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La Fonética contrastiva, como parte de la Lingüística contrastiva, tiene por objetivo la comparación de los sistemas de la lengua materna del alumno (L1) y de la lengua meta (L2/LE), en este caso, en el ámbito fonético y fonológico. Dicha... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionPhoneticsSpanish as a Foreign LanguagePronunciation Teaching
It has long been thought that teachers of English should strive to acquire a native-like accent in order to be a good pronunciation model for their students. The so-called 'nativeness principle' (Levis 2005), i.e. the idea that a... more
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      English as a Lingua FrancaSecond Language Teacher EducationPronunciation TeachingTeacher Education in Teaching English to Speakers of Second/Foreign Languages (TESOL)
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      English LiteratureTeaching and LearningAssessmentEnglish language
Both native and nonnative language teachers often find pronunciation a difficult skill to teach because of inadequate training or uncertainty about the effectiveness of instruction. But nonnative language teachers may also see themselves... more
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      PsychologyTeaching English as a Second LanguageNNEST StudiesTeaching English As A Foreign Language
During the early semesters of the English B.A. programme at the University of Veracruz (UV) Language Department, students learning English as a Second Language have to concentrate on becoming familiar with all aspects of the language: new... more
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      Teaching English As A Foreign LanguagePhonetics and PhonologyPronunciation TeachingESL teaching methodologies
El presente trabajo de fin de máster tiene como objetivo identificar cuáles son los principales obstáculos en la pronunciación española a los que se enfrentan los estudiantes japoneses cuya segunda lengua extranjera es el inglés y... more
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      Contrastive AnalysisTeaching Spanish as a Foreign LanguagePhonetics and PhonologySpanish pronunciation
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      IntonationPhonetics and PronunciationTeaching EFLTeaching speaking
This paper reports on the application of different techniques to the teaching of articulatory setting. The results of the effect of an articulatory setting training programme on the overall degree of native-like and foreign accent as well... more
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      Teaching English As A Foreign LanguagePronunciation TeachingVoice QualityBasis of Articulation, Articulatory setting, Pronunciation teaching
This article investigates the lack of concrete targets for English pronunciation in Dutch secondary education and the concurrent lack of English pronunciation lessons. The article aims to answer two questions. Firstly, is mispronunciation... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language Teacher EducationPronunciation TeachingEnglish Pronunciation
Adult foreign language learners typically reach a lower level of proficiency than do native speakers of the language. This is most obvious in pronunciation, where foreign accents are the norm and native-like accents the rare exception.... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageTeaching English As A Foreign LanguagePhonetics and PronunciationEnglish language teaching
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      PsychologyTeaching English as a Second LanguageArtTeaching English As A Foreign Language
The present study examined the effects of a 24-session pronunciation course on participants' beliefs and perceived abilities, through their responses to survey questions. Japanese junior high school students (n = 66) participated in a... more
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    • Pronunciation Teaching
This workshop was delivered in TESOL Arabia Conference-TACON 2015 in Dubai, UAE. This workshop was well attended (28 ppl). Participants found it highly useful and practical. Abstract (48 words) Many students in Lebanon, French/English... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguagePhonetics and PronunciationPronunciation TeachingPronunciation Learning Strategies
This study aims at identifying the perception of students in using U-Dictionary in learning pronunciation. Speaking is one of the most challenging abilities to develop foreign language learners such as Indonesian and one of the components... more
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      PsychologyDictionaryPronunciation TeachingPronunciation
The aim of this publication is to provide an insight into the current pronunciation teaching practices in a global context. On the basis of the findings, it provides the views and practices of university teachers of phonetics and... more
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      Phonetics and PronunciationStandard English Pronunciation- British and American AccentPronunciation TeachingEnglish Pronunciation
A pronunciation teaching tip from the 2015 Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference.
