Political campaigning
Recent papers in Political campaigning
Various academic authors have analyzed the implementation and the impact of the permanent campaign strategy by political executives in presidential and parliamentary systems, notably the United States and United Kingdom. This article... more
Inoculation theory boasts a dynamic history since McGuire first introduced it in the early 1960s. The last decade, in particular, has been a period of explosive growth for inoculation. Research has offered a more nuanced understanding of... more
This monograph attempts to provide a practical guide to planning and running an electoral campaign taking off in the initial stage of assessing the campaign environment leading to the actual generation of the winning number of votes. It... more
Wie sieht die Zukunft der politischen Kommunikation in Deutschland aus? Wird es den gläsernen Abgeordneten geben, gewinnt die Europäische Union mehr Macht, können sich die traditionellen Leitmedien behaupten? Welche Chancen haben neue... more
Questo breve saggio si propone di studiare l'evoluzione della comunicazione politica italiana attraverso l'analisi dei manifesti elettorali realizzati dal Partito Comunista Italiano dalle prime elezioni politiche del 1948, fino a quelle... more
Various academic authors have analysed the implementation, the causes and the impact of the permanent campaign strategy by political executives in presidential and parliamentary systems, notably the United States and United Kingdom. This... more
Der Herausgeberband "Die Kampagnenmacher" zeigt an Hand von internationalen Best-Practice-Beispielen die Strategien und Instrumente erfolgreicher Kampagnen aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Zivilgesellschaft auf. Das Buch gibt... more
In most Western democracies, political parties increasingly use digital technology during campaigns. From mobilizing voters to organizing volunteers, new technologies have revolutionized election campaigns. Among these technologies are... more
Se teme que las nuevas tendencias de la ciberpolítica puedan tener efectos nefastos sobre la democracia. El hackeo de información sensible de comandos de campañas, el ciberespionaje y el colapso deliberado de sistemas informáticos... more
Advertising and Public Relations are not a business practice only..most of the time their actions decide the political economy of the country.
RESUMEN: Este artículo se centra en un aspecto comparativamente poco estudiado en la literatura sobre política en México, relativo al análisis de los cambios significativos en la organización, las tácticas y las estrategias de campaña del... more
Amidst the burgeoning literature on the use social media in electoral politics, there are still relatively few studies that seek to understand developments in digital campaigning from the inside. Drawing on nine semi-structured interviews... more
After France, Bulgaria became the second EU country to enact an open-ended ban on hydraulic fracturing in early 2012. This government action was a radical departure from an initially friendly, even enthusiastic stance on unconventional... more
Inoculation theory has seen dramatic theoretical development since it was first introduced in the early 1960s, and applied research has explored its efficacy in such domains as politics, health, and commerce. This chapter notes a dearth... more
ZUM BUCH: Wer betreibt heute noch Politik? Und was ist das? Ein Theaterstück für Bürger, die als hilflose Zuschauer das Geschehen auf der Bühne betrachten? Während auf der Vorderbühne politische Konflikte medial inszeniert werden und die... more
Drawing on the theoretical framework of Grabe & Bucy (2009), this chapter presents the findings of an exploratory study concerning the visual self-presentation strategies that the political leaders of the two main political parties in... more
Ha cambiado la forma en que consumimos la información, hemos perdido confianza en los medios de comunicación y sus líneas editoriales, y ha variado el optimismo respecto a la capacidad democratizadora de la política. Vivimos un momento en... more
""Den „Vater aller WahIkampfmanager in der Bundesrepublik“ nannte ihn Peter Radunski. Harry Walter, Jahrgang '29, hat rund 90 Wahlkämpfe hinter sich. Als Stratege und Werbechef für die SPD in Bundes-, Landtags-, Kommunal- und Europawahlen... more
ZUM BUCH: Will Politik beraten sein? Ja, aber nicht immer, nicht überall und nicht durch jeden, der Politikberatung professionell oder als Wissenschaftler anbietet. In der Berliner Republik hat sich die Nachfrage nach Politikberatung... more
The Routledge Handbook of Political Management is a comprehensive overview of the field of applied politics, encompassing political consulting, campaigns and elections, lobbying and advocacy, grass roots politics, fundraising, media and... more
New media technologies provide new venues for political communication enabling politicians to wage a permanent campaign. Participatory platforms have paved the way for new forms of political communication during non-election period when... more
Despite predictions that real estate developer and flamboyantly exhibitionistic candidate for the Republican nomination for president, Donald J. Trump, would not be chosen as the Republican candidate for the 2016 Presidential campaign, he... more
Birden fazla aday ya da siyasi partinin ülke yönetiminde söz sahibi olmak için seçimlerde özgürce yarışabildiği demokratik ülkelerde seçmen kitlesiyle nasıl bir iletişimin kurulduğu ve bu iletişim esnasında ne tür mesajların hangi... more
This dissertation provides an analysis of the fossil fuel divestment movement from the perspective of social movement literature grounded in concepts related to framing and scripting. Having originated in 2011, fossil fuel divestment aims... more
Since the Second World War, radio has been playing a significant role in the dissemination of political campaign information and influencing public opinion. This study investigated the role Yobe Broadcasting Corporation (YBC) Damaturu... more
During her fictional 1940 presidential campaign, popular radio star Gracie Allen was the target of criticism after her colleague told a joke referencing First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. Allen responded to the criticisms with a public letter.... more
Mussolini's Fascists staged their "March on Rome" in 1922 and bluffed their way to power. GERMAN / DEUTSCH Mit dem inszenierten „Marsch auf Rom“ tricksten sich Mussolinis Faschisten 1922 an die Macht. KEYWORDS / SCHLAGWÖRTER... more
Die qualitative Evaluation von Regierungskommunikation und ihren politischen Kampagnen scheitert häufig nicht nur am knappen Budget der Häuser. Viele unterschiedliche Akteure spielen in die politische Effizienzmessung hinein. Die... more
For nearly four years from mid 2008 to early 2012, a high profile and highly controversial mass red song campaign was powerfully mobilised in Chongqing by then Party chief of Chongqing Bo Xilai. In spite of its significance as a complex... more
Wahlkämpfe: Frankreich 2002 (Chirac, Jospin, Le Pen), Italien 2001 (Berlusconi), Spanien 2000 (Aznar, Gonzalez), Russland 1996 (Jelzin) Die These von der "Amerikanisierung" europäischer Wahlkämpfe ist populär. Aber eigentlich ist das,... more
""A tiny constituency in Scotland became a grand stage for modern politics in 1878-80. Modeled on American electioneering, the Midlothian Campaign was one of the most famous campaigns in European history. While "The People's William"... more
Eine Wahlkampagne ist ein kommunikativer Feldzug. Sie ist vorrangig eine Serie von Kommunikations-Ereignissen mit dem Ziel, eine psychologische Verbindung zwischen Kandidat und Wähler zu schaffen und den Wähler zu einer Entscheidung... more
The Management of an election campaign is essentially a line of business generating answers for two simple questions: 1. What is the candidate going to say? 2. What is the candidate going to do?