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A brief history of the diversity of monasticism, east and west, from its origins to the 'new monasticism'
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      AsceticismSpiritualityChristian SpiritualityByzantine monasticism
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      TheosisPhilokaliaJesus PrayerTheoria
Contemporary technology has promised us lives that are more connected, more organized, and more efficient. That promise has not been realized so far; while contemporary technology has done much that is good, it has also lead to a society... more
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      Social MediaPhilokaliaEastern Orthodox TheologyEastern Orthodox Spirituality
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      PatristicsByzantine LiteratureSpiritualityByzantine Studies
This is the English text, unreleased in Europe or the US, given by Metropolitan Kallistos Ware to be included in the Malayalam edition of the Philokalia published in India in 2006. This edition contains a complete, but presumably... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesTheologyHistorical TheologyChristian Mysticism
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      SpiritualityYogaChristian SpiritualityPhilokalia
Trad. din limba greacă de Ierom. Agapie Corbu, Ed. Sf. Nectarie, Arad, 2009. Scrierea filocalică a cărei tâlcuire o prezentăm în al patrulea volum din seria de Tâlcuiri la Filocalie cuprinde experienţa rugăciunii Părinţilor pustiei,... more
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      TheologyPatristicsAsceticismChristian Mysticism
The following text approaches Pierre Hadot's philosophy from the perspective of Eastern monastic spirituality, by means of a conversation between Hieromonk Agapie Corbu and the venerable monk T., author of theological books and... more
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      PhilosophySpiritualityMonasticismPierre Hadot
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      SpiritualityChristian SpiritualityByzantine monasticismOrthodox Christianity
Trad. rom. şi cuvânt introductiv de Ierom. Agapie Corbu, Ed. Sf. Nectarie, Arad, 2017. O alegere ca aceea a Capetelor despre dragoste, făcută de Părintele Emilianos Simonopetritul pentru a le tâlcui fiilor și fiicelor sale duhovnicești,... more
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      TheologyPatristicsAsceticismTheological Hermeneutics
Slovenian translation of the Philokalia (vol. 1) with interpretative essays and introductions. Translated by Benjamin Bevc, Živa Borak, Jan Ciglenečki, Jasna Hrovat and Gorazd Kocijančič.
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      PhilokaliaOrthodox Spirituality
This is an altered and cleaned-up version of the text supplied by Metropolitan Kallistos Ware for the Malayalam-English Philokalia published in Kerala, India, in 2006. Although Vol. 5 has yet to appear in Europe or the US, a version of... more
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      TheologyHistorical TheologySpiritualityOrthodox Theology
Trad. rom. şi cuvânt introductiv de Ierom. Agapie Corbu, Ed. Sf. Nectarie, Arad, 2018. Înălțimile rugăciunii despre care scrie Avva Evagrie sunt accesibile, desigur, „celor tari“, dar iată că Gheronda Emilianos le oferă, fără ezitare,... more
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      TheologyPatristicsPrayerChristian Spirituality
The spiritual tradition of hesychasm is arguably one of the most distinguishable features of Athonite monasticism. This chapter explores hesychasm’s deep intertwining with Mount Athos, by following its historical unfolding from its... more
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      AsceticismByzantine StudiesMount Athos StudiesChristian Spirituality
Biserica şi Şcoala,  iulie 2016
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      PatristicsAsceticismSpiritualityMonastic Studies
Our recent research in the mss and old printed books of the Library of the monastery of Annunciation at the place Leukada of Ikaria island, brought to light some new evidence for the early history of this monastery, related to the... more
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      Orthodox TheologyMount Athos StudiesHistory of MonasticismPhilokalia
This is a chapter from the full edition of the Philokalia Volume 5 translated by our monastery. Enjoy!
