Reading Education
Recent papers in Reading Education
Статья посвящена практике отбора и обработки произведений литературы, публиковавшихся в школьных хрестоматиях и книгах для чтения в XIX в. Нередко художественные тексты настолько трансформируются составителями хрестоматий, что перестают... more
Okumayı ögrenmek ve bunu alıskanlık hâline getirerek yasam boyunca devam ettirmek egitimin en temel hedeflerindendir. Bu arastırmada, okumayı sevmeyen ögrencilerin okuma alıskanlıgı konusundaki görüslerine basvurularak bu etkinligi niye... more
Resumen Las prácticas de lectura más relevantes en la actualidad se enmarcan en el para-digma de la lectura dialógica, dando relevancia no solo a la lectura sino también a la interacción entre lectores. Una de estas prácticas son los... more
This short article describes and demonstrates the 3 cueing systems the brain used to identify words during the act of reading. Also described are the 2-way flow of information during the reading process, the relative unimportance of... more
La ricerca mira, a partire da un problema individuato, a realizzare un supporto a uso delle insegnanti circa un utilizzo vario dell'oggetto libro (non di testo). Nel caso da me indivi-duato, il suo utilizzo avviene senza essere sostenuto... more
Lesen- und Schreibenlernen ist endlich wieder Thema geworden. Aufgrund seiner Bedeutung für die individuelle psychische Entwicklung, den Bildungserfolg und die Lebensplanung von Menschen sowie seiner gesellschaftlichen Relevanz wird es... more
This chapter is designed to provide teachers with guidelines on what to consider when evaluating whether texts are at appropriate levels of complexity for purposes and students in their classrooms. Specifically, the question addressed is:... more
According to Eric Jensen (2005) there are seven critical factors that should be addressed in brain-based approaches to teaching and learning: (a) engagement, (b) repetition, (c) input quantity, (d) coherence, (e) timing, (f) error... more
This is an excerpt from my book, 10 Essential Instructional Elements For Students With Reading Difficulties: A Brain-Friendly Approach, published by Corwin Press (2016). This article describes a very simple approach to conducting a miscue... more
This paper reviews the literature on whether productivity in research and publication should be considered a standard in higher education institutions. Moreover, it discusses the national, institutional, and personal barriers to faculty... more
The purpose of the present study is to determine the viewpoints of primary school teachers on difficulties experienced by 3rd and 4th grade primary school students in reading comprehension. The study was planned in Phenomenology Design,... more
This study investigated whether two groups of 6-year-old beginning readers taught to read by a phonics and by a “book experience” non-phonics approach would differ in reading comprehension as well as the processes of word recognition.... more
This describes how to use basals in a reading workshop setting. This will make reading class more interesting and engaging, and meet the needs of students of varying levels in an inclusive general education setting or a special education... more
This chapter excerpt describes how to approach sight words and sight word instruction in a reading curriculum. This is appropriate from emergent level and beginning level readers as well as struggling readers at all levels. Related... more
This chapter excerpt describes activities the classroom teacher can use to enhance comprehension. The pre-reading activity should generally be 2-5 minutes in duration (with informational text, it is sometimes longer than this). Here... more
This chapter excerpt provides a brief overview of synthetic and analytic approaches to phonics instruction. Related mini-lectures are included.
If you believe reading to be simply sounding out words, then the concept of the 3-cueing systems makes no sense at all. However, this short article and three short mini-lectures describe (a) how the brain creates meaning with print,... more
This article describes practices, materials, and strategies for teaching oral reading fluency in grades K-3.
"Megaleh Temirin (Revealer of Secrets), ed. Jonatan Meir, Three volumes, Mosad Bialik, Jerusalem Megaleh Temirin (Revealer of Secrets), first published in Vienna in 1819, is one of the sharpest and wittiest pieces of Jewish literature... more
International and Australian statistical comparisons have shown on average that boys’ reading achievements are less than girls. Large scale surveys of young people’s, in particular boys’, reading practices have indicated a general decline... more
A number of scholars in applied linguistics and reading proficiency have regularly underlined the significance of reading as a prerequisite to academic achievement and success. On that account, numerous studies have attempted to... more
This short article provides operational definitions of word recognition, word identification, strategies, and skills. Related mini-lectures are below.
A significant number of research studies have shown that phonemic awareness has a large contribution to reading acquisition. Hoover (2002) claims that to be able to read a word that consists of letters, one should first acquire phonemic... more
يتناول البحث مهارة القراءة الناقدة ومعاييرها
This article provides a sense of what effective literacy instruction might look like at the preschool and kindergarten (emergent) levels. Video mini-lectures are included.
Presenta el texto una invitación a leer, más allá de las dificultades propias del ejercicio de lectura profunda.
Theoretical models of reading are used to understand the reading process as well as to design research studies and evaluate instructional practices. The theoretical model of reading one adheres to has tremendous impact on the type of... more
Review of The New-England Primer, 1991 reprint of the Boston 1777 edition. The New-England Primer was the most popular elementary reading textbook in America in the late 1600s and the 1700s. Reprints allow our generation of Americans to... more
It is clear that reading is a complex process for both the student, who is trying to learn the necessary skills needed, and the teacher, who is attempting to impart these skills. Fortunately, research supports many key principles that can... more
RESUMEN: Este es un artículo de tipo teórico sobre la lectura basado en uno de los desarrollos europeos de la ciencia del texto -el del lingüista Eugenio Coseriu-, en la reflexiones de varios autores y en la experiencia docente del... more
Effective in-class reading interventions for struggling are both research-based and pragmatic. It is recommended that variations of six elements be included here: (a) daily sustained silent reading of books at students’ independent... more