Positive and Negative Freedom
Recent papers in Positive and Negative Freedom
In the anthropology of ethics there has been a growing interest in the concept of freedom, defined as the tool of consciousness that enables people to reflect on themselves and their circumstances, and make decisions about what they ought... more
Wie sieht ein überzeugendes Verständnis der Freiheit von Individuen in Gesellschaft und Politik aus? Welche philosophischen Traditionen helfen bei der Beantwortung dieser Frage? Welcher analytische Zugang ist geboten? Das in den 1990er... more
In an explicit way, the tripartite model of freedom by Honneth, which is heavily inspired of and indebted to Hegel, in a way is a response and critique to Isaiah Berlin's 'Two Concepts of Liberty'. Berlin's two concepts of liberty does... more
This paper tries to outline two different ways of thinking about the concept of negative liberty. On the one hand, one can think of negative liberty in the external view that is entitled the external negative liberty in this paper. Here,... more
Should a theory of justice that yields universal principles for the allocation of goods be sensitive to cultural differences, and should there be a limit to the respect for cultural and religious diversity? I address this question from a... more
La libertà è la condizione individuale in cui la volontà agente non è dissociata dal suo agire, credere, pensare e provare emozioni. Essa è quindi una condizione personale o soggettiva in cui il contesto sociale e naturale non rappresenta... more
I apply Karl Popper’s conception of critical rationality to the question of personal fulfilment. I show that such fulfilment normally depends upon the person achieving positive freedom, and that positive freedom requires negative freedom,... more
Republicans understand freedom as the guaranteed protection against any arbitrary use of coercive power. This freedom is exercised within a political community, and the concept of arbitrariness is defined with reference to the actual... more
In my paper I try to show the following: Based on Isaiah Berlin’s distinction of negative and positive liberty, I argue that there exists an epistemological disagreement at the core of the discussion. This disagreement has important... more
This paper inspects the form of freedom that exists in Dubai to make people living in the city happy and satisfied. I ponder Berlin's two notions of negative and positive freedom to see whether these notions can truly categorically... more
Although the idea of freedom has been well studied as an ideal in political philosophy, relatively little scholarship has focused on the human experience of freedom. Drawing on ethnographic research between 2012 and 2013, I examine how... more
On F.A. von Hayek’s concept of freedom The purpose of the article is to present, analyze and evaluate the concept of freedom in Friedrich August von Hayek (1899–1992). First, I point out the main determinants of his understanding of... more
Does 'freedom as non-domination' offer a better conception of liberty than 'freedom as non-interference'? On one account freedom is conceived as being constituted by the absence of interference that restricts an agents' action. This is... more
Gegen politische und religiöse Fundamentalisten verteidigt Claus Dierksmeier die Idee der Freiheit als Leitwert der Globalität. Individuelle Freiheit schließt aber Verantwortung für ihren sozial und ökologisch nachhaltigen Gebrauch ein.... more
Hasan Yücel Başdemir, "Bireysel Hürriyet Düşüncesi ve John Stuart Mill" Liberal Düşünce, Sayı 24, Güz, 2001, ss. 123-137.
In der spanisch-sprachigen Welt hat der Krausismo eine starke Wirkung entfaltet, der auf das Werk Karl Christian Friedrich Krauses (1781–1832) zurückgeht. Krause wandte die Freiheitsphilosophie des Deutschen Idealismus praktisch an und... more
For Foucault, discipline was a subtle form of power that coerced the body in order to control its movements, attitudes, and moods. For McKenzie, it is the oppressive-excessive performance principle that takes the place of overt... more
Submitted version of paper published in Journal of Classical Sociology May 2012 vol. 12 no. 2 http://jcs.sagepub.com/content/12/2/256.abstract
Summary Should a theory of justice that yields universal principles for the allocation of goods be sensitive to cultural differences, and should there be a limit to the respect for cultural and religious diversity? I address this question... more
[Questo è il testo di una conferenza tenuta a Bolzano il 24 gennaio 2017, su invito della Provincia Autonoma, all'interno di un ciclo di Cafè philosophique.] In genere, quando abbiamo un dubbio su qualcosa sentiamo l’esigenza di... more
This paper attempts to deconstruct the idea of freedom and ethical life, and will look parts of the introduction and the first sixteen paragraphs (§ 142-157) of Part III of the Philosophy of Right. Guided by the following research... more
Rawls'ın adalet düşüncesi klasik liberal adalet düşüncesi ekseninde kritik edilmektedir.
In 2021, Emanuel Dimas de Melo Pimenta wrote and published (in Portuguese) the book The Two Friends: Ernesto de Sousa and Jorge Peixinho - in celebration of the centennial of the visual and conceptual artist Ernesto de Sousa and also in... more
This article on Aeon is based on my book A Social Theory of Freedom.
- freely available here:
Lecture Notes, PO201, Advanced Political Thought, 2nd October 2015
Lecture Notes, PO201, Advanced Political Thought, 2nd October 2015