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Drawing on the PEACE model for investigative interviewing and the seven principles of investigative interviewing in England and Wales, the chapter aims at mapping the PEACE model into interpreter-mediated interviews and examining factors... more
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      Interpreting StudiesInterdisciplinary Higher EducationInterpretationTranslation and Interpretation
The COVID-19 pandemic has unveiled the importance of proper communication for public health, especially in multilingual contexts where speakers of minority languages have not had proper access to information in their languages, like... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationIndigenous LanguagesSouth American indigenous languagesTranslation Policies
The relevance of translation has never been greater. The challenges of the 21st century are truly glocal and societies are required to manage diversities like never before. Cultural and linguistic diversities cut across ideological... more
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      Power (social)African LiteratureAbleism and Ability StudiesWorkplace Studies
To prepare the ground for the French and English contributions to follow, the guest editors take stock, in both languages, of the thematic and methodological richness of dialogue interpreting (DI). They first illustrate the dynamism and... more
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      Research MethodologyInterpreting StudiesPublic Service InterpretingInterpreting Studies, Conversation Analysis, Dialogue Interpreting
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      PhilosophyMental HealthCommunity Interpreting(Mental) Health Care and Interpreting
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      Intercultural CommunicationTranslation StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsMultilingualism
Translation is an essential tool in diverse societies. As language conflicts grow within certain sectors of the population, translation and interpreting contribute to bridging the communication gap within multilingual nations.... more
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      Language Planning and PolicyCourt InterpretingLegal translation studiesPublic Service Interpreting
Este capítulo versa sobre el uso de las tecnologías de interpretación a distancia y su impacto en los intérpretes de los servicios públicos. La interpretación a distancia (o interpretación remota) ofrece un amplio abanico de soluciones... more
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      Interpreting; Remote InterpretingPublic Service InterpretingIntercultural mediation in public servicesInterpreting Technologies
El avance de nuestra sociedad hacia el multilingüismo, por un lado y hacia la globalización, por otro lado, plantea una serie de retos nuevos en cuya resolución las nuevas tecnologías juegan un papel fundamental. Ahora bien, dichos... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationTranslation StudiesMultilingualismTranslation and Interpretation
Call for papers to be published in a special issue of FITISPos International Journal. Deadline for abstracts: June 30th, 2019 Research methods in public service interpreting and translation: Expanding and exploring the collection,... more
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      Translation StudiesSocial Research Methods and MethodologyResearch MethodologyOpen Research
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      Access to JusticeInterpreting StudiesCanadian LawCanadian Constitutional Law
This paper analyzes the general impact and the potentially adverse effects of the use of English as a lingua franca (ELF) in a telephone-interpreted police interview in Finland, which was recorded and transcribed. The data were analyzed... more
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      Community InterpretingPublic Service InterpretingEnglish as a lingua franca (ELF)Legal Interpreting
Reseña de la obra titulada Communicating across Cultures. A Coursebook on Interpreting and Translating in Public Services and Institutions, de Carmen Valero-Garcés, obra publicada en 2014.
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      Interpreting StudiesCommunity InterpretingPublic Service Interpreting
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      Community InterpretingPublic Service Interpreting
Informe dut a terme pel grup MIRAS (Mediació i Interpretació: Recerca en l'Àmbit Social) del Departament de Traducció i Interpretació de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona a partir de qüestionaris adreçats als traductors, intèrprets... more
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      MultilingualismInterpreting StudiesCommunity InterpretingCatalunya
Telephone Interpreting (TI) is a variety of remote interpreting which is increasingly present in public services of many countries such as Spain. Although it is usually carried out in liaison or bilateral interpreting, TI requires... more
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      InterpretationCommunity InterpretingRoleplayingPublic Service Interpreting
La manca de definicio i de delimitacio del camp d’accio de la figura del traductor-interpret als serveis publics en el context catala esta estretament lligada a la manca de formacio especialitzada, aixi com a l’absencia d’uns criteris que... more
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      Community InterpretingPublic Service InterpretingInterpretació Als Serveis Públics
This paper aims at clearly identifying and explaining the role conflict that interpreters in mental health settings often express. This is done through an analysis of the scientific literature addressing the issue of the interpreter’s... more
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      PhilosophyMental HealthCommunity Interpreting(Mental) Health Care and Interpreting
Sociaal tolken komen voortdurend in aanraking met vakspecifieke terminologie. Daar ze binnen verschillende domeinen tewerkgesteld worden, worden ze dan ook geacht van verschillende terminologische markten thuis te zijn. Uit voorgaande... more
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      TerminologyInterpreting StudiesCommunity InterpretingTranslation Strategies
Being a patient with Covid-19 is a traumatising experience for everyone, but more so if you do not speak the language of your healthcare provider. This article explores the importance of community interpreters in society now and their... more
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      EthnographyNarrative and IdentityNarrative AnalysisCommunity Interpreting
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      Community InterpretingNeutralityHealthcare InterpretingPublic Service Interpreting
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      Community InterpretingPublic Service InterpretingLanguage Access Policy
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      Community InterpretingPublic Service InterpretingDialogue Interpreting
The editors of The European Legacy have expressed their interest in publishing a Special Issue on A Question of Communication: The Role of Public Service Interpreting in the Migrant Crisis, guest edited by Dr. Michal Schuster, the... more
