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This paper responds to continuing commentary on Velmans (2002a) “How could conscious experiences affect brains,” a target article for a special issue of JCS. I focus on the final question dealt with by the target article: how free will... more
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      Cognitive ScienceCriminal LawMetaphysicsPhilosophy of Mind
On November 11, 2007, as the 2008 U.S. presidential election was kicking into high gear, the New York Times ran a now infamous op-ed column “This is your brain on politics” (Iacoboni et al., 2007). The author team was led by Marco... more
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      PsychologyPhilosophy of ScienceNeuroimagingHistory of Science
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      Philosophy of ActionNeuroethicsPractical ReasoningLegal Philosophy
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      NeuroscienceCriminal LawBioethicsNeurolaw
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      NeurolawMoral Enhancement
La obra colectiva que tengo el honor de presentar es el resultado de los trabajos llevados a cabo en el seno del proyecto de investigación del que he sido investigador principal: “Neurociencia y Derecho Penal: nuevas perspectivas en el... more
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      Philosophy of PunishmentNeurolawNeurosciences and Criminal LawNeurocriminal Law
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      PsychologyCriminal LawPsychology and LawNeurolaw
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      NeurolawPrivacy and data protectionEEG/FMRINeurotechnology
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      NeuroscienceCriminal LawNeurolaw
De preventie van criminaliteit staat hoog op de maatschappelijke en politieke agenda. Naast een juridisch speelt hierbij ook een psychiatrisch kader een belangrijke rol. De laatste jaren gaat veel aandacht uit naar de neurofysiologie,... more
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      NeuroscienceForensic PsychologyJuvenile DelinquencyCrime Prevention
Induzidas pela polícia e aceitas pela justiça, falsas memórias condenam inocentes 26/09/18 por Fausto Salvadori • 'Nossa tradição punitivista desconfia de inocentes', arma o pesquisador Gustavo Noronha de Ávila, para quem os... more
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      NeuroscienceEyewitness memoryDireitoNeurolaw
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      Criminal LawPhilosophy Of LawFree Will and Moral ResponsibilityNeurolaw
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      NeurosciencePsychologyEmotionCriminal Law
Esse capítulo visa discutir algumas noções sobre a Neurolaw (Direitos Neurais, Neurolei ou Neurodireito), sobretudo no que concirna às biotecnologias que possam influenciar no tratamento desse noviciário tema jurídico. O texto se... more
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      NeurolawPolíticas PúblicasEstado y políticas públicasDireito Civil
Rapid advancements in human neuroscience and neurotechnology open unprecedented possibilities for accessing, collecting, sharing and manipulating information from the human brain. Such applications raise important challenges to human... more
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      Human RightsNeuroethicsNeurolaw
Il presente lavoro ha l'obiettivo di ricomporre, seppur per sommi capi, il dibattito che si è aperto nell'ordinamento giuridico italiano a seguito dell'irrompere delle neuroscienze nel diritto giurisprudenziale. Difatti, tecniche di... more
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      NeuroscienceConstitutional LawCognitive NeuroscienceNeurolaw
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      BusinessBusiness EthicsReligionNew Religious Movements
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Este texto examina críticamente cómo la orientación genético-evolucionista de las ciencias biológicas actuales, implícita en los estudios neurocientíficos, puede vincularse a estudios en ética, política y derecho. Relevante es analizar... more
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      NeuroscienceNeuroethicsFilosofia De La MenteNeurolaw
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      BusinessBusiness EthicsReligionNew Religious Movements
Alla luce delle più recenti scoperte sul cervello umano e sulla presenza di "automatismi" (ossia, azioni compiute involontariamente), il diritto deve rivedere le proprie convinzioni sotto i profili dell'imputabilità e della colpevolezza,... more
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      NeurosciencePhilosophy of MindFree WillCognitive Neuroscience
At the end of the nineteenth century the Italian physician and anthropologist Cesare Lombroso established the foundations of criminological sciences by introducing a biological theory of delinquency, which was later discredited and... more
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This paper discusses the emerging debate concerning the concept of Cogni-tive Liberty and its connection with human rights. Therefore, considering how recent developments of neurosciences are granting us an increasing ability to monitor... more
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      NeuroscienceHuman RightsNeuroethicsNeurolaw
This paper will examine how advancing neuroscientific technologies may impact on the fundamental human rights of the citizen accused. The paper takes an exploratory approach to analysis; the techniques explored throughout the paper are in... more
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      NeuroscienceCriminal ProcedureFMRINeurolaw
Me cabe el inmenso honor de presentar al lector una obra única, compuesta por un total de cuarenta contribuciones redactadas por prestigiosos especialistas procedentes de diversas universidades e institutos científicos de Alemania,... more
