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Industrial control systems are nowadays exposed in environments with rapid and unstable parameter changes and uses measuring equipments with critical output sensitivity. In the case of thermal gas analyzer, measurement errors are... more
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      Thermal EngineeringThermodynamicsNumerical SimulationsSimulation (Computer Science)
Intrusion detection has attracted a considerable interest from researchers and industries. The community, after many years of research, still faces the problem of building reliable and efficient IDS that are capable of handling large... more
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      MathematicsAlgorithmsInformation SecurityMachine Learning
Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) is efficient estimation model not only among neuro-fuzzy systems but also various other machine learning techniques. Despite acceptance among researchers, ANFIS suffers from limitations that... more
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      Optimization techniquesANFISNeural Networks and Neuro-Fuzzy SyetemsMembership Functions
Scope of the book: This book focusses on the technical concepts of deep learning and its associated branch Neural Networks for the various dimensions of image processing applications. The proposed volume intends to bring together... more
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      Applied MathematicsComputer GraphicsArtificial IntelligenceComputer Vision
The diagnosis of blood related diseases involves the identification and characterization of a patient's blood sample. As such, automated methods for detecting and classifying the types of blood cells have important medical applications in... more
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      Neural NetworksNeural NetworkRed blood cell transfusionRecurrent Neural Networks
This paper considers the problem of oscillations in a synchronous generator connected to infinite bus through transmission lines. Two on-line control techniques, namely, artificial neural networks (ANN) and simulated annealing (SA) are... more
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      Electrical EngineeringControl Systems EngineeringControl EngineeringSimulated Annealing
During the last decades, many cognitive architectures (CAs) have been realized adopting different assumptions about the organization and the representation of their knowledge level. Some of them (e.g. SOAR [35]) adopt a classical symbolic... more
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      RoboticsCognitive ScienceComputer ScienceArtificial Intelligence
Multilabel Image Tagging is one of the most important challenges in computer vision with many real world applications and thus we have used Deep Neural Networks for Image Annotation to boost performance. This experiment is performed on... more
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      Neural NetworksArtificial Neural Networks for modeling purposesKnowledge extraction (Data mining, rough set, neural networks)Artificial Neural Networks
— Modeling time series is often associated with the process forecasts certain characteristics in the next period. One of the methods forecasts that developed nowadays is using artificial neural network or more popularly known as aneural... more
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      Neural NetworksArtficial Neural NetworksNeural NetworkArtificial Neural Networks for modeling purposes
In this paper, a Fuzzy Neural Petri Net (FNPN) controller has been designed established on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) for controlling the path tracking of Wheeled Mobile Robot (WMR). The path planning controller problem has been... more
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      Optimization techniquesAutonomous Mobile RobotsNeural Networks and Neuro-Fuzzy Syetems
Automatic recognition of cardiac arrhythmias is important for diagnosis of cardiac abnormalies. Several algorithms have been proposed to classify ECG arrhythmias; however, they cannot perform very well. Therefore, in this paper, an expert... more
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      Neural NetworksArtficial Neural NetworksNeural NetworkArtificial Neural Networks for modeling purposes
This paper focuses on the study of short term load forecasting (STELF) using interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic (IT2FL) and feed-forward Neural Network with back-propagation (NN-BP) tuning algorithm to improve their approximation capability,... more
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      Fuzzy LogicBack PropagationFuzzy Logic ControlNeural Networks
In this paper, we present a soft computing modelof decision support systems for diagnosing diseases andprescribing herbal prescriptions by oriental medicine.Inputs to the model are severities of observed symptoms onpatients and outputs... more
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      Electrical EngineeringBioengineeringBioinformaticsSoftware Engineering
The growth of Internet and other web technologies requires the development of new algorithms and architectures for parallel and distributed computing. International journal of Distributed and parallel systems is a bi monthly open access... more
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      CommunicationVisualizationComputer NetworksArtificial Neural Networks
A new subsethood-product fuzzy neural inference system (SuPFuNIS) is presented in this paper. It has the flexibility to handle both numeric and linguistic inputs simultaneously. Numeric inputs are fuzzified by input nodes which act as... more
