Russian invasion in Ukraine 2015
Recent papers in Russian invasion in Ukraine 2015
Hai-Nyzhnyk P., Chupriy L., Fihurnyi Y., Krasnodemska I., Chyrkov O. (2018). Aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine: ethnonational dimension and civilizational confrontation. Saarbrucken (Germany): LAP Lambert Academic... more
Wenn ein Unterzeichnerland des Vertrages selbst vor einem der fünf Garanten des Sperrabkommens nicht sicher sein kann: Welchen Sinn hat dann das Verbot der Nichtweiterverbreitung von Kernwaffen? Im Austausch gegen einen Abbau von... more
Pavlo Hai-Nyzhnyk. Basic Principles of the Strategy for De-Occupation and Reintegration of Crimea in the Context of National Security of Ukraine: Aspects of the Problem and Solution Areas / Гай-Нижник Павло. Основні засади Стратегії... more
Unjust Russian Invasion and Putinic Justification
The Russian aggression against Ukraine supported by Belarus is causing a great damage to human lives, st te infrastructure and historical heritage. After long period of peace yet again we are facing war atrocities in Europe. The whole... more
В этом очерке не раскрывается весь многогранный и динамичный феномен новых добровольческих частей 2014 года. Вместо этого, я сфокусируюсь лишь на предыстории и некоторых аспектах возникновения одного особого и несколько девиантного... more
Russian military aggression and diplomatic pressure against Ukraine stems from the neo-imperial thinking of Russian elites and ordinary citizens. This thinking requires a reproduction of expansionist patterns that once led Russia to its... more
Zaoštravanjem situacije na Bliskom istoku kao i u nedostatku značajnih promjena, vijesti i analize stanja u Ukrajini pale su u drugi plan. Sukob u Ukrajini koji je eskalirao u studenom 2014. godine svoje korijene ima još u početku 90ih... more
The EU should revert back to its pre-Minsk approach to Russia’s intervention in Ukraine. The main raft of sanctions were introduced before both of the Minsk Agreements were negotiated. Back then, the lifting of sanctions had been linked... more
This paper explores the ambiguous nature of two principles of international law – self-determination and territorial integrity – illustrating the controversial nuances of international law on a political level, nuances with which the... more
Why Western Civilization is Successful Yet Also Declining
Military conflict in South-Eastern Ukraine is an example of “hybrid warfare” in which “war for minds” is one of the key elements. Differences of Ukrainian people geopolitical orientations often are explained with respect to the region of... more
Für die kommenden Jahre wird die geostrategische Grauzone zwischen der NATO und EU einerseits sowie der Moskau-dominierten Organisation des Kollektiven Sicherheitsvertrages und Eurasischen Wirtschaftsunion andererseits die Hauptquelle von... more
The ongoing (in Russia) and forthcoming (in Ukraine) changes in leadership and direction of both countries may result in, among others, new chances for an end to, or for an escalation of, the war between Russia-led irregular separatists... more
Russia’s annexation of Crimea and covert intervention in Donbas subvert the international nonproliferation regime on weapons of mass destruction. The Kremlin has almost fully abrogated the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, given... more
The continuing international inattention for the Glazyev Tapes was and is surprising. If they are indeed authentic, the Glazyev Tapes should modify our understanding of the origins and nature of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. The most... more
As long as the social, political and business climate in Ukraine is marked by fear of more Russian escalation, invasion, occupation, annexation or/and expropriation, a sustainable economic recovery cannot be expected. But Ukraine's state... more
Today, an Intermarium could stretch from Narva in the north to Batumi in the south. Significant parts of the populations and the majority of foreign affairs experts of the countries between the Baltic and Black seas view Putin’s Russia... more
Eine nachhaltige Lösung der fundamentalen Sicherheitsprobleme der europäischen postsowjetischen Staaten zwischen Russland und der NATO ist im Interesse ganz Europas. Die nationale Souveränität, territoriale Integrität, innere... more
Nach Debalzewe denkt der Westen ernsthafter über Waffenhilfe für die Ukraine nach. Dabei gibt es wirkungsvolle nichtmilitärische Alternativen.
