Recent papers in Radon
activity is determined by gamma spectrometry, based on the measurement of radon progeny short lived isotopes ( 214 Pb and 214 Bi) when Ra-Rn secular equilibrium is reached. Depending on the behaviors of radon emanation from the soil... more
In the period July 2005 -October 2006 several soil gas prospections were performed on the island of Pantelleria, an active volcanic/geothermal system at present in a quiescent state. Measured parameters were CO2 concentrations and 220 Rn... more
Radon gas has high mobility and is driven by advection and diffusion with the soil gas throughout connected and water-unsaturated pores and/or cracks in permeable rocks and soils. Therefore, there is a need for quantitative assessment of... more
The study deals with pilot investigations of the radon index in Bulgaria. In situ measurements of the radon activity and soil permeability at 3 sites one over and two – close to fault zone have been performed. The results show that higher... more
Natural radon (222Rn) is a radioactive noble gas that occurs as the immediate decay product of radium (226Ra), part of the 238U family, in the lithosphere. Radon is driven by advection and diffusion with soil gas throughout connected and... more
Introduction DNA repair enzymes could modulate the individual susceptibility to the genotoxic effect of exposure to ionising radiation (IR). Methods The influence of polymorphisms of XRCC1, XRCC3 and XPD genes on the onset of chromosomal... more
The aim of the study was to assess the effect of residential radon exposure on the risk of lung cancer in never-smokers and to ascertain if environmental tobacco smoke modifies the effect of residential radon. We designed a multicentre... more
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other public health agencies in the United States, radon may be the leading cause (along with passive smoking) of lung cancer deaths among nonsmokers. Radon is estimated w be the... more
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other public health agencies in the United States, radon may be the leading cause (along with passive smoking) of lung cancer deaths among nonsmokers. Radon is estimated w be the... more
The long–term measurements of radon and thoron equilibrium equivalent concentrations (EERC and EETC) were carried out the first time in Republic of Srpska in 25 schools of its capital Banja Luka and in its wider surroundings. After this... more
The study deals with the evaluation of the dynamic of the radon index in one pilot site based on second-time pilot investigations of the radon index in Bulgaria. In situ measurements of the radon concentration in soil gas, and soil... more
The indoor radon concentrations in Kirklareli, Turkey were measured in living rooms of 19 houses during winter in 2019 using Airthings 222 Corentium Home Radon Gas Detector. The short-term and long-term measurements were performed in 1... more
Indonesia merupakan Negara Kepulauan yang berada di jalur Ring Of Fire kawasan Pasifik yang sering terjadi gempa bumi. Oleh karena itu dindinggeserdapatdigunkansebagaisalahsatu alternative... more
The purpose of the article is to describe monitoring studies on the radiation state of air in populated and working areas near the uranium processing enterprise in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Ac-cording to the analytical measurement, the... more
Fractional Radon transform which is symbolized with the notation , it is different to the classical Radon transform. The shift property of fractional Radon transform is controlled by the fractional order Rotation of the input object at... more
Simultaneous indoor measurements of radon, thoron and equilibrium equivalent con centrations, by three different continuous radon monitors in real ambient conditions, were performed and compared during two weeks period. Radon... more
Aim of a low radon cleanroom technology is to minimize at the same time radon, radon decay products concentration and aerosol concentration and to minimize deposition of radon decay products on the surfaces. The technology placed in a... more
The Jacobi room model, describing the behaviour of free and attached radon progeny in the atmosphere of a room was introduced by W. Jacobi 37 years ago [1], was worked out and broadly applied in indoor measuring by J. Porstendorfer [4,... more
In this paper, we will deal with interesting example of natural risk modeling – namely of indoor radon concentration, needed for proper exposure assessment and appreciation of quality of preventive measures taken. First, we will... more
Four years of summertime paired urban‐rural meteorological and radon observations in central Poland are used to assess the relationship between atmospheric stability and urban‐induced changes to the radiation balance and surface energy... more
Development of a multichannel radiometer consisting of three radiometers based on highly sensitive silicon detectors for environmental studies, recording and studying the activities of alpha, beta and gamma radiation in various... more
Electrostatic precipitation is a well-known technology to reduce public exposure to radon daughters. A custom electrostatic precipitator (ESP) prototype has been designed and built to study the effectiveness of such a removal technique in... more
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An important achievement of nuclear track detectors is that they render it possible to measure a large number of radon concentrations. These are necessary for epidemiological studies aimed to estimate the lung cancer risk due to exposure... more
The health risk due to the presence of thoron indoors is usually neglected because of its generally low concentration in indoor environments, which is essentially caused by its short half-life. However, in certain not uncommon situations,... more
All IAEA scientific and technical publications are protected by the terms of the Universal Copyright Convention as adopted in 1952 (Berne) and as revised in 1972 (Paris). The copyright has since been extended by the World Intellectual... more
For workplaces where significant diurnal variations in radon concentrations are likely, measurements to evaluate average radon concentration during working hours could be useful for planning an optimized protection of workers according to... more
The estimation of the indoor radon exposure of the population of a country is generally carried out by the means of surveys designed in order to have sample representativeness as a target (population-based survey). However, the estimates... more
Outdoor radon concentration contributes to indoor radon levels, generally causing a shift from lognormal distribution of measured radon concentration data distribution, and it makes more challenging the estimation of radon distribution... more