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Translation of Paul Claudel's poem "Le Chemin de la Croix," commented on in my short article "Claudel's Way to the Inexhaustible"--published in _Logos_ 19:2 (Spring 2016).
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      French LiteratureCatholic StudiesCatholic TheologyModern French Poetry
Ce livre participe à la question de l’écriture des mathématiques, de leur hermétisme, de leur inutilité aussi bien, qu’on la prenne au sens métaphysique de Blaise Pascal, ou au sens pragmatique de l’application que nous imposent... more
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      MathematicsFrench StudiesSamuel BeckettRoland Barthes
Kto pamięta Charles'a Péguy? Tego nieomal szaleńca, wygnanego ze wszystkich ziem, na których mógłby znaleźć odpoczynek.
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      Catholic TheologyHans Urs von BalthasarCharles PéguyModern French Poetry
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      French LiteraturePoetryAbstract ArtModern Art
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      French LiteratureLitterature de VoyagesMusiqueModern French Poetry
Volgens Francis Poulenc was het componeren van liederen op poëtische teksten niet minder dan een daad van liefde. Zijn mooiste melodieën schreef hij op gedichten van Paul Éluard, een van de centrale figuren van de surrealistische... more
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      Music HistoryIntermedialityModern ArtSurrealism
The question that guides this article is as follows: how do the formal innovations pointed to by Mallarmé as unpredictable ruptures with respect to tradition - namely, the double page and the division of motifs - contribute to creating a... more
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      French LiteraturePhilosophyMetaphysicsFrench Studies
El ángulo recto constituye la base del pensamiento arquitectónico de Le Corbusier, para quien ninguna forma está desprovista de sentido. Todas sus obras lo ponen de relieve, todos sus proyectos lo atestiguan. No sólo es una forma... more
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The Galloping Hour: French Poems--never before rendered in English and unpublished during her lifetime--gathers for the first time all the poems that Alejandra Pizarnik (revered by Octavio Paz and Roberto Bolan o) wrote in French.... more
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      Latin American StudiesComparative LiteratureGender StudiesTranslation Studies
This paper is currently being revised. Main topic and almost all information will remain but revised version should be uploaded soon. Thanks!
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      French LiteratureMusic HistorySynaesthesiaLiterary Symbolism
A new Italian translation from Valéry...
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    • Modern French Poetry
A silly poem.
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      French LiteratureMythologyGérard de NervalModern French Poetry
Analisi della poesia composta dal poeta Charles Baudelaire e appartenente alla raccolta "Les Fleurs du Mal" (1857).
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      French LiteratureRomanticismLiteraturePoetry
Baudelaire et le premier romantisme -  L'amour des femmes                                                  La femme, instrument diabolique- La poésie après juin 48: le poème en prose - Le poète qui rit - Vers le nouveau
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      Critical TheoryFrench LiteratureLiteraturePolitics and Literature
di René Char, queste pagine si propongono di avviare un sondaggio testuale che tenti di attribuire alla raccolta charriana un signifi cato molto più concreto di quello che si è soliti pensare. In Feuillets d'Hypnos non domina... more
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      Paul CelanPoetry and PoliticsModern French PoetryVittorio Sereni
A near-complete bibliography of secondary sources published on Jean-Louis Chrétien, as of July 2024.
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      Philosophical TheologyPhenomenology (Research Methodology)Philosophy of FinitudePhenomenology of Religion
The poetry of lesbian writer Renée Vivien (née Pauline Mary Tarn, 1877-1909) in translation. The second edition, available through Headmistress Press and Amazon, is newly expanded to include more translations as well as the original... more
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      French LiteratureWomen's StudiesPoetryGay And Lesbian Studies
Claude Cahun fue uno de los surrealistas fundadores en París, compañero de Bataille y su entorno. Antes de llamarse públicamente Claude Cahun como poeta, fotógrafo, y ensayista, (​ Claude siendo un nombre masculino muy típico en Francia),... more
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      Transgender StudiesSurrealismTranslationAffect
Considering poetry as a literary form in close relation with absence and scarcity; this paper deals with some of the most frequent and significant forms of absence that appear in poetic texts. The physical absence of the other, due either... more
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      Modern French PoetryInspirationPoésie françaisePresence/absence
En français: À Paris au début du XXème siècle, les jeunes peintres et les poètes fréquentaient le Bateau-Lavoir. L’amitié entre eux, les vicissitudes de leur vie et l’échange des idées par des revues, des catalogues et des ouvrages... more
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      Comparative LiteratureFrench LiteratureModern French PoetryFrench Poetry and Poetics
Quelles sont les règles qui structurent le vers en poésie française, mais aussi les strophes et leur organisation ? Comment ces règles ont-elles changé au fil des siècles, des courants littéraires, et de l'évolution linguistique du... more
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      VersificationVerse Form & MetreModern French PoetryFrench Poetry and Poetics
La figure de Jeanne Duval est un mystère biographique. Dans la poésie de Baudelaire, elle est l'inspiratrice d'une série des poèmes baptisés par la critique comme le "cycle de la vénus noire". L'esthétisation de la femme noire chez... more
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      Black Women's StudiesBaudelaireModern French PoetryPoésie française
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      Art HistoryPoetryModern ArtSurrealism
This is a lesson plan to introduce entry level French students to Déjeuner du Matin by Jacques Prévert
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      French StudiesPoetryFrench languageFrench
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      Russian StudiesComparative LiteratureFrench LiteratureRussian Literature
original source: gallica.bnf.fr
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      French LiteratureTranslation StudiesModern French PoetryTranslation Theory, French-to-English Translation
Pour la deuxième étape de notre périple à travers les contrées (trop) agrestes de la poétique rap, je vous propose de nous arrêter à la manière de touristes japonais -c'est-à-dire extrêmement longuement -devant un monument vivant de notre... more
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      Hip-Hop/RapFrench MusicModern French PoetryFrench Rap Music
Desiring Obscure Objects: The Avant-garde in France in the 1920s and 1930s.
