Recent papers in PPGIS
This study reports the variation in safety perceptions of university students (N = 196 university students) on university campuses in South China, focusing on the risk of crime and traffic incidents. Using a public participation... more
Managing complex problems in socio-ecological systems (SES) requires innovative approaches, which account for multiple scales, large datasets, and diverse lived experiences. By combining two commonly utilized mixed-methods, public... more
Urban infill includes a potential to change the track of development of existing, distressed neighborhoods. The investments to a neighborhood as a whole can at best contribute to an increase in residential satisfaction, including... more
A partir d'une revue de littérature nous faisons ressortir des éléments d'analyse des systèmes d'information géographique pour la participation publique (SIGPP). Les théories qui ont été ébauchées ou mobilisées concernent la communication... more
This paper aims to explain the creation of the Digital Terrain Model (DTM) of Kainua, an Etruscan city founded, following a rigorous urban plan, at the beginning of the 5th century BCE. This DTM was used as the basis for the virtual... more
When brought at community level, Geographic Information System (GIS) applications are hardly manageable and replicable and strongly depend on outsiders' skills and facilities. As pointed out by Peter van Treffelen at the last GISDECO 2000... more
When brought at community level, Geographic Information System (GIS) applications are hardly manageable and replicable and strongly depend on outsiders' skills and facilities. As pointed out by Peter van Treffelen at the last GISDECO 2000... more
is an urban green space and protected areas specialist including on all aspects of park visitor research and monitoring, sustainable and outcome-focussed visitor experience development and management. She is leading GIS-related visitor... more
Présentation lors du Géoséminaire de Brest
Common people have proven that high-tech ICT tools can be used for their common social and political benefit. From Tunisia to Wall-Street, social communication networks have played a decisive role in the creation, mobilization, and... more
This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly... more
Departing from the traditional understanding of the social implications of urban design and the underlying notion of 'place', the chapter first questions its current relevance vis-à-vis the mediated city. It examines whether ICT has given... more
The concept of residential housing preferences has been studied across multiple disciplines, with extensive literature supporting both stated and revealed preference methods. This study argues that both preference types, stated and... more
The appropriate role of the "public" in the planning and management of national forests in the United States is both statutorily vague and socially dynamic. Should forest management be consistent with public values and preferences for... more
The concept of residential housing preferences has been studied across multiple disciplines, with extensive literature supporting both stated and revealed preference methods. This study argues that both preference types, stated and... more
Departing from the traditional understanding of the social implications of urban design and the underlying notion of 'place', the chapter first questions its current relevance vis-à-vis the mediated city. It examines whether ICT has given... more
The theory and practice of participatory mapping (PM) has expanded significantly over the last two decades with proliferation of a wide range of methods and applications. The potential for synthesis and integration across four broad... more
Urban infill includes a potential to change the track of development of existing, distressed neighborhoods. The investments to a neighborhood as a whole can at best contribute to an increase in residential satisfaction, including... more
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) exist to transform data into knowledge and present this knowledge in various formats for the purpose of supporting decisions. In doing so, GIS are portrayed as knowledge-based systems that are free... more
La convergence des systèmes d’information géographique et du Web se traduit aujourd’hui par l’émergence du géoweb lequel permet au grand public de lire et d’écrire les cartes. Dans la continuité des recherches sur les systèmes... more
The authors acknowledge funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme under Grant Agreement No.613520 (project AGFORWARD). We would like to thank the residents in all the study areas for participating in the survey. We... more
Public lands provide a wide range of valuesdecological, socio-cultural, and economicdbut systematic methods to assess the social and cultural values of public lands are underdeveloped. In this study, we present a method that uses public... more
Urban infill includes a potential to change the track of development of existing, distressed neighborhoods. The investments to a neighborhood as a whole can at best contribute to an increase in residential satisfaction, including... more
Collaborative and community-based approaches to conservation and natural resource management often utilize maps that designate particular areas as being high priorities for conservation. These maps are used in stakeholder workshops and=or... more
Two common approaches for collecting spatial information through public participation geographic information systems (PPGIS) include small-group workshops and broader-scale, household sampling. We evaluate the two approaches using... more
The value of grassroots involvement in climate-related decision-making has received attention in several official climate policy documents starting from Art. 6 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) (UN,... more
Urban infill includes a potential to change the track of development of existing, distressed neighborhoods. The investments to a neighborhood as a whole can at best contribute to an increase in residential satisfaction, including... more
A PPGIS (Public Participatory Geographical Information System) has recently been developed in combination with PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) and GIS (Geographical Information Systems) methodologies to utilise GIS in the context of... more
village of Nessuit is located on the slopes of the Mau Forest Complex and is mainly inhabited by Ogiek people who, traditionally, used to be one of the larger hunter-gatherer communities in Eastern Africa. The Ogiek have used other... more
Analysis of emotions has received recognition in urban studies as a mean to understand subjective quality of life. Availability of spontaneous user generated online urban data generated by users in location based social networks broadens... more
A B S T R A C T Coral reefs provide important ecological services such as biodiversity, climate regulation, and cultural benefits through recreation and tourism. However, many of the world's reefs are declining, with Caribbean reefs... more
No contexto das politicas públicas para agricultura familiar que objetivam-se gerar nova fonte renda e alimentar comunidades em vulnerabilidade é fundamental a participação dos atores envolvidos na gestão dos projetos. Além disso, é... more
Since 1996, participatory GIS (PGIS) has facilitated avenues through which public participation can occur. One of the ways practitioners articulate social change associated with PGIS interventions has been to qualify success using the... more
The lack of progress in reducing health disparities suggests that new approaches are needed if we are to achieve meaningful, equitable, and lasting reductions. Current scientific paradigms do not adequately capture the complexity of the... more
It is assumed that the primary objective of using PPGIS is to stimulate more public or community involvement with decision-making. The application of these tools in the US has focused on high-tech applications to engage the masses in the... more