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The theory of Neuro Linguistic Programming focuses on interpersonal relationships and designs strategies focused on the evolution of the human mind, the construction of an effective message, the perception of unconscious physiological... more
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      NeurosciencePolitical ScienceNLPNeuropolitics
El auge experimentado por las neurociencias desde la llamada década del cerebro –por el presidente americano George H. W. Bush– que se inició en 1990, no ha dejado de crecer. Tanto que la neurociencia ha intentado asumir desde su propio... more
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      EthicsNeuroethicsMoral PhilosophyNeuropolitics
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      Political TheorySocial NeuroscienceBiopoliticsSocial Studies Of Science
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryDemocratic TheoryAffect/Emotion
In its emphasis on the feedback loops of top-down and bottom-up signal processing in the brain, and the exquisitely muddy area where they meet, the last century of psychology and neuroscience supports a model of aesthetic engagement... more
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La profesionalización de la política en todos sus aspectos nos ha llevado a la interacción de ésta con otras disciplinas para conseguir una mayor eficacia. El novelista C.P. Snow acuñó hace más de cincuenta años esta interacción con el... more
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      NeuroscienceNeuropoliticsElectoral CampaignNeuromarketing
El presente volumen es deudor de todo ello. Está concebido por un equipo de profesionales de la Ciencia Política, que tienen como núcleo originario su paso por la Universidad de Salamanca aunque a fecha de hoy realicen su trabajo en... more
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      Elites (Political Science)NeuropoliticsTeoría PolíticaGobernanza
We apply the perspective of "critical neuroscience" to the field of political theory, inquiring into the prospects and pitfalls of letting political theory take "the neuro turn", and analyzing what this might mean concretely in the first... more
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      Critical TheoryNeurosciencePolitical TheoryPolitical Psychology
Tony D. Sampson is reader in digital media culture and communication based in East London, and deals with philosophy, digital culture and new media. His work focuses on an unconventional intersection where political analysis meets the... more
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      NeuroscienceNeuropsychologyPolitical PhilosophyNew Media
This book was the first book to link post-Workerism, Cognitive Capitalism to issues of Neural Plasticity and Architecture
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      PsychologyComputer ArchitectureMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural Studies
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      NeuroscienceMichel FoucaultNeuropolitics
Raised by Wolves follows the aftermath of a war caused by the polarizing strife between two factions: atheists and believers. Failing to find common ground, they resort to violence, nearly leading to mutual annihilation. Sent to uncharted... more
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      EducationImmigrationNeoliberalismSpecial Educational Needs
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      NeuroscienceBaruch SpinozaNeuropoliticsExperimentalism
En nuestra presentación proponemos conjugar las genealogías foucaultianas sobre el gobierno de la vida y del cuerpo con la inyunción deleuziana que nos insta a elaborar un estudio socio-técnico de las sociedades de control. Para ello, sin... more
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      Political PhilosophyBiotechnologyContemporary French PhilosophyGilles Deleuze
The neuroscientific revolution of the last twenty years played a role not only in the medical sector; this revolution led to new discoveries and innovations also in other field such economy, finance, marketing as well as politics. The... more
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      NeuroscienceArtificial IntelligencePoliticsNeuropolitics
En este trabajo abordo el concepto de «marco mental» como clave para entender la concepción que la neuropolítica tiene de la deliberación pública y la democracia. En un primer lugar expondré los puntos centrales de las teorías de... more
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      Public DeliberationDeliberative DemocracyNeuropoliticsGeorge Lakoff
Je weiter die technische Entwicklung der Zivilisation voran schreitet, desto deutlicher wird, wie umfassend die menschlichen Angelegenheiten mit den materiellen und technischen Apparaturen der Lebenswelt verschränkt sind, – wie... more
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      Critical TheoryNeuroscienceCultural StudiesPhilosophy of Science
El trabajo analiza el rol del neuromarketing aplicado dentro de la dimensión político-ideológico [NPI], como herramienta comunicacional para construir discursos hegemónicos: su influencia en la sociedad y su esfuerzo por invisibilizar... more
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      International RelationsCritical GeopoliticsPropagandaCyber Lawfare
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyPerformance StudiesPerformance
In this article I analyze the academic reception of Jonathan Haidt’s seminal article "The emotional dog and its rational tail: A social intuitionist approach to moral judgment". My thesis is that in the spheres of philosophy and... more
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      Moral PsychologySocial NetworksNeuropoliticsNeuroethics (Philosophy)
Resumen El presente escrito propone una lectura crítica de la utilización de la teoría de las 'neuronas espejo'por parte de Paolo Virno (2006) para formular una serie de hipótesis respecto a la existencia de una "intersubjetividad... more
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      NeurosciencePolitical PhilosophyCommonsContemporary French Philosophy
In this article we make an approach to morality from a neurological point of view that try to stand out the prosocial points and the neuroplasticity that we can find in the brain. We show as well some problems that appear in the usual... more
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      Philosophy of MindMirror NeuronsNeuropoliticsNeuroplasticity
Mediacracia: Comunicação e Política na era da Mediatização oferece ao leitor uma introdução à especialidade da Comunicação Política, apresentando textos que discutem e exploram alguns dos efeitos mediáticos e políticos do processo de... more
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      Political ScienceEmotions And Political TheoryEmotions (Social Psychology)History Of Propaganda
Il pointe la difficulté de hiérarchiser les informations dans un monde qui en est saturé. Vous travaillez depuis dix ans sur l'émergence de la « post-vérité », un concept que le grand public a découvert en 2016, au moment du référendum... more
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      EmotionAlgorithmsDigital MediaTrust
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      Political TheoryContemporary ArtDrawingNeuropolitics
This paper is temporarily unavailable.
