Recent papers in SDI
The water characterisation is generally challenging regarding the pre-treatment operation up-stream reverse osmosis. The classical parameters are not applicable due to analytical limitations, and/or the sensibility of those parameters is... more
The aim of the present review is to highlight the possibilities of a sustainable crop production in the arid Mediterranean region, which is predicted to suffer from increasingly severe droughts in the future due to climate changes, in... more
Οι ΗΠΑ προσπαθούν για τέταρτη φορά στα τελευταία 35 χρόνια να αποκαταστήσουν την ασφάλεια που ένοιωθαν πριν την εμφάνιση των πυρηνικών όπλων και των διηπειρωτικών βαλλιστικών πυραύλων που τα μεταφέρουν: να αναπτύξουν μία άμυνα που θα τις... more
In order to clarify the fouling mechanism during silt density index (SDI) measurements of seawater in the seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) desalination process, 11 runs were conducted under constant-pressure (207 kPa) dead-end filtration... more
The SDI program was an expensive boondoggle that accomplished none of its objectives.
Spatial data infrastructure (SDI) actors have great expectations for the second-generation SDI currently under development. However, SDIs have many implementation problems at different levels that are delaying the development of the SDI... more
Before any spatial data infrastructure (SDI) is implemented as fully operational, many relevant testing procedures should take place. Such procedures should evaluate the compliancy level of particular SDI components against the relevant... more
SUMMARY While many country reports have been compiled in the area of land administration over the last decade, there has not much attention been given to the basic cadastral issues. As a result, one of the objectives of Working Group 3... more
The perception of geographic information system and spatial data infrastructure in the developing societies is vague. Developing societies in the context of this paper are societies that are disadvantaged in the provision of geographic... more
Apoptosis was induced in immature and mature sperm in the presence or absence of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitor. The association of cleaved (cPARP) with sperm morphology was examined using sperm deformity index (SDI) score.... more
Abstract: The increasing popularity of web map services has motivated the development of more scalable services in the Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI). Tiled map services have emerged as