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      ChristianityTheologyMonastic StudiesOrthodox Theology
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      Anthropology of PilgrimagePilgrimageMount Athos StudiesAnthropology of Eastern Christianity
The article presents Evagrius as a spiritual father who guides his monks towards the contemplation of the divine light. The path to this peak follows a certain route and has several stages. The author analyzes the Evagrian texts related... more
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      PatristicsAsceticismSpiritualityMonastic Studies
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      GnosticismHistoryAncient HistoryClassical Archaeology
Trad. rom. de Ierom. Agapie Corbu, Ed. Sf. Nectarie, Arad, 2014. Volumul de faţă constituie o continuare şi, într-un fel, o completare a tâlcuirilor pe care Gheronda Emilianos le-a făcut Cuvintelor ascetice ale lui Avva Isaia.... more
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      TheologyAsceticismChristian SpiritualityByzantine monasticism
"E demnă de remarcat congenialitatea între mişcarea patristică din mediile teologice şi spiritualitatea despre care dădea mărturie Gheron Iosif. În viaţa lui Gheron Iosif va urma perioada când în jurul lui se va strânge o veritabilă obşte... more
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      HagiographyAsceticismMonastic StudiesMount Athos Studies
This text concentrates on Metropolitan Kallistos’s way of translating the Philokalic tradition into language accessible to the Christians living in current Western world. Themes like the relationship to the spiritual guide, watchfulness... more
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      TheologySpiritualityOrthodox TheologyHesychasm
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      PatristicsByzantine LiteratureSpiritualityByzantine Hymnography
"Volumul de faţă cuprinde tâlcuirea lui Gheronda Emilianos, făcută în primăvara anului 1987, la capetele Cuviosului Teognost Despre făptuire, contemplaţie şi preoţie. Ea se adaugă firesc şi necesar la tâlcuirile Părintelui Emilianos deja... more
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Starting from the paulin text of 1 Cor. 12, 8, the author presents the patristic perpective on the relation between the discursive theology and the spiritual experience, which in the patristic literature is also called "knowledge -... more
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      SpiritualityEvagrius PonticusBiblical ExegesisPatristic Exegesis
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      EducationChristian EducationReligious EducationMissiology and Mission Theology
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      PatristicsSpiritualityBiblical StudiesBiblical Exegesis
"Renumele de mare taumaturg al Sfântului Nectarie este, de bună seamă, primul care se iveşte în minte atunci când este amintit. Şi totuşi, există în viaţa şi activitatea sa pământească o latură nu mai puţin caracteristică, deşi mult mai... more
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From Saint Anthony the Great to Father Aimilianos of Simonopetra, or on the Ways of Pure Prayer's Tradition
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      Orthodox TheologyPrayerMount Athos StudiesChristian Spirituality
Legătura dintre Filocalie şi Scriptură este mult mai strânsă decât s-ar putea crede la o primă privire, ea este de fapt legătura dintre Scriptură şi trăirea ei concretă. Aceasta deoarece Filocalia, şi, în general, literatura duhovnicească... more
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      PatristicsBibleBiblical ExegesisPatristic Exegesis
An Ancient Writing On Prayer and Its Modern Exegesis
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      PatristicsAsceticismMonastic StudiesByzantine monasticism
Textul cuprinde un dialog incitant şi iniţiatic, purtat la Athos, la înmormântarea unui monah cu viaţă sfântă, constituie prilejul unui schimb savuros de idei, privind perspectiva filocalică asupra tinereţii, bătrâneţii şi morţii, în... more
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      MonasticismIntercultural dialogueMount AthosPhilokalia
This thesis examines the role which death plays in the development of a uniquely Christian identity in John Climacus’ seventh-century work, the Ladder of Divine Ascent and the Greek ascetic literature of the previous centuries. I argue... more
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      Death StudiesHistorical TheologyByzantine LiteratureAsceticism
A discussion of the meaning of peace in all its dimensions in the liturgy and spiritual practice of the Orthodox Tradition, focusing especially on the evidence from relevant texts in the Philokalia.
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      AsceticismOrthodox TheologyByzantine LiturgyPseudo-Dionysius
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      SubjectivitiesOrality-Literacy StudiesOrthodox TheologyRussian Orthodoxy
The aim of this paper is to give an overview of ‘war’ as the human sin ‘par excellence’ and argue that its overcoming is a key motive in the theology of Archimandrite Sophrony Sakharov, twentieth-century Russian Orthodox theologian and... more
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      War and PeacePhilokaliaModern Orthodox TheologyOrthodox Monasticism and Mt. Athos
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      PatristicsMonasticismPatristics and Late AntiquityPseudo-Macarius
A presentation delivered at the 2014 Saint Sergius conference at Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary, investigating the links between Russian monastic Saint Sergius of Radonezh and the hesychast movement in the Byzantine Empire and Balkans.... more
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      Russian StudiesChristian MysticismRussian Orthodox ChurchByzantine Studies
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      Romanian HistoryOrthodox TheologyRomanian Orthodox TheologyPhilokalia
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    • Philokalia
Essay published in Religions/Adyan, Journal of the Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue, Issue 2, 2011. The heights, depths and ascesis of prayer are approached through the writings of some of the greatest representatives of... more
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      PatristicsPrayerInterfaith DiscourseHesychasm
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      SpiritualityOrthodox TheologyChristian SpiritualityEastern Orthodoxy
This is the first Anacreontic poem by St Sophronius with the rest currently in translation as part of the FULL works of the saint. The saints works have been stored and secured in the private library of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of... more
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      TheologyHistory of ChristianityEarly ChristianityRussian Orthodox Church
Capetele filocalice editate bilingv în acest volum provin de la nişte ucenici indirecţi şi îndepărtaţi ai Avvei Evagrie, fiind redactate în Palestina secolului al V-lea. Aflate astăzi doar într-un manuscris grecesc atenian, descoperit în... more
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      TheologyPatristicsAsceticismMonastic Studies
Trad. rom. de Ierom. Agapie Corbu, Ed. Sf. Nectarie, Arad, 2010. În această tâlcuire a lui Avva Isaia, Părintele Emilianos a ales mai cu seamă pasajele în care Avva descrie buna-cuviinţă duhovnicească şi respectul din pustie, pentru a... more
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      Mount Athos StudiesChristian SpiritualityMonasticismHistory of Monasticism
This book was published in Greek; there is currently no English translation available.
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      PrayerChristian SpiritualityEvagrius PonticusPhilokalia
Este artigo apresenta os resultados da pesquisa acerca da presença de textos religiosos na narrativa literária. Para ser mais preciso, trata-se da investigação sobre a existência de citações ou referências indiretas da Philokalia nos... more
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      Russian LiteratureHesychasmPhilokalia
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      PatristicsOrthodox TheologyEvagrius PonticusPhilokalia