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      PhilosophyMichel FoucaultJean Paul SartreFrancisco Varela
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      Cultural StudiesCognitive PsychologyArt HistoryNeuroaesthetics
Motivated by the seemingly chaotic state of affairs of contemporary world political actions, I describe a possible psychological masses domination strategy called " contradictory stimulation ". Assuming that there is the possibility of a... more
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      FinancePolitical SociologyComputational PhysicsComplex Systems Science
Recent literature has presented significant findings in the field of political psychology regarding the evolutionary connections between rightists and leftists. Michael Ryan’s book, The Genetics of Political Behaviour: How Evolutionary... more
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      GeneticsNeuroscienceEvolutionary PsychologyPolitical Psychology
Neuropoder é uma forma de conhecimento produzido pelo poder tecnológico em aliança com o poder político, que actua por meio da modulação de processos mentais, funções e expressões, dirigido a indivíduos e a agregados populacionais. Por... more
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      Cultural StudiesPolitical TheoryNeurofeedbackNeuropolitics
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      NeuroscienceNeuromodulationPolitical ScienceNeuropolitics
Humans are in many ways more complex than other living beings. When it comes to the political decision-making processes of this complex creature, it becomes even more difficult to understand. Through upcoming academic research in the... more
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      Political BehaviorPolitical ScienceNeuropolitics
This work sets out to analyse the model of deliberative process developed by Haidt in his theory of Social Intuitionism. Specifically, I intend to submit to analysis the two illusions which, according to Haidt, govern public deliberation.... more
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      Public DeliberationMoral emotionsNeuropoliticsDisagreement
O principal objectivo deste ensaio consiste em examinar em que circunstâncias se dá a redescoberta das categorias pathêmicas nos fluxos comunicacionais da actividade política. Deste modo, analisamos a política das emoções como uma das... more
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      Media StudiesPolitical ScienceEmotions And Political TheoryPolitical communication
The renown French curator Mathieu Copeland asks Warren Neidich some questions concerning cognitive capitalism art production and some other stuff.
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      Cognitive PsychologyPhilosophy of MindVision ScienceNeuroaesthetics
This chapter locates two neurological turns: one against networked media in recent critiques of the internet by, for example, Nicholas Carr; the other in networked media R&D departments such as Google and Facebook using machine learning... more
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      Affect (Cultural Theory)NeuropoliticsNetwork Cultures
This is the full version of my article in Agora nr.1 / 2015 (I previously linked to a shortened version). What I suggest in this article is to develop a neurosociology as a kind of metasociological reflection over society.
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      Social NeuroscienceSociological TheoryNeuropoliticsNeurosociology
This work sets out to analyse the model of deliberative process developed by Haidt in his theory of Social Intuitionism. Specifically, I intend to submit to analy­sis the two illusions which, according to Haidt, govern public... more
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      Public DeliberationMoral emotionsNeuropoliticsDisagreement
Electors are affected by not only rational arguements but also emotional and subconscious arguements. Political preferences are related to emotional changes. Neuro-sciences cooperate with politics, and this caused the emergence of... more
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      NeuroscienceNeuromodulationPolitical ScienceNeuropolitics
Electors are affected by not only rational arguements but also emotional and subconscious arguements. Political preferences are related to emotional changes. Neuro-sciences cooperate with politics, and this caused the emergence of... more
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      NeuromodulationPolitical ScienceNeuropoliticsLiderlik
Modernity has changed the conditions of reality representation and the consequent actuality that is produced. The technics of representation are complex and diverse with the outcome even more mesmerizing. This has produced a reality that... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryNeuropoliticsSimulation
In recent decades, addiction has been medicalized anew through the rise of an influential ‘brain disease paradigm’. This questions the equivalence of addiction to drug dependence by re-emphasizing loss of self-control over unhealthy... more
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      Drugs And AddictionBiopoliticsNeuropolitics
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With the rise of neuroscience as a dominant and respected science, there is an eagerness on the part of philosophers dealing with consciousness to validate their respective approaches with ‘science’, so as not to be confused with mystics,... more
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