None of these six scenarios is reassuring. The first option, preservation of the current grey zone, is by far the most likely. It remains unclear, however, whether mere cooperation, adaptation and association, within this scenario, can... more
The forecast for 2019 is that the leadership in the Ukrainian executive and legislature could provide an international pretext for – and domestic impulse to – the solution of the Donbass conflict. The hope is that a change in Ukraine’s... more
Russia, as one of the world's largest natural gas producer and seller has an important place in the global energy market. The series of events that started in 2013 in Eastern Europe, including Ukraine and Crimea is still at top of the... more
Many East European investigators of the MH17 incident – among them the Russian military expert Mark Solonin, Russian political scientist Andrei Piontkovsky, or Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) – believe that the only full explanation for... more
Стаття присвячена досвіду застосування методу усної історії в дослідженні російсько-української війни, що почалась у 2014 р. й досі триває. Розглянуто основні етапи підготовки до інтерв’ю та його проведення, а також проблеми, з якими... more
Avant la publication des révélations de Glazyev, l’interprétation conventionelle des causes du conflit russo-ukrainien c’était que Moscou avaient intervenu – d’abord avec des paramilitaires et puis après avec des troupes réguliers – dans... more
The Ukrainian state needs to achieve at least some modicum of security, as a political entity and as an investment destination. This security will only be achieved when Russia’s leadership and wider elite circles are made fully and... more
Gelingen die Reformen, entsteht in der Ukraine ein Gegenmodell zu den kleptokratischen Diktaturen im postsowjetischen Raum. Solange Russland und Belarus nicht selbst ernsthafte Reformen beginnen und sich der EU annähern, werden die... more
Why exactly did Moscow send an as sophisticated and high-flying missile as the Buk missile to Ukraine when such a weapon was not necessary to shoot down lower flying Ukrainian military planes? What is so far missing in Western debates of... more
Ни один из этих шести сценариев не обнадеживает. Первый, сохранение «серой зоны», сегодня кажется наиболее вероятным. Но он, возможно, с учетом известного прошлого опыта, в конечном счете – тупиковый. Остается неясным, может ли даже более... more
Military conflict in South-Eastern Ukraine is an example of “hybrid warfare” in which “war for minds” is one of the key elements. Differences of Ukrainian people geopolitical orientations often explained with region of residence, ethnic... more
Запад и прочие друзья Украины должны начать мыслить глубже и выйти за рамки поддержки внутренних реформ или продвижения призрачной пока что идеи членства в НАТО. Украинское государство сможет стать успешной контрмоделью путинской системы... more
Presentation delivered during an open lecture at KU Leuven, LINES, Belgium. 03 October 2019.
Гай-Нижник П. Війна на сході України: початок (Чи відбулося вторгнення російських Збройних сил і військ спеціального призначення у Донбасі?) // Війна на Донбасі. 2014–2016 рр.: зб. наук. праць за матеріалами ІІ Всеукр. наук.... more
Помимо продолжения сегодняшнего состояния невключенности в значимые международные структуры безопасности, у Украины есть пять альтернативных сценариев: «финляндизация», вступление в ЕС, присоединение к НАТО, отдельный договор с США,... more
The current economic, legal, and military instruments employed to support Ukraine are too weak to deter Russia from continuing to use its escalation potential. The Western sanctions regime is timid. The delivery of advanced defensive... more
The documents signed in Minsk constitute agreements between Moscow (and its proxies in Ukraine’s Donets Basin) and Kyiv. Whether, when, and how the various aspects of this particular treaty are fulfilled should not guide any longer EU... more
Russian war crimes and their international context Russia continues its policy of terror in Ukraine, which has been applied many times in other conflicts, committing murders, rapes, looting, deportations, and shelling civilian objects.... more
Ukraine’s current fight against Russian aggression carries deep historic resonances which we ignore at our peril.
Nach dem Sieg des Volksaufstands "Euromaidan" (2013/14) hat Russland die Schwäche der Ukraine genutzt, um die Krim zu annektieren und eine Separationsbewegung im Donezbecken zu initiieren und zu unterstützen. Russland will so die... more
It is in the core national interests of all Western states to send louder, clearer, and bolder signals to both the embattled Central and East European nations and to Moscow.
Ключевой вопрос для будущей внешней политики ЕС заключается в том, кто победит в 2017г. на президентских выборах во Франции: Франсуа Фийон, Марин Ле Пен, Эммануэль Маркон или Мануэль Вальс?
The new social contract that the Kremlin seems to be successfully proposing to Russians is: you will no longer live better, but you will belong to a feared, missionary and important nation in world politics. This contract, however, only... more
Продолжающиеся реформы и, как следствие, медленно возвращающийся экономический рост в Украине, демонстрируют первые эффекты от той помощи, что Запад оказывает Киеву. Тем не менее, пока проблема украинской безопасности остается нерешенной,... more