Ramsar site
Recent papers in Ramsar site
Ramsar convention was approved by Chile in September 1980; and the “Carlos Andwanter Nature Sanctuary”, located in the Cruces River (Lake Region), was designated as the first Ramsar site. Currently there are seven Ramsar sites, all under... more
Resumen: Los humedales costeros del Perú son importantes por los múltiples bienes y servicios que proveen a las poblaciones aledañas. Para protegerlos, es importante hacer un seguimiento de sus áreas y de los cambios que ocurren en las... more
Terneus, E., Salvador, D., Buñay, D., Solgues, D., Martínez, C. y M. Llulluna. 2008. Programa de monitoreo, vigilancia y estado de salud del complejo de Humedales "Ñucanchi-Turupamba" sitio Ramsar para el Ecuador. Ministerio del Ambiente... more
La seguente tesi vuole dare gli strumenti per comprendere il fenomeno del turismo balneare nell'Alto Adriatico. In particolare, il terzo capitolo ripercorre la storia della località di Albarella, evidenziandone le criticità... more
Wetlands are areas of biological diversity, suppliers of food and construction materials, mitigators of the climate change, and natural reserve of fresh water. In Peru, for more than 12,000 years, the resources coming from these wetlands... more
Corporate flower farms are based along the shores of Kenya’s Lake Naivasha, a Ramsar Convention protected wetland. Kenya suffers from high unemployment and relative poverty and prioritises economic development. Corporate flower farms are... more
Among the numerous wetlands in the Philippines, this paper focuses on the Candaba wetlands which to date has not yet been recognized for its international significance. The Pampanga River Basin,which is the second largest basin in the... more
Se describen las principales características de los vertebrados tetrápodos, mencionando valores de riqueza para el Sitio Ramsar Jaaukanigás y las principales especies presentes en el Sitio Ramsar Jaaukanigás, incluyendo las amenazadas. Se... more
https://www.academia.edu/Papers/UploadAbstract The wetland of the Lakes Koronia and Volvi is of international importance, supporting high numbers of wintering migratory waterbirds. Although protected under the Ramsar Convention, pollution... more
This report documents the results of a Systematic Reconnaissance Flight (SRF) aerial survey of the Malagarasi-Muyovozi Ramsar Site (Tanzania), conducted from 17 to 28 November 2001. The survey was made as part of the Danida-funded project... more
Indiscriminate and illegal farming of the African Catfish Clarias gariepinus, in central Kerala has now resulted in the escape and spread of the species into Vembanad Lake, a large brackish water wetland and inland fish diversity... more
"Key words: diversity, dragonflies, habitat cluster, Tasek Bera, temporal partitioning Abstract Fifty-nine species of Odonata were collected in a recent study in the freshwater swamp lake of Tasek Bera, Peninsular Malaysia, in... more
This paper explores how the Ramsar Convention, a key multilateral environmental agreement for the world’s wetlands, influences the allocation and use of ecosystem goods and services. Focusing on the world’s second largest uninhabited... more
Deh Akro -2 Wildlife Sanctuary is a very important Ramsar Site and an Important Bird Area in Sindh. It has a complex of four major habitats viz. desert, wetlands, agriculture fields and villages. It has 40 lakes which are mostly brackish.... more
La Laguna de Cuyutlán se encuentra en el estado de Colima en el Occidente de México. Cuenta con un ecosistema de manglar predominado por Rhizophora mangle, Avicennia germinans y Laguncularia racemosa (Ruíz, 2009). El estudio se desarrolló... more
• The risk of human health through the ingestion of fish was estimated. • The study area is a Ramsar site polluted by mining activities and urbanization. • The consumption of C. spixii pose risk to human health due to Cd, Pb and As. • As... more
Non-linear phenomena in biological findings of the residents of high background radiation areas of Ramsar SMJ Mortazavi, H Mozdarani International Journal of Radiation Research 01/2013; 11(1):3-9. ABSTRACT Some Areas of Ramsar, a... more
Health Phys. 2002 Jan;82(1):87-93. Very high background radiation areas of Ramsar, Iran: preliminary biological studies. Ghiassi-nejad M, Mortazavi SM*, Cameron JR, Niroomand-rad A, Karam PA. National Radiation Protection Department,... more
Lung Cancer in High Background Radiation Areas (HBRAs) of Ramsar SMJ Mortazavi, Ph.D Professor of Medical Physics & Radiobiology Medical Physics & Medical Engineering Department and the Center for Research on Radiological... more
There has been little recognition that the services of wetland ecosystem are vital for human well-being. As a result of this, there is an alarming loss of wetlands. In order to combat these losses, several policies, administrative and... more
En el presente trabajo presentamos un modelo hidrodinámico 3D del Humedal del Rio Cruces en la Región de Los Ríos, Chile. Este humedal es uno de los mas grandes de Chile, está protegido por la convención RAMSAR y soporta una diversidad... more
Avian diversity is used to assess the functionality of diverse types of habitats around Salt Lake Djendli, Northeast Algeria. The landscape is stratified into five habitat types in a gradient from wetland to forested mountains. Bird... more
The Kuala Selangor Nature Park (KSNP) was established and managed by the Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) since 1987. During the World Wetlands Day in 2013, MNS launched the "KSNP for Ramsar" campaign and working together with the Selangor... more
Lake Naivasha was designated as a RAMSAR site in 1995. The lake environment is fragile and critically threatened by human-induced factors. The study presented a steady and transient numerical modeling. The long-term and system flux over... more
This research examines the problems of public participation in conserving a Ramsar site at the Tana Delta in southeastern Kenya. Given no participation of the public in government initiatives so far, we attempted to find out what had... more
Tigers evolved from the genus Panthera approximately two million years ago during the Cenozoic era and were widely distributed in China and Southeast Asia. They then expanded their range northwards into Russia, Japan and Korea, and south... more
This dissertation proposes that the current legal definition of springs, veredas and wetlands should be revised. The existing concepts applied to these hydrological systems are controversial, but at the same time have important legal... more
Bengal tigers of Bangladesh are at brink of extinction due to anthropocentric disturbances. The article provide ecological perspective to help conserve the dwindling population of tigers in Bangladesh Sundarbans: the largest deltaic... more