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      French LiteratureSurrealism20th Century French LiteraturePaul Eluard
First volume of co-edited series (w. Ludovic Cortade) on Literature and Cinema, Film Cultures, Peter Lang. Premier volume d'une série co-éditée avec Ludovic Cortade dans la collection Film Cultures de Peter Lang sur les relations entre... more
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      French LiteratureVisual StudiesMedia StudiesFilm Studies
One creature only is most foul and false! Though making no grand gestures, nor great cries, He willingly would devastate the earth And in one yawning swallow all the world;
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      LiteraturePoetryBaudelaireDecadence (Literature)
Avec ce volume qui va de mars 1914 à janvier 1915, treizième et dernier tome, s’achève l’édition scientifique des ‘Cahiers 1894-1914’ de Valéry. On retrouve là ce qui fait le mouvement profond des Cahiers : une mise à distance de soi qui... more
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      PsychologyPsychoanalysisMathematicsFrench Literature
In 1961 Philippe Jaccottet wrote: "The best answer to all kinds of questions is the poem’s very absence of a response". In keeping with the elusive nature of the world, abandoned by the gods and by God, the poem remains mysterious, thus... more
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      ReligionPoetryPhilippe JaccottetModern French Poetry
Mémoire de recherche - Master de Littérature Comparée
Research paper - Masters in Comparative Literature.
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      Literature and SocietyModern French PoetryLebanese LiteratureLiterature and Nationalism
Στη Μνήμη του Ποιητή Κώστα Ριτσώνη "Αγνοώ όλα όσα γνωρίζω Και δεν γνωρίζω τίποτα Απ' όλα όσα αγνοώ Πώς θα μπορούσα να συλλογιστώ τον θάνατο Αφού γνωρίζω πως κάποια μέρα θα πεθάνεις". A' δημοσίευση στο έντυπο λογ. περιοδικό ΘΡΑΚΑ,... more
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      Poetry TranslationModern French PoetryFrench poetryJacques Prévert
Перед нами первый собственный поэтический сборник замечательного русского и швейцарского лингвиста Екатерины Вельмезовой. Ему
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      Russian PoetryModern French PoetryEstonian Poetry
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      PoetrySurrealismLanguage and PowerLanguage And Power (Philosophy)
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      French LiteraturePoetryModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Modern Poetry
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      German StudiesComparative LiteratureFrench LiteratureMythology
Emily Dickinson in French - a translation of 360 poems
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      Emily DickinsonPoetryHermeneuticsTranslation of Poetry
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      French LiteratureCharles BaudelaireModern French Poetry
Sobre el supuesto de una crisis histórica del poema, coincidente con la eclosión de la modernidad, se buscará determinar la situación y respuestas de Charles Baudelaire (1821-1871), Stéphane Mallarmé (1842-1898) y Paul Valéry (1871-1945),... more
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      SyntaxPoeticsSymbolismModern Poetry
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      PoetryPhilippe JaccottetModern French Poetry
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      Modern French PoetryAndré Du BouchetSpace and Poetrypoésie française XXe s.
A new Italian translation from Varlaine...
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    • Modern French Poetry
U poeziji, te pjesničkoj i estetičkoj teoriji Guillaumea Apollinairea, Blaisea Cendrarsa i Pierrea Reverdya, između njihovih velikih pjesama „Uskrs u New Yorku“ i „Zona“ 1912, te Bretonovog Manifesta nadrealizma 1924, dolazi do neviđenog... more
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      PerceptionPhenomenology of Space and PlaceRealismModern French Poetry
As Philippe Jaccottet puts it, both hermeneutic process and translation practice are to be defined by the same formula, which the Swiss poet borrows from Virginia Woolf’s definition of poetry: they are both “secret transactions”... more
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      Francophone LiteratureLiterary translationModern French PoetryTraduction
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      Everyday AestheticsEveryday Life StudiesModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Twentieth-Century and Contemporary Poetry