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      Criminal LawPhilosophy of PunishmentNeurolawDERECHO PENAL
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      NeurosciencePhilosophy of MindEthicsPhilosophy Of Law
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      Cognitive ScienceSocial PsychologyLawJurisprudence
To what extent do neuroscientific studies or computational models of human mental states have an impact on an understanding of legal guilt? Based on a brief literature review, studies undertaken in the nascent field at the intersection of... more
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      NeuropsychologyCriminal LawEthicsComputational Neuroscience
Neuroscientific evidence is increasingly being used in criminal trials as part of psychiatric testimony. Up to now, “neurolaw” literature remained focused on the use of neuroscience for assessments of criminal responsibility. However, in... more
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      Forensic psychiatryPhilosophy of Criminal LawNeurolaw
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      Civil LawEthicsBioethicsHuman Rights Law
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      Criminal LawCriminal JusticeNeurolawNeuroscience and Law
This article investigates how the neuroscientific studies can become useful to unveil the “mute” dimension of law and determine its “appearance”. It is not a coincidence that a sensible anthropologist such as Roderick MacDonald imagined... more
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      NeuroscienceNeuropsychologyLawComparative Law
Published in the Springer Journal Neuroethics Available here: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12152-015-9243-6?wt_mc=internal.event.1.SEM.ArticleAuthorOnlineFirst Neil Levy argues that the degree to which psychopaths ought to... more
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      LawCriminal LawApplied EthicsMoral Psychology
The object of this paper, which ranges over subjects such as law, neuroscience, mirror neurons, modularism and language, is the study of the evolutionary origin of law. This is a question at the margins of the more general field of... more
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      LawLegal HistoryRoman LawNeuroanthropology
There are a number of novel technologies and a broad range of research aimed at the collection and use of data drawn directly from the human brain. Given that this data—neurodata—is data collected from individuals, one area of law which... more
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      NeurosciencePrivacyPERSONAL DATA PROTECTIONNeurolaw
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      Criminal LawPsychopathyNeurolaw
This essay takes steps from Vittorio Villa’s theory of legal interpretation. Its epistemological foundations are analyzed through Villa’s critic to descriptivism and his own constructivist perspective. Such reading outlines a few... more
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      Legal interpretationNeurolaw
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      BusinessBusiness EthicsReligionNew Religious Movements
En este texto se reflexiona acerca de las interfaces existentes entre una práctica novedosa denominada mejoramiento neural farmacológico en relación con las neurociencias, neuroética y neuroderecho. Describe los efectos que esta práctica... more
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This issue of Criminal Law and Philosophy contains three papers on a topic of increasing importance within the field of ‘‘neurolaw’’—namely, the implications for criminal law of direct brain intervention based mind altering techniques... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal JusticeFree Will, Moral ResponsibilityPhilosophy Of Law
Com muita alegria, recebi a notícia, há alguns anos, de que a obra Neurociencias y Derecho Penal seria traduzida para o português pela equipe formada para esse ingente trabalho pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Ciências Criminais. Devido a... more
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      NeurolawNeurosciences and Criminal LawNeurociencias y Derecho penalNeurowissenschaften und Strafrecht
Self-driving vehicles have recently started to come into society with the promise of reducing road accidents, and together with them came the need for new and suitable regulations. What constitutes the main source of concern is the... more
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      NeurosciencePhilosophySociology of LawPhilosophy Of Law
""L’idée d’une fondation naturelle des normes (morales ou juridiques) rencontre à juste raison de nombreuses résistances. Après avoir dans un premier temps exposé ce qui justifie ces résistances, je décrirai comment certains philosophes,... more
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      Moral PsychologyPhilosophy Of LawSocial NormsMoral Philosophy
Open Access: Download here: https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs13347-018-0308-4.pdf Abstract: Connecting human minds to various technological devices and applications through brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) affords... more
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      Philosophy of ActionNeuroethicsFreedom of thoughtNeurolaw
Los rápidos avances en neurociencia y neurotecnología abren un conjunto de posibilidades sin precedentes en el acceso, colecta, diseminación y manipulación de datos del cerebro humano. Estos desarrollos plantean importantes desafíos a los... more
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      NeurolawNeuroethics (Philosophy)
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      NeuroscienceConstitutional LawPublic Health LawBiolaw