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This publication considers the evolving discussion on the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) and the Responsibility While Protecting (RwP). It features 12 papers by a diverse collection of military personnel, scholars and humani­tarian... more
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      R2PR2P Responsibility to ProtectRwP - responsibility while protecting
In order to better understand the background to this debate, this essay will provide an overview of the history of the idea of humanitarian intervention leading up to the adoption of the R2P principle at the 2005 UN World Summit. The... more
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      International RelationsNATOColonialismEmpire
Bu çalışma Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin uluslararası hukuk davranışını,‘koruma sorumluluğu’ doktrini çerçevesinde incelemeyi hedeflemektedir. Uluslararası sistemde insani değerlerin korunması amacıyla Birleşmiş Milletler (BM) tara- fından... more
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      LibyaR2PUluslararası HukukKoruma Sorumluluğu
This paper presented at a conference at the Helsinki Castren Institute for International Law and Human Rights is an exploration of the relationship between international criminal justice and R2P, and how the two are part of evolving... more
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      International LawInternational Criminal LawInternational Criminal CourtR2P
Chapter 2 in: Responsibility to Protect: Where Do We Stand Ten Years After? Vasilka Sancin, editor. Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, 2015, oo, 43-52.
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      Security CouncilResponsibility to ProtectR2PState sovereignty
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      Responsibility to ProtectR2P
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      ConstructivismAmerican Foreign PolicyResponsibility to ProtectU.S. Foreign Policy
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      Latin American StudiesLatin American politicsInternational institutionsLatin America
How does normative change occur in international organisations (IOs)? The literature has theorised IO behaviour as being a consequence of the interest of powerful states, or has applied concepts borrowed from organisational sociology... more
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      Sociology of ProfessionsR2PUN peacekeeping operationsUnited Nations Peacekeeping Operations
""In whose name? A critical view on the Responsibility to Protect" provides an overview of the history and content of R2P, its positive contributions and its flaws. It concludes that R2P does not give a satisfying answer to the key... more
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      United NationsHumanitarian InterventionResponsibility to ProtectR2P
IRRI's new report on the African Union and the Responsibility to Protect (r2P), explores how this principle has taken root within the continental union, in the form of non-indifference, providing background on the principle of R2P and on... more
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      Responsibility to ProtectAfrican UnionR2PThe African Union Peace and Security Architecture
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      United NationsHumanitarian InterventionInternational Humanitarian LawR2P
UNO-Generalsekretär Ban Ki-Moon, wie auch seine Vorgänger, nannte die Kodifizierung der R2P eine der vorrangigen Aufgaben der UNO. Seit 2001 bis heute wurde versucht die R2P im Völkerrecht zu verankern. Ich untersuche, ob und in welchem... more
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      International RelationsInternational LawHumanitarian InterventionHuman Security
The UN Security Council is making increasing use of its Chapter VII powers to authorize peacekeeping missions to protect civilians (POC) against threats to their right to life or physical integrity. This is of both normative and practical... more
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      International LawHuman RightsHumanitarianismInternational Human Rights Law
This volume discusses the perspectives of Germany, India, Brazil and South Africa (GIBSA) on the evolving norm of the responsibility to protect. Special consideration is given to the most recent cases of Cote d'Ivoire, Libya and Syria.... more
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      International RelationsInternational SecurityResponsibility to ProtectR2P
Référence: GUELDICH (H.), « Rapport introductif : Genèse de la responsabilité de protéger», in BEN ACHOUR (R.), (sous-direction), Responsabilité de protéger et révoltes populaires, colloque FSJPST 2012, éditions Toulouse Capitole 2013,... more
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      International Human Rights LawResponsibility to ProtectR2PDroits Humains
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      International RelationsR2PInternational Law & R2P
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      Humanitarian InterventionResponsibility to ProtectR2PMultilateralism
http://www.hsfk.de/fileadmin/downloads/prif133.pdf Ten years after the recognition of the Responsibility to Protect, this PRIF Report examines the controversies around this bundle of norms. What is more important - protecting people... more
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      Responsibility to ProtectNorm contestationR2PInternational Norms
European governments, parliaments and civil societies belong to the most important supporters of a ‘responsibility to protect’ (R2P). However, despite a shared positive attitude towards R2P and coordinated diplomatic efforts, major... more
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      European Foreign PolicyResponsibility to ProtectBritish Foreign PolicyGerman Foreign Policy
The ‘Responsibility to Protect’ is a new human security paradigm that re-conceptualizes state sovereignty as a ‘responsibility’ rather than a ‘right’. Its seminal endorsement by the 2005 World Summit has however not consolidated the... more
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      African StudiesR2PDiplomacy and international relations
This is the introductory chapter to a collective volume on Responsibility to Protect (Intersentia, 2016) co-edited by R.A. Barnes and V.P. Tzevelekos. The paper explains the structure of and the logic behind the edited collection and... more
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      International LawSovereigntyInternational Human Rights LawResponsibility to Protect
The African continent is inextricably linked to development of the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) norm and the latter's ethical interpretation of the duties associated with state