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      Computer ArchitectureComputer NetworksFuzzy set theoryFuzzy Sets
─ Detecting the presence of materials in biomedical science using THz sensors, especially thin DNA strands, needs considerably sensitive sensors. Connection of unit cells in new frequency selective surface (FSS) structure, coupled with... more
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      Electromagnetic metamaterialsRF and Microwave SystemsArtificial Neural NetworksNeural Networks and Neuro-Fuzzy Syetems
In this paper a new interval Type-2 fuzzy neural network will be presented for function approximation. The proposed neural network is based on Locally Linear Model Tree (LOLIMOT) which is a fast learning algorithm for Locally Linear... more
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      Fuzzy LogicType-2 Fuzzy SystemsNeural Networks and Neuro-Fuzzy Syetems
This paper focuses on the study of short term load forecasting (STELF) using interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic (IT2FL) and feed-forward Neural Network with back-propagation (NN-BP) tuning algorithm to improve their approximation capability,... more
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      Fuzzy LogicElectrical Load ForecastingType 2 Fuzzy LogicFuzzy Neural Network
E-Health is alluded to as utilizing of information and communication technologies (ICT) in restorative field to control treatment of patients, research, and wellbeing training and checking of general wellbeing. The reason for this paper... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringBiotechnologyBilingual EducationIndustrial Biotechnology
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      Classification (Machine Learning)Clustering and Classification MethodsRadial Basis FunctionNeural Networks
Deep neural network as a part of deep learning algorithm is a state-of-the-art approach to find higher level representations of input data which has been introduced to many practical and challenging learning problems successfully. The... more
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      Machine LearningNeural Control of MovementArtificial Neural Networks for modeling purposesLarge-scale databases
Modeling time series is often associated with the process forecasts certain characteristics in the next period. One of the methods forecasts that developed nowadays is using artificial neural network or more popularly known as a neural... more
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      Neural NetworksArtficial Neural NetworksNeural NetworkArtificial Neural Networks for modeling purposes
In this paper, an architecture of dynamic fuzzy neural networks (D-FNN) implementing Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (TSK) fuzzy systems based on extended radial basis function (RBF) neural networks is proposed. A novel learning algorithm based on... more
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    • Neural Networks and Neuro-Fuzzy Syetems
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    • Neural Networks and Neuro-Fuzzy Syetems
In this paper, we propose a complex-valued Takagi-Sugeno-Kang type-0 neuro-fuzzy inference system (CNFIS) and develop for it, a gradient-descent based learning algorithm to solve classification problems. The gradient-descent based... more
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      Neural Networks and Neuro-Fuzzy SyetemsComplex Valued Neural NetworksNeuro Fuzzy Inference Systems
Every day, the estimated volume of data which is generated per day is 2.6 quintillion bytes. From the last two years, there is a lot of data generation and execution is taking rise due to feasible technologies and devices. To make the... more
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      Classification (Machine Learning)Aritificial IntelligenceNeural Networks and Neuro-Fuzzy SyetemsEdge Computing
Scope International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (IJAISC) is a open access journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Computer Networks & Communications. The journal focuses on... more
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      Soft ComputingSoft Computing, Image Processing and RoboticsFuzzy SystemsArtificial Neural Networks for modeling purposes
The suggested method helps predicting vehicles movement in order to give the driver more time to react and avoid collisions on roads. The algorithm is dynamically modelling the road scene around the vehicle based on the data from the... more
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      Prediction-based Decisions & PlanningReal Time ComputingReal-time SystemsPrediction
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are a community of large-scale, low-power, low-cost wireless sensor nodes. This paper proposes a new fuzzy-neural based routing protocol, called Routing Protocol using Fuzzy system and Neural node, RPFN.... more
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      Sensors and SensingFuzzy LogicSensorFuzzy set theory
In this paper we have used 3D motion capture data with the aim of detecting and classifying specific human actions. In addition to recognition of basic action classes, actor styles and characteristics such as gender, age, and energy level... more
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      Neural NetworksArtficial Neural NetworksArtificial Neural Networks for modeling purposesArtificial Neural Networks
A new subsethood-product fuzzy neural inference system (SuPFuNIS) is presented in this paper. It has the flexibility to handle both numeric and linguistic inputs simultaneously. Numeric inputs are fuzzified by input nodes which act as... more
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      Computer ArchitectureComputer NetworksFuzzy set theoryFuzzy Sets
