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This volume is dedicated to the study of the in- and outside of princely residences and of their setup as the stage for a developing European early modern court culture. At a time of increasing aristocratization (1400-1700) and with many... more
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      CourtsPortraitureEarly Modern Hungarian HistoryCourt Interpreting
The contention regarding insolvency and tangibles has kindled a fire in many a trust lawyer’s hearts due to the legal uncertainty it has promoted within certainty of subject matter. It will be analysed alongside two criteria – in this... more
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      International LawInsolvency LawTortsCourt Interpreting
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      Forensic PsychologyCriminal LawCriminal JusticeForensics
Through its case law, the CJEU has developed and established various legal institutions and principles guaranteeing the effectiveness of EU law including consumer protection law. Although much time has passed since the CJEU required from... more
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      European LawConsumer BehaviorEuropean UnionConsumer Research
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      Translation StudiesAccessibilityWeb AccessibilityAccessibility (Computer Science)
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      Court InterpretingForeign Language AnxietyTranslation and Interpreting
Many countries have developed statutory provisions governing norms and standards of practice (NSPs) for court interpreters. However, in South Africa, in the case of State versus Naidoo (1962:631), Judge Williamson states that “in relation... more
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    • Court Interpreting
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      Forensic LinguisticsHuman RightsCourt InterpretingPolice Interpreting
This paper is based on an ethnographic research project studying interaction processes and rituals; the interplay between speech and social interaction during interpreted hearings in Swedish District Court cases on domestic violence,... more
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      Emotions (Social Psychology)EthnicityCourt Interpreting
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      HealthPublic HealthCourt InterpretingMedical Interpreting
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      Forensic LinguisticsTranslation and InterpretationCourt InterpretingTranslation
This article presents the findings of a study conducted with Deaf and hearing American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters from Canada and the United States who interpret legal discourse and legal interactions. This qualitative research... more
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      PsychologyLegal EducationTranslation and InterpretationCourt Interpreting
In the light of Dhooharika vs DPP, are you of the opinion that the Privy Council is implying that the contempt of court should not be an offence?
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      Criminal LawCourt Interpreting
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      Deaf CultureCourt InterpretingPolitenessASL/English Interpreting
Videoconference (VC) systems have been used in courts in England and Wales for more than fifteen years. However, it can be argued that research into how new technologies and interpreters interact in legal settings is still in its... more
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      Actor Network TheoryInterpreting StudiesCourt InterpretingTranslation and Interpreting
This study investigated how and when hearing interpreters in the United States decide there is a need for a Deaf interpreter for court proceedings. Previous publications have strongly suggested that it is best practice to work with a Deaf... more
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      Interpreting StudiesCourt InterpretingASL/English InterpretingSign Language Interpreting
By drawing upon cognitive resources, professional court interpreters should uphold as a guiding principle for their choices the need to preserve the pragmatics of the ongoing interaction between legal experts and witnesses during the... more
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      Court InterpretingLegal translation studiesTeaching ESP
1 Martina Bajčić, viši predavač na Katedri za strane jezike Pravnoga fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci te pravnih aspekata EU-a na poslije-diplomskom specijalističkom studiju prevođenja na Filozofskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Rijeci. 2 Katja... more
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      Court InterpretingLegal Translation
his report summarizes the key findings of five workgroups held at the 2nd North American Summit on Interpreting, convened by IntepretAmerica on June 17-18, 2011 in Washington, D.C. The purpose of the Summit was to provide a national forum... more
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      InterpretingInterpretationTranslation and InterpretationCommunity Interpreting
This article presents the findings of a study conducted with Deaf and hearing American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters from Canada and the United States who interpret legal discourse and legal interactions. This qualitative research... more
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      PsychologyLegal EducationInterpretationTranslation and Interpretation
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      Court InterpretingPolice InterpretingMedical and Court/Legal InterpretingLegal Interpreting
Camayd-Freixas, Erik. “Court Interpreter Ethics and the Role of Professional Organizations.” Christina Schäffner, Krzysztof Kredens, and Ivonne Fowler, eds. Interpreting in a Changing Landscape: Selected Papers from Critical Link 6.... more
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      EthicsImmigrationProfessional EthicsInterpreting Studies
From their practical experience at the Federal Courts of Guarulhos (where the great majority of defendants are foreigners involved in international drug trafficking), the authors (a federal judge and a court interpreter) analyze the role... more
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      Court InterpretingLanguage Access Policy
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      HistoryCriminal LawDomestic ViolenceSexual Violence
The article deals with the principles of possible interpretation of nonverbal signals during court interpreting by interpreters. As the problem has only been seldom discussed in the specialised literature, real-life examples are presented... more
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      Interpreting StudiesCourt InterpretingCross-Cultural CommunicationGestures
[FR] Ce mémoire est une tentative d’analyse d’un impact de l’éducation bilingue de l’enfant. L'auteur cite dans son travail une multitude de définitions du bilinguisme et indique qu'il n'y a pas de définition non ambiguë de ce terme. Les... more
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      Multi- & Bilingualism & BiliteracyInterpreting StudiesBilingual EducationBilingual education (Education)
Section 39(2) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 directs that when any legislation is interpreted, the result must be a construction that promotes ‘the spirit, purport and objects of the Bill of Rights’. The... more
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      Constitutional LawTax LawCourt Interpreting
Interpreters are taught they have deep roots in the Deaf community, and their work began as volunteers from schools, churches, and social services. This article expands on that history to include the time before any of those systems... more
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      Deaf studiesBritish Sign LanguageDisability HistoryDEAF histories
Resumo A partir de sua experiência prática na Justiça Federal de Guarulhos (em que a imensa maioria dos réus presos é formada por estrangeiros envolvidos com o tráfico internacional de drogas), os autores (um juiz federal e uma intérprete... more
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      CourtsCourt InterpretingCourt history
This research paper aims to explore how conference interpreters interact with the booth partner in the videoconference-based interpreting setting on the private market in two scenarios: when interpreters are co-located and when they are... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslation and InterpretationConference InterpretingCourt Interpreting
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      Legal interpretationCourt Interpreting
This chapter reports the key findings of the European AVIDICUS 3 project, which focused on the use of video-mediated interpreting in legal settings across Europe. Whilst judicial and law enforcement authorities have turned to... more
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      Interpreting StudiesCourt InterpretingVideoconferencingVideo-mediated communication
Abstract: La lingüística forense es un campo de estudio de lengua y cultura que es fundamental para la examinación del lenguaje policial. Matices de idiomas se dan y se reciben cuando los agentes están interconectando con sospechosos y... more
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      Court InterpretingPolice interviewingTranslation and Interpreting
Πρακτικά της Ημερίδας «Η μετάφραση και η διερμηνεία στον ευρύτερο δημόσιο τομέα» την οποία είχε διοργανώσει στην Ιόνιο Ακαδημία στις 12 Μαΐου 2008 το ΕΝΟΠΟΤΕΜ (Εργαστήριο Νομικής, Οικονομικής, Πολιτικής και Τεχνικής Μετάφρασης) του ΤΞΓΜΔ.
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      Legal and Economic TranslationCourt InterpretingTranslationTranslation and Interpreting
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    • Court Interpreting
This multidisciplinary volume offers a systematic analysis of translation and interpreting as a means of guaranteeing equality under the law as well as global perspectives in legal translation and interpreting contexts. It offers in-... more
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      Court InterpretingLegal translation studiesLegal Translationterminology in translation, LSP translation, legal translation
The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Activism provides an accessible, diverse, and in many respects ground-breaking overview of literary, cultural, and political translation across a range of activist contexts. This volume brings... more
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      Translation StudiesRefugee StudiesWar StudiesRevolutions
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      Translation StudiesTranslation theoryLegal interpretationTranslation and Interpretation
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      RitualCourt InterpretingTaoism
From the early days of interpreting studies, the notion of quality has attracted the interest of professionals, trainers and scholars alike. Its elusive nature gave rise to various approaches aimed at figuring out its constituent parts.... more
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      Interpreting StudiesInterpretingInterpretationTranslation and Interpretation
Table of contents:1. Blasco Mayor, María Jesús & Maribel del Pozo Triviño. “Legal Interpreting in Spain at a Turning Point” / “La interpretación judicial en España en un momento de cambio”. 2. Hertog, Erik. “Directive 2010/64/EU of the... more
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      Interpreting StudiesTranslation and InterpretationCourt InterpretingImplementation Of Eu Directives
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      Interpreting StudiesLegal interpretationInterpretingInterpretation
This is Chapter 1 of Children, Autonomy and the Courts: Beyond the Rights to be Heard (Daly, 2018). This chapter proposes that, although CRC Article 12 focuses on ‘hearing’ children in proceedings about their best interests, instead the... more
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      Sociology of Children and ChildhoodHuman Rights LawInternational LawChild and adolescent mental health
This study investigates two common strategies in interpretation: meaning-based and form-based with a special focus on examining these two strategies in both directions of interpretation, i.e. Arabic into English and English into Arabic... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsArabic translationConference InterpretingCourt Interpreting
Despite the flourishing of judicialisation of rights across the world, scepticism is not in short supply. Critiques range from concerns over the democratic legitimacy and institutional competence of courts to the effectiveness of rights... more
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      Constitutional LawInternational LawCourtsLegal Theory
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      Court InterpretingTranslation and Interpreting
ENTI is an open encyclopedia on translation and interpreting studies (TIS), fostered by AIETI. This innovative project is open-access, international, multilingual, multimedia, rigorous, scalable and constantly in-the-making, as explained... more
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      Translation StudiesInterpreting StudiesHistory of TranslationTranslation and Interpretation
Bu çalışmada, Osmanlı Devleti’ne başkentlik yapması nedeniyle öneminin açık olduğu İstanbul’un Suriçi ta’bir edilen bölümündeki ticaret, aile ilişkileri, adli olaylar ve esnaf teşkilatı başta olmak üzere sosyo-ekonomik hayatının, İstanbul... more
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      Court Interpretingşeriye sicilleriİstanbul İstiklal Mahkemesi