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In the present article, using dynamic panel data and large industrial plants, annual data for the period 1994-2007, effects of the industrial demand shocks on the production of different industries, divided according two digit ISIC, have... more
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      Panel DataIndustryPricesAsymmetrical effects
Akaryakıt en temel enerji kaynağıdır. Hammadde, ısınma, aydınlanma gibi farklı amaçlarla kullanılan akaryakıtın, fiyat düzeyindeki değişmeleri birçok ekonomik sonuçlar doğurmaktadır. Bu temel ihtiyacın ithalatında uygulanan, Katma Değer... more
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Abstract- Aggregate annual production of made tea in India is empirically analyzed in this study using time series analysis techniques. Important factors affecting tea production are identified and modeled using Vector Autoregressive... more
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      Renewable EnergyEnvironmental SustainabilityHydropowerCosts
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      Market ResearchSHRIMPPrices
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      Economic HistoryStatisticsCuban StudiesEconomic Growth
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      Health EconomicsPublic Health PolicyPublic HealthRare diseases
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      EconomicsFinancial EconomicsProcurementBuilding Materials
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      Environmental EngineeringRenewable EnergyEnvironmental SustainabilityEnergy crops
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      ThermodynamicsEconomicsRenewable EnergyExergoeconomics
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      AccountingTelecommunicationsDeveloping CountriesPrices
Talloze genealogen, studenten, archivarissen, amateurhistorici, numismatici, journalisten en professionele historici krijgen te maken met sommen in frank waarvan ze de huidige waarde willen kennen. Dit artikel geeft een 'handleiding' om... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistorySocial HistorySociologie
Aggregate annual production of made tea in India is empirically analyzed in this study using time series analysis techniques. Important factors affecting tea production are identified and modeled using Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model... more
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      ProductionTime series EconometricsTime series analysisTransmission
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      AgronomyAgricultural EconomicsAgricultureNigeria
Recently among numerous concerns over the European and partly American economies the danger of deflation is rather frequently mentioned. The scholars cite the Japanese economy which has been suffering from deflation for the last two... more
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      InvestmentsInflationQuantitative EasingDemand
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      EmploymentError CorrectionLabour ProductivityPrices
En el presente trabajo se aborda la transformación de valores a precios de producción y su eventual vigencia a nivel global. En función de ello se realiza un desarrollo teórico inicial del valor y el precio de producción en consonancia... more
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      EconomicsEconomiaMarxismoWorld Economy
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      Economic HistoryEconomicsEnergy EconomicsEnergy
With the purpose of predicting world gross domestic product (GDP) taking as its partial determinant, commodities prices such as crude oil, natural gas, copper, iron ore and maize, closely linked with the growth, it was proceeded to make a... more
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      World GDPCommoditiesMathematical ModelsPrices
The aim of this work is to analyse the Brazilian Pharmaceutical Industry Performance from 1980 to 1991, adopting Freeman's strategic group approach. Traditional financial performance indexes were obtained from a sample of 64 firms.... more
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      RegulationPharmaceutical industryPrices
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      EconomicsGame TheoryMicroeconomicsMoney
"מזל טוב: תל אביב היא העיר היקרה בעולם לפי דירוג יוקר המחיה של יחידת המחקר של האקונומיסט." בהכרזה זאת נפתחת כתבתה של ליטל סמט בעיתון כלכליסט, שפורסמה בתחילת חודש דצמבר 2021. הדברים אינם מפתיעים. כל מי שהזדמן במהלך טיול בחו"ל לסופרמרקט... more
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      Pricesמדינת ישראלכלכלה
Hayek is seen as one of the main opponents of Keynes because of the debate about macroeconomics that they had in the early thirties. A few years after this controversy, Keynes published The General Theory ([1936] 1973), and Hayek was... more
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      UnemploymentMacroeconomic PolicyKeynesBusiness Cycles
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      Control Systems EngineeringRenewable EnergyEnvironmental SustainabilityControl Systems
El artículo de Perrotini Hernández y Vázquez Muñoz tiene por objetivo dilucidar la relación existente entre los actuales modelos de política monetaria y la distribución funcional del ingreso como mecanismo para el control del nivel de... more
