Ottoman Janissaries
Recent papers in Ottoman Janissaries
Öz:Avrupa'nın ilk düzenli ve daimi askeri birlikleri olan Yeniçeriler Osmanlı fetihlerinin genişlemesinde yadsınamaz bir katkı sağlamışlardır. Kuruluş yıllarında ocağa egemen olan disiplin ve padişaha itaat bu katkının oluşmasında kilit... more
In this work, it was firstly focused on the position of janissaries in market in late period and their historic role as a social power. After that, it was evaluated that the elimination of janissaries, got penetration in social and... more
The Battle of the Ialomita was the greatest battlefield victory of the Hungarian national hero John Hunyadi against the Ottomans. This study approaches the topic from the perspective of the medieval/early modern writings. The author used... more
В монографии дается характеристика сухопутных вооруженных сил одной из сильнейших держав Европы и Азии - Османской империи конца XVI - начала XVIII века. Опираясь на значительный массив источников, авторы рассматривают военные институты... more
Die Solaken waren die Gardetruppen der osmanischen Sultane und trugen diese Pflicht bis 19. Jahrhundert. Sie waren mit dem berühmten osmanischen Kompositbogen bewaffnet und haben diese Waffe lange benuzt, sogar nach dem die Feuerwaffen an... more
Built by the reformist Ottoman sultan Mahmud II and completed in 1826, the Nusretiye Mosque has long been associated with Mahmud’s modernisation of the army, and its name, meaning ‘Victorious’, is widely thought to refer to his... more
This paper investigates the influence of alla turca style in music by W.A. Mozart and F. J. Haydn in the 18th and early 19th centuries. It begins by tracing the origin of the style back to the Ottoman janissaries and their formation in... more
"Ottoman Context" in Kitromilides & Tsoukalas - The Greek Revolution, A Critical Dictionary (Harvard UP)
Birbirinden özel, tarih yazımı konusunda önemli iki başucu kitabı olan Tarih-Lenk ve Destursuz Bağa Girenler kitaplarını değerlendirmeye çalıştım.
This dissertation examines the Ottoman grand strategy during the turbulent years of war and reform between 1826 and 1841.The concept of grand strategy utilized in my thesis does hereby not refer to purely military matters. It is rather a... more
This study was prepared to examine the detection criteria of the Kapıkulu infantry in Ottoman defterology and gravestone studies. The study was limited to the fourteenth century when the Kapıkulu infantry corps was formed and to the date... more
This article examines the Bektashi lodges in Istanbul from the time the city was conquered to the times that the lodges were closed/transformed/or put under a more strict control after the abolition of the janissary army in 1826. The goal... more
“Şarkta uydurma efsane yapılmamıştır. Mutlaka bunun asılları vardır. Lâkin rivayetlerdeki farklar bu asılları efsaneleştirmiştir.” (A. Süheyl Ünver, “Fatih Devri Fıkraları”, İstanbul Risaleleri, II, 135) İstanbul’un fethi tarihin dönüm... more
This article’s main thesis is that, towards the end of its lifespan, the Janissary corps became an increasingly decentralized institution, a fact that redefined its political stance vis-à-vis the Ottoman government, its own central... more
Klasik dönemde Osmanlı Devleti’nde yeniçeriler; kapıkulu ocaklarının piyade sınıfında görevli, üç ayda bir ulûfe adıyla ücret alan, savaşa her an hazır olan ve İstanbul’da oturan seçkin askerlerdir. İstanbul dışında da az sayıda yeniçeri... more
Bu çalışmada öncelikle yeniçerilerin, son dönem verileri ile, pazarda edindikleri pozisyon aktarılmış ve toplumsal bir erk olarak tarihsel rollerine dikkat çekilmiştir. Daha sonra yeniçerilerin bu sosyal ve ekonomik nüfuzu ile birlikte... more
Based on entries from the Turkish Archive of Herakleio, both published and unpublished, the paper studies a mutiny of the imperial janissaries of Candia (Kandiye, Herakleio) in 1762. The mutiny is being analyzed in correlation with a more... more
A short essay about Ottoman Janissary.
During his first years as sultan, Mahmud II faced direct threats to his life from the Janissaries and their allies in Istanbul. Although he was able to keep his life and throne during the Alemdar Incident of 1808, he endured continuous... more
Αυτό το άρθρο διερευνά την πολιτική ιστορία της Τουρκίας τα τελευταία διακόσια χρόνια σε τρία «resets». Τα reset εδώ εξετάζονται ως εικοσαετείς περίοδοι μειζόνων αναταραχών και μετασχηματισμών κατά τη διάρκεια των οποίων οι φατρίες που... more
Summary/Zusammenfassung: Topic of the article is a lost Ottoman Banner, which was on display at the cathedral of Munich till the eve of Second World War. Captured in 1688 during the Great Turkish War by the Bavarian prince elector... more
Gagamitin sa papel na ito ang konsepto ng mandirigma at jihad bilang batayan ng paghalaw ng kabayanihan ng mga Janissary. Bukod sa tanyag na tagumpay na kanilang nakamit nang mapabagsak ang Constantinople, gagamitin din sa papel na ito... more
JANET Start date: 1 February 2020 End date: 31 January 2025 Funded under: H2020-EU.1.1. Overall budget: € 1,498,389 Hosted by: Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, Greece Principal Investigator: Yannis Spyropoulos JaNet... more