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageIntonationPhonetics and PronunciationTeaching EFL
This article presents the results of a research study based on two language teaching techniques, drilling and color-coding, and their effect on the correct pronunciation of the past tense phonemes /t/, /d/, and /ɪd/ in regular verbs in... more
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      EducationPhonetics and PronunciationTeaching EFLEnglish as a Foreign Language (EFL)
This paper presents an online course devised to meet the needs of Swedish primary school teachers who need to teach English to their pupils despite not having studied the language themselves more than minimally at tertiary level. Over a... more
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      Second Language Teacher EducationTeaching English As A Foreign LanguageEducational Technology Project-based Language Teaching Second Language Acquisition Enquiry-based Language Learning TESOL Socio-cultural theory of Language Acquisition Teaching and Learning Languages in Second Life Education of Language TeachersPronunciation Teaching
For long, accent in learning a second language has been a predicament caused by idiosyncrasy, especially in language teaching, influenced even by some teachers themselves. There is a need to keep in mind that there are programs to improve... more
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      Language EducationPhonological AwarenessIdentity (Culture)English language teaching
The purpose of this paper is to report on the fieldwork of a current doctoral thesis to investigate the influence of a pronunciation syllabus based on the Lingua Franca Core (LFC) in improving the intelligibility and comprehensibility of... more
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      Teaching and LearningPronunciation TeachingEnglish as a lingua franca (ELF)Sight Words in Arabic
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    • Pronunciation Teaching
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      Pronunciation TeachingTeaching English Pronunciation
... We therefore submit that curriculum and syllabus designers need to focus on thesuprasegmental features of pronunciation. In making their case for emphasis in teaching rhythm to ESL learners in China for example, Chen et al. ...
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      English languageTeaching MethodologyPronunciation TeachingPronunciation
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      Curriculum DesignStudent Motivation And EngagementIntonationForeign language teaching and learning
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      IntonationPhonetics and PronunciationTeaching EFLTeaching speaking
This study aims to shed light on pronunciation instruction by exploring teachers' beliefs and classroom practices regarding pronunciation teaching. In particular, the study investigates the relationship between Arabic language teachers'... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionArabic Language and LinguisticsApplied LinguisticsTeaching Arabic as a Foreign Language (TAFL)
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      Pronunciation TeachingEnglish EFL TEFL learning
This is the handout for a presentation given at CamTESOL 2020. Connected speech describes the pronunciation simplifications used by native and proficient speakers to enable them to speak more quickly and smoothly. The pronunciation of... more
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      PhonologyTESOLTeaching ListeningEnglish as a Foreign Language (EFL)
Despite the unprecedented possibilities opened by the current technologies, the teaching of pronunciation has been mostly neglected in the teaching practices of the languages of the Iberian Peninsula as L2, even for languages which are... more
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      Galician StudiesLanguage TeachingGalician languagePronunciation Teaching
Language teaching is increasingly benefitting from Web 2.0 tools such as blogs, e-learning environments or even social networking services (SNSs). With social networks rapidly gaining prominence in this scenario, Twitter is emerging as a... more
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      Educational Leadership, Teacher leadership, informal social and political networks in schools, cultures and Policy developmentELTPronunciation Teaching
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      Phonetics and PronunciationPronunciation TeachingTeaching PronunciationTeaching English Pronunciation
Este estudio se propone analizar y comparar los principales constructos (inteligibilidad, comprensibilidad, acento extranjero, fluidez e irritabilidad) que intervienen en la percepción y evaluación de la pronunciación de una L2. Aunque en... more
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      Evaluación y DidácticaPronunciation TeachingEnseñanza De Español Como Lengua ExtrajeraPronunciación Español
Le turc, langue d'origine de nombreux élèves alle-mands, a quelques caractéristiques segmentales et prosodiques en commun avec le français jusqu'à pré-sent largement ignorées dans l'enseignement du fran-çais langue étrangère (FLE) en... more
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      PhonologyFrench Language TeachingHeritage language studiesPronunciation Teaching
The paper reports on a questionnaire study investigating phonological knowledge as well as attitudes and practices of pronunciation training in teachers of English, French, Italian and Spanish as foreign languages in Germany. Particular... more
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      Teaching of Foreign LanguagesTeaching English As A Foreign LanguageHeritage language studiesThird Language Acqusition
In this post, Arizio Sweeting, a Cambridge ESOL Oral Examiner, shares a simple learner training approach to listening and pronunciation development using a shadowing technique.
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      Teaching ListeningPronunciation TeachingShadowingTeaching English Pronunciation
In diesem Beitrag soll unter Berücksichtigung von Internationalismen, die größere Lernprobleme bereiten als landläufig angenommen, gezeigt werden, welche Schritte bei einem nachhaltigen Wortakzenttraining durchlaufen werden müssen.... more
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      Music and LanguagePronunciation TeachingMusic and Pronunciation
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      English Phonetics and PhonologyDescriptive LinguisticsForeign AccentednessEnglish as a Foreign Language (EFL)
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      Pronunciation TeachingPronunciation
Ars dicendi – ars orandi. The weight of the elocution in the lector ministration The aim of this article is to show and to emphasize the importance of the art of elocution in the lector ministration. The catholic liturgy is a part of... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPronunciation TeachingPolish LanguageCatholic Liturgy
Intelligibility of Non-native English: Norms, Attitudes and Listening Comprehension The use of English as an international language challenges traditional views on effective communication, communicative competence and native-speaker... more
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      Teaching English As A Foreign LanguageForeign AccentednessAccentsEnglish as a Foreign Language (EFL)
If you are looking for an easy-to-read and practical guide to teaching pronunciation, Beyond Repeat After Me: Teaching Pronunciation to English Learners, by Marla Tritch Yoshida, might be of interest to you. Overall, the book is 188 pages... more
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      Pronunciation TeachingEnglish PronunciationTeaching English Pronunciation
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      Speech ProsodyPhoneticsIntonationPhonetics and Pronunciation
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      Phonetics and PronunciationPronunciation TeachingPronunciationEnglish Pronunciation
Anyone who is interested in the teaching of pronunciation is aware of the Cinderella metaphor. It is one that I have heard many, many times at professional conferences such as International TESOL. But where did the Cinderella image come... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguagePhonetics and PronunciationTeaching EFLStandard English Pronunciation- British and American Accent
From "The Handbook of English Pronunciation" (2015). Marnie Reed and John Levis, Eds. Wiley Blackwell.
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      PsychologyPragmaticsIntonationInformation Structure
Automatic speech recognition (ASR) is an independent, machine-based process of decoding and transcribing oral speech. A typical ASR system receives acoustic input from a speaker through a microphone; analyzes it using some pattern, model,... more
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      Computer Assisted Language LearningComputer Assisted Language Learning/TeachingAutomatic Speech RecognitionPhonetics and Pronunciation
Detey, S., Racine, I., Kawaguchi, Y. & Eychenne, J. (éds) (2016). La prononciation du français dans le monde : du natif à l’apprenant. Coll. Références. Paris : CLE international, 263 p. ISBN 9782090382419 - With CD-Rom. Preview of the... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionLanguages and LinguisticsPhonologyLanguage Acquisition
This study examined whether differences in phonological awareness were related to differences in speech comprehensibility. Seventeen adults who learned English as a foreign language (EFL) in academic settings completed 14 tests of... more
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      Phonological AwarenessPhonetics and PronunciationLanguage AwarenessPronunciation Teaching
Songs media is the kind of precisely media to learn pronunciation. This research aims at improving pronunciation using English songs. The Object of the study are three students of Mathematics education ( UPY ). The method of the study is... more
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      Media StudiesLearning and TeachingPronunciation Teaching
靜哲人著『英語授業の心・技・体』(研究社)が、松村昌紀(編)『タスク・ベースの英語指導—TBLTの理解と実践』(大修館)の第2章である福田純也著「タスク・ベースの言語指導と認知のメカニズム -- 第二言語の学習を促す心理的要因」のpp.... more
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    • Pronunciation Teaching