demeure rare même en pays d'endémie représentant 0,09 à 0,3 % des cas d'EC... more
In Tunisia, the critical concept that allows assessment of relations between the government and human rights organizations and opposition groups active in their midst is the element of compromise. Some opposition members of human rights... more
The association between human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and development of bladder cancer is variable. Furthermore, the prevalence of HPV DNA in bladder carcinoma subtypes varies from study to study. To clarify the impact of HPV... more
The case study describes how the team members of a Tunisian Environmental Scanning Agriculture Observatory dealt with new ways of communicating introduced by technology. An inter-organizational computer supported collaborative work (CSCW)... more
Whilst often mentioned and sometimes hammered out, the “economic origins” of the revolution have mostly been ignored. Why is that so? The article attempts to explain this surprising oversight. The emphasis on what was at stake with “the... more
Scholars have recently become attentive not only to the institutional designs that constitutions set up, but also to the constitutional change processes. Most authors, who are concerned with the effects the design of constitution-making... more
There may be no better place from which to observe the process of globalization than watching the rush of passengers through the transit lounge of an international airport...
As a collegial institution, the parliament is becoming more and more important in the countries where the democratic processes are taking place, as it is the most favorite political space where the different components of the society can... more
Luxury consumption and the desire for luxury are well-accepted phenomena. Myriad studies have documented the pervasiveness of the luxury market in the West and the high growth and strong potential of Asian luxury markets. It is also... more
Le tasfih (littéralement « fermage », « scellement ») est un rituel profane de protec-tion de la virginité féminine auquel se soumettent par deux fois certaines jeunes filles tunisiennes, obtenant ainsi le statut de msafha: avant leur... more
On s’est beaucoup interrogé sur le pourquoi du « Printemps arabe » mais aucun ouvrage n’avait encore étudié comment il s’était déroulé. Parce que la plupart des chercheurs ici réunis ont observé les événements en direct, ce livre offre... more
Accumulation of heavy metals in native plants growing near the phosphate treatment industry, Tunisia.
Unemployed protests are the most important form of socioeconomic contention in Tunisia. Calls for employment and condemnations of corrupt recruitment procedures have fueled large-scale protests since the mid 2000s. Despite massive... more
Revue du Rhumatisme 2007; 74(5):915-16. 6 / Effet de l'activité physique sur le remodelage osseux chez les jeunes garçons.
Pb-Zn barite, celestite, florite, celestobarite, fluorite Ore Deposits in Tunisia (North Africa) , Jurassic, Cretcaceous, Triassic Salt diapris Jebel El Kohol, Jebel Stah, Jebel Mecella, Hammam Zriba, Jebel Guebli, Fedj el Adoum, Fej... more
First step in new project on economics in post-revolutionary Tunisia.
Anna Antonakis’ analysis of the Tunisian transformation process (2011-2014) displays how negotiations of gender initiating new political orders do not only happen in legal and political institutions but also in media representations and... more
En dépit de sa perméabilité aux influences extérieures, le pouvoir en Tunisie n’est jamais resté passif face aux pressions ou injonctions (aussi fortes soient-elles) émanant de ses « partenaires » étrangers. La notion de réajustement est... more
(Tanıtım Bülteninden) "Arap İsyanları Güncesi", Kuzey Afrika ve Ortadoğu'daki değişimi Türkiye'de en yakından izleyen habercilerden birinin, 3 yıl süresince Tunus, Mısır, Libya ve Suriye'ye gerçekleştirdiği seyahatlerde şahit oldukları... more
La signature par 162 États du « pacte mondial pour une migration sûre, ordonnée et régulière »s, le 10 septembre 2018, a été le fruit d’une large consultation et d’un compromis de divers acteurs gouvernementaux et nongouvernementaux. Ce... more
This paper adds a different dimension to the educational borrowing, lending, and transfer literature by examining the consequences of educational reforms that are implemented under dictatorships and their lasting impacts. In using Tunisia... more
International conference "L'Italie dans les bagages", Paris, Musée de l'Immigration, 15-17/06/ 2017.
The presence of broad-spectrum-cephalosporin-resistant Escherichia coli isolates and the implicated mechanisms of resistance were investigated in 79 food samples of animal origin obtained in different supermarkets and local butcheries in... more
La Revolución de los Jazmines fue uno de los sucesos más sorprendentes que podían haber tenido lugar para la comunidad internacional, pero más aún lo fue, que ésta se extendiese por la franja norte de África, convirtiéndose en el fenómeno... more
In Arab and Islamic countries, domestic violence is not yet considered a major concern despite its increasing frequency and serious consequences. Surveys in Egypt, Palestine, Israel and Tunisia show that at least one out of three women is... more