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      Roland BarthesPhilosophy of LoveMilan KunderaMistery
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      Discourse AnalysisReligionQuestions and AnswersMistery
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Problemele de astăzi (chiar și cele privind modul împărtășirii credincioșilor, dar nu numai), care nu sunt foarte diferite de cele ale oricărei alte perioade, mai mult sau mai puțin grele din viața Bisericii, nu ar trebui să ne preocupe... more
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"Jednom sam ubio svoju ljubav, a bezbroj puta sam umro za nju." Magična, vrlo osećajna i dirljiva priča o pravoj ljubavi koja ukazuje na njenu snagu i trajnost koja je nekome suđena. "Danijel ima večno „sećanje“, sposobnost da... more
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      DramaPhilosophy of LoveMistery
Giuseppe Tartini fu un valente musicista della Padova del '700, tuttavia semi-sconosciuto alla massa. Anche la letteratura ha, non di rado, restituito di lui un'immagine densa di scorrettezze. Cerchiamo allora di risalire tra le pieghe... more
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      ViolinistTartiniGiuseppe TartiniMistery
documents secrets
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Pergamentul secret-Radu Cinamar
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      Action ResearchMistery
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      Recuperación de la memoria colectivaAntropologíaTradición oralMemoria Colectiva
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      ReligionChristianityCultural StudiesWorld Literatures
La historia de la Alquimia en contra de lo que pretenden sus enemigos no solo presenta trucos y engaños en la obtención de la ansiada fama o admiración que implicaría la obtención del poder transmutatorio de los metales vulgares en oro o... more
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      Jean-Julien Hubert Champagne (a.k.a. Fulcanelli)Western EsotericismAlchemy and hermeticsAlquimia
Forteanismo. Misterio. Ovnis. Fenómenos.
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      HISTORIA OCULTAOvnisMistery
Este es uno de mis trabajos como pueden ver no esta completo
es sólo una parte de él si les agrada subiré mas cosas.
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      War on TerrorCuentos MexicanosMistery
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      CzechoslovakiaMiracleCzechoslovak comunismMistery
Misterul din Egipt primul tunel-Radu Cinamar
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Publicarea volumului Viitor cu cap de mort a pus societatea românească faţă în faţă cu o realitate tulburătoare. Într-adevăr, putem spune că lucrarea lui Radu Cinamar a generat în conştiinţa oamenilor multe semne de întrebare. Unii... more
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Riflessioni pubblicate sulla versione online de Il Primato Nazionale in data 5 Settembre 2018, sull'opera collettanea edita da Carocci.
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      Roman HistoryArqueología romana / Roman archeologyUmanesimo latino e tradizione dei classici tra sec. XIV e XVIRoman Archaeology
Mystagogy-Way and Canon in Orthodoxy. Believers today, even theologians, often have an ambiguous or obscure understanding of the notion of "mystagogy". We therefore aim, through this study, to rediscover the meaning(s) of "mystagogy" in... more
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      Canon LawCatechesisMisteriosMistagogy
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“il Sì della Notte” Genere letterario: prosa con frammenti e citazioni poetiche, viaggio nell'immaginario, romanzo fantastico di introspezione. È anche un “romanzo musicale” che contiene collegamenti ipertestuali a brani musicali che ne... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyPsychoanalysisSocial Psychology
The human being meets the idea of infinity very early, still child, when realizes that he can go on with natural numbers until it is possible to count. The idea of infinity attracts and rejects, sometimes becomes object of desire and... more
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      MathematicsArt HistoryEducationHistory of Mathematics
25 anni fa, nell'università di Chicago, il 21 di maggio del 1991, veniva assassinato il geniale discepolo di Mircea Eliade. La sua vita, i suoi studi, la sua morte sono ancora circondati di mistero...
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      HistoryHistory of ReligionMagicMagical Realism
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      Trinitarian TheologyTrinity (Theology)MariologyMistery
Studio sulla derivazione dell'idea di Italia, nel mondo preromano, italico e magnogreco.
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      Roman HistoryWestern Esotericism (Anthropology)Western Esotericism (History)Neo-Paganism and Western Esotericism
Following your meeting on June 14 on narcotics, Ambassador Handle y has had a series of discussions with Turkish Prime Minister Erim , which have resulted in Turkish agreement to eliminate planting of th e opium poppy in 1972 on certain... more
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      Cold WarTurkeyDemocracyModern Turkey
In Aygül Ağır, Deniz Mazlum, Gül Cephanecigil (eds.), Afife Batur'a Armağan: Mimarlık ve Sanat Tarihi Yazıları, Literatür, İstanbul, 2005, pp. 143-150.
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary HistoryModern History
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      ParapsychologyGhostsParanormalFolk magic
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Este traballo, titulado “Relixión mistérica e ficción literaria na Antigüedade” pretende afondar na importancia cada vez maior que se lle outorga aos cultos mistéricos como un modelo de sabedoría do que parte a filosofía antiga e tamén a... more
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      EuripidesOrphismMinoan CreteMistery
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      Children's and Young Adult LiteratureNarratologyNarrative AnalysisMistery
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      MathematicsArt HistoryEducationHistory of Mathematics
Sinopsis Carlos es un simple oficial de policía que es bueno en su trabajo, pero todo eso cambia un día cuando se vuelve objeto de una psicópata que se hace llamar MANTIS, desde que Carlos conoció a esta mujer su vida solo fue de mal en... more
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