1 This paper describes CINTIA, a Neuro-Fuzzy real-time controller based on Pulse Stream computation techniques and designed for applications in low power embedded systems. The proposed system mixes two di erent approaches, namely... more
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      Computer HardwareControl systemLow PowerReal Time
This paper presents a novel embedded agent mechanism based on a neuro-fuzzy approach which is able to recognize activities inside an environment in an on-line mode. Its ultimate goal will be to learn, discriminate and react to personal... more
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      Ambient Intelligence AmI (in )Social Care For Older PeopleHealthcareAmbient Intelligence
New research indicates that the “living force” can be equated to the overall matter/energy pattern of an organism, while mind and consciousness are the electric and magnetic counterparts of the matter/energy pattern. In fact, all living... more
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      NeuroscienceParapsychologyPhilosophy of MindConsciousness (Psychology)
Due to the increasing deployment of vehicles in human societies and the necessity for smart traffic control, anomaly detection is among the various tasks widely employed in traffic monitoring. As the issue of urban traffic and their... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceAnomaly DetectionDeep Learning
Economic indicators such as Consumer Price Index (CPI) have frequently used in predicting future economic wealth for financial policy makers of respective country. Most central banks, on guidelines of research studies, have recently... more
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      Computer ScienceExpert SystemsNeural Networks and Neuro-Fuzzy SyetemsArtificial Intelligence applications
We have used neural network water level trend prediction (NNWLTP) in support of a water level sensing project. The NNWLTP approach allows dynamic change in water level sampling frequency, which will reduce power consumption and extend... more
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      Computer VisionWater resourcesNeural NetworkC Programming
Dental stem cells isolated for human dental pulp are an excellent source for regenerative medicine and dentistry. Simulation of clinical scenario is one of the crucial challenges for evaluation of the ef cacy of DPSCs in various... more
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      PredictionFuzzy and Neuro-Fuzzy SystemsLipopolysaccharidesNeural Networks and Neuro-Fuzzy Syetems
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) have been successfully used in Pattern Recognition tasks. Evolutionary Spiking Neural Networks (ESNNs) constitute an approach to design third-generation ANNs (also known as Spiking Neural Networks, SNNs)... more
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      Neural NetworksArtficial Neural NetworksArtificial Neural Networks for modeling purposesArtificial Neural Networks
Neural networks and genetic algorithms have been in the past successfully applied, separately, to controller tuning problems. In this paper we purpose to combine its joint use, by exploiting the nonlinear mapping capabilities of neural... more
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      Control Systems EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceGenetic Algorithms Updated by Latest Bio Algorithm in Real Life FindingsGenetic Algorithms
The Semantic Web aims at representing knowledge about the real world at web scale-things, their attributes and relationships among them can be represented as nodes and edges in an inter-linked semantic graph. In the presence of noisy... more
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      Semantic Web TechnologiesNeural NetworksSemantic Web technology - OntologiesSemantic Web
Economic indicators such as Consumer Price Index (CPI) have frequently used in predicting future economic wealth for financial policy makers of respective country. Most central banks, on guidelines of research studies, have recently... more
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      Expert SystemsNeural Networks and Neuro-Fuzzy Syetems
A new subsethood-product fuzzy neural inference system (SuPFuNIS) is presented in this paper. It has the flexibility to handle both numeric and linguistic inputs simultaneously. Numeric inputs are fuzzified by input nodes which act as... more
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      MultidisciplinaryFuzzy and Neuro-Fuzzy SystemsTime Series PredictionMedical Diagnosis
Decision making both on individual and organizational level is always accompanied by the search of other’s opinion on the same. With tremendous establishment of opinion rich resources like, reviews, forum discussions, blogs, micro-blogs,... more
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      Clustering and Classification MethodsSoft ComputingSoft Computing, Image Processing and RoboticsNeural Networks
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is a key method for the characterizing the ionic and electronic conductivity of materials. One of the requirements of this technique is a model to forecast conductivity in preliminary... more
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      ConductivityNeural Networks and Neuro-Fuzzy Syetems
In this paper, a fast learning algorithm for Dynamic Fuzzy Neural Networks (D-FNNs) based on extended Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural networks, which are functionally equivalent to TSK fuzzy systems, is proposed. The algorithm has fast... more
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    • Neural Networks and Neuro-Fuzzy Syetems