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      Monetary EconomicsAdam SmithKarl MarxMonetary Policy
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      MarketingProduct DevelopmentPrices
El nivel de vida de los argentinos es motivo de investigaciones y no solo en la actualidad. El presente libro indaga acerca de su evolución en el siglo XIX en el espacio que denominamos la Argentina en ciernes. El instrumento utilizado... more
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      Economic HistoryFood HistoryInequality (Economics)Buenos Aires
Competition in healthcare industry is increasingly becoming stiffer in many countries around the world. With the ever increasing number of private hospitals, cut-throat competition and the changing patient’s needs is compelling... more
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      DemographyDevelopment EconomicsPovertyHunger
Il volume propone una ricostruzione avanzata, chiara e storicamente fondata del principio della domanda, seme della macroeconomia e delle politiche economiche aggregate. Da inizio Novecento, si sono confrontati due principali modelli di... more
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      Economic HistoryDevelopment EconomicsMacroeconomicsHistory of Economic Thought
All market entities – apart from the biggest ones - can be included into small and medium enterprises (SMEs) category. In Poland, this group includes micro businesses (employing fewer than 10 people), small ones (fewer than 50 workers) as... more
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      SMES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIESPolandEconomic CrisisPrices
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      Economic HistoryPolitical EconomyCuban StudiesCuban History
Carrasco-Villanueva, M. (2014). The "Pricebo effect". First Year Master Thesis. Paris, France: Université Paris 1: Panthéon - Sorbonne. [English]
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      Behavioral EconomicsPricingPrices
Every carpenter knows the average time it takes to construct a new door as well as the time it takes for a factory to do the same work. She is also well informed about the prices of doors in the regional market of doors. Workers that... more
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June 24, 2008
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      EconomicsAccountingPricesPartha Dasgupta
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      MarketsPricesTrade Volume
This paper examines the evolution of business and consumer uncertainty amid the Coronavirus pandemic in 32 European countries and the European Union (EU). Since uncertainty is not directly observable, we approximate it using the geometric... more
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With the purpose of proposing mathematical models for oil and gold prices prediction it was proceeded to compile historical data about gross domestic product of countries of relevant economic importance in the world, as well as of the... more
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      Renewable EnergyEnvironmental SustainabilityWind PowerCosts
The 2015 Special Issue of The International journal of Community Currency Research is available online! The Academia.edu format does not permit me to announce the full issue, which can be found here... more
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      Local Economic DevelopmentHeterodox EconomicsLocal Exchange Trading SystemsFood Prices
This paper aims to determine the effect of service quality and price on customer satisfaction in the telecommunications industry, particularly internet service providers. The objective of this research is to boost the revenues of internet... more
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      ServicesCustomer SatisfactionPrices
The danger of deflation has been rather frequently mentioned recently among numerous concerns over the European and partly American economies. Analysts cite the Japanese economy which has been suffering from deflation for the last two... more
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      InvestmentsJapanese economyInflationFuture Economics
Sokolov I.A. Coffee, XIX century: «is practically unknown for commoners» // Coffee & Tea in Russia: business magazine, No. 3 (112) for 2014, PP. 26 – 29. Соколов И.А. Кофе, XIX век: «простонародью почти не известно» // Кофе & Чай в... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryRussian StudiesCoffee
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      EconomicsIncomeFederal ReserveRecessions
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      Computer ScienceAlgorithmsEconomicsSocial Sciences
Sharing gains of the potato in Kenya: A case of thin governance
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      MarketingGovernanceValue ChainKey words
A fresh interpretaion is provided of the influential finding that the markup of prices over marginal costs is counter-cyclical. Using Rotemberg and Woodford's data set we argue that the markup is best modelled as a variable that is... more
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      EconomicsProductivityInflationBusiness Cycle
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      Economic HistoryApplied EconomicsNorwayDemand