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      Interpreting StudiesMigration StudiesInterpretationLanguage Policy
University of Wrocław / Faculty of Letters / INSTITUTE OF ENGLISH STUDIES / Department of Translation Studies cordially invites translation and interpreting scholars to contribute to the monograph volume titled: "Interpreting in the... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslation theoryInterpreting StudiesTeaching Translation
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      Interpreting StudiesMedical InterpretingTranslation and InterpretingPublic Service Interpreting
Fourth Community Interpreting Conference, Dublin City University, Ireland, 27 June 2014 Interpreting assignments in legal settings make up the bulk of the average community interpreter’s work. Given the gravity of legal decision-making,... more
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      Interpreting StudiesLegal translation studiesPublic Service InterpretingTranslator and Interpreter Training
(The article is written in Finnish.) Public service interpreting is a practice in which different agents collaborate in a wide array of communicative situations. At the same time, these heterogeneous situations are regimented by strict... more
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      Community InterpretingPublic Service Interpreting
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      Francophone CanadaQuébec StudiesCommunity InterpretingCanada
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      Intercultural CommunicationTranslation StudiesSouth African Politics and SocietyIsrael/Palestine
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      Translation StudiesProfessional EthicsInterpreting StudiesSociology of Professions
This is a post-print version of the following article: Orozco-Jutorán, Mariana; Vargas-Urpí, Mireia (2022). Children and teenagers acting as language brokers: the perception of teachers at secondary schools. Across languages and cultures... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsInterpreting StudiesInterpretingChild Language Brokering
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      Languages and LinguisticsConversation AnalysisAsylumFrench language
The purpose of this document is to support the education and training of community interpreters. It does so by providing structured and detailed guidelines for professional conduct in accordance with principles and values that underlie... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationTranslation StudiesTranslation and InterpretationCommunity Interpreting
This exploratory study analyses the functions of small talk in interpretermediated healthcare encounters. Drawing on a dataset of hospital visits with participation of five trained interpreters, analysis of particular excerpts reveals... more
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      Discourse AnalysisHealthcare InterpretingSmall TalkPublic Service Interpreting
El avance de nuestra sociedad hacia el multilinguismo, por un lado y hacia la globalizacion, por otro lado, plantea una serie de retos nuevos en cuya resolucion las nuevas tecnologias juegan un papel fundamental. Ahora bien, dichos... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationTranslation StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsMultilingualism
Violence against women is a type of gender based discrimination suffered by women all over the world and it aects dierent groups of women in different ways. Migrant women who do not speak the host country language are especially... more
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      SociologyGender StudiesPoliceCourt Interpreting
Zwei Ausgangspunkte 1. „Die postmigrantische Gesellschaft verändert die Vorstellung von Integration grundlegend und paradigmatisch. Da sie die Anerkennung der einwanderungsgesellschaftlichen Realität als Ausgangspunkt nimmt und das... more
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      Translation StudiesCommunity InterpretingCourt InterpretingSociological Models of Translation and Interpreting
The objective of this study is to contribute to a better understanding of the negotiation of meaning between the participants of a bilingual interpreter-mediated interaction by analysing the effects of the verbalization of the inferences... more
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      Relevance TheoryCognitive LinguisticsCommunity InterpretingMedical Interpreting
In June 2018, the Aquarius, a search and rescue vessel operating in the Mediterranean Sea, rescued 630 migrants at sea and asked to dock at the nearest port. First Italy and then Malta refused and the dramatic situation of those on board... more
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      Refugee StudiesValuesHumanitarian AffairsPublic Policy - Social Welfare Policy
This study explores interaction in two authentic interpreter-mediated police interviews with suspects. The analysis focuses on the interpreting regime used: stand-by interpreting. The interactional regime in the analysed interviews... more
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      Interpreting StudiesInterpretingPolice InterpretingPublic Service Interpreting
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      Community InterpretingHospital administrationPublic Service InterpretingPublic Administration and Policy
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      Interpreting StudiesInterpretingCommunity InterpretingTranslation and Interpreting
The paper focuses on the roles and competencies of a community interpreter highlighting their complexity. Community interpreting is viewed as interaction, trialogue and intercultural communication where the interpreter does... more
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      Community InterpretingThe role of the InterpreterPublic Service Interpreting
Beratungs- und Betreuungsgespräche in der Jugendhilfe sind aufgrund zahlreicher Faktoren komplex und potenziell konfliktbehaftet: Die verschiedenen (Gesprächs-)Ziele der Beteiligten, die Vulnerabilität vieler KlientInnen, die Bedeutung... more
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      Translation and InterpretationCommunity InterpretingTranslation and InterpretingPublic Service Interpreting
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      Human RightsCourt InterpretingTranslation and InterpretingPublic Service Interpreting
The definition of quality has traditionally been at the forefront of research in Interpreting Studies. Despite being a contended issue for decades, a consensus seems to have been reached over the fact that there is no absolute notion of... more
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      Legal interpretationInterpretationCommunity InterpretingPublic Service Interpreting
Keywords: public service interpreters, language rights, social role, status. The recognition of interpreting as an activity which ensures the protection of human rights was already expressed in the Commission’s Communication entitled A... more
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      Human RightsEuropean UnionCommunity InterpretingLanguage rights
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      Community InterpretingPublic Service Interpreting