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      African StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesConflictAfrica
The purpose of the present article is to question whether the military operation in Libya in 2011, implementing Security Council resolution 1973, is rightly regarded as a perfect case of the “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P). First, the... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesHuman RightsResponsibility to ProtectLibya
The Global Human Rights Regime has undergone significant changes since the United Nations was founded. The world has shifted from state-centric thinking to emphasizing the protection of individual rights. The Post-Cold War era has seen... more
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      International RelationsInternational LawHuman RightsSovereignty
Référence: GUELDICH (H.), « Responsabilité de protéger, révoltes populaires et violations massives des droits de l’homme aujourd’hui », in BEN ACHOUR (R.), (sous-direction), Responsabilité de protéger et révoltes populaires, colloque... more
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      Responsibility to ProtectR2PDroits de l'hommeDroits Humains
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      International LawR2P
Twenty years after the end of the Rwandan genocide, knowledge production on the small country of a thousand hills remains a clamorous battle ground of post- and decolonial power and influence. This essay critically engages with the... more
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      International RelationsEpistemologyAfrican Diaspora StudiesIndigenous Knowledge
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      Middle East PoliticsR2PICCInternational Law & R2P
A Responsabilidade de Proteger é um conceito juridicamente novo e, justamente por isso, a despeito de sua aceitação pela sociedade internacional e por sua consolidação no Documento Final da Cúpula Mundial de 2005, não está, de forma... more
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      R2PR2P Responsibility to ProtectResponsabilidade De Proteger
Artykuł dotyczy roli interwencji zbrojnej w koncepcji „odpowiedzialności za ochronę” (R2P). Analizuje warunki uzgodnione przez państwa (członków ONZ), które muszą być spełnione, aby uzasadnić użycie siły w ramach R2P. Wskazuje przypadki,... more
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      Use of ForceR2PConflict in LibyaUse of force in international law and international relations
The debate about a responsibility to protect people from mass atrocities goes to the heart of current changes in the world. Coinciding with the shift of power and influence away from the West, its nascent and contested evolution as a norm... more
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      Responsibility to ProtectR2PNorms in International Relations
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      Responsibility to ProtectR2PGenocide Prevention
Esta publicação faz um levantamento da atual discussão sobre a “Responsabilidade de Proteger” (R2P) e a “Responsabilidade ao Proteger” (RwP). É um conjunto de 12 artigos escritos por autores com diferentes forma­ções e experiências, como... more
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      R2PR2P Responsibility to ProtectRwP - responsibility while protecting
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      International RelationsInternational LawSovereigntyHumanitarian Intervention
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      ChinaR2PArms TradeArms Trade Treaty
The Responsibility to Protect (R2P) has become one of the most important technologies of war today. Formulated in the wake of NATO’s contentious 1999 humanitarian war against Serbia, the R2P doctrine was intellectually and institutionally... more
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      NATOHumanitarian InterventionLibyaR2P
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      Responsibility to ProtectU.S. Foreign PolicyR2P
From: Good Intentions: Norms and Practices of Imperial Humanitarianism. Edited by Maximilian C. Forte. Montreal, QC: Alert Press, 2014, pp. 1-34.
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      GlobalizationHumanitarianismNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Humanitarian Intervention
El tradicional principio de soberanía de los Estados ya no es entendido de manera absoluta y hoy es aceptado el hecho de que ante la inminente o actual comisión de ilícitos internacionales como el genocidio, la limpieza étnica, los... more
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      R2PUse of force in international law and international relationsResponsability to Protect
Published in: Revista Jurídica Unicuritiba, vol. 02, n.º 59, Curitiba, 2020, p. 47-77 DOI: 10.21902/revistajur.2316-753X.v2i59.4103 e-ISSN: 2316-753X ABSTRACT: Objectives: The paper aims to present a legal analysis of R2P in... more
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      International LawWar StudiesInternational Human Rights LawSecurity Council
The six year war in Syria which has taken over 400.000 lives, led to the displacement of more than 11 million persons and has included war crimes and crimes against humanity, poses a serious challenge for R2P. One of the main reasons for... more
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      International RelationsUnited NationsSecurity CouncilHumanitarian Intervention
The responsibility to rebuild needs to be re-elevated to prominence as an integral component of R2P: conceptually, normatively and operationally; and its institutional homes in the un system and the Secretary-General's role clarified. The... more
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      International RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesHuman RightsInternational organizations
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      International RelationsInternational LawReinhart KoselleckR2P
With an ostensible commitment to sovereignty and non-intervention and a long standing involvement in United Nations peacekeeping operations, India’s position on R2P seems puzzling. Still, despite the rhetoric about India being an... more
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      Responsibility to ProtectIndian foreign policyR2P
How does power work in practice? Much of the ‘stuff’ that state agents and other international actors do, on an everyday basis, remains impenetrable to existing International Relations theory. This is unfortunate, as the everyday... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryForeign Policy AnalysisPractice theory
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      Responsibility to ProtectChadGender and SecurityR2P
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      International StudiesInternational LawInternational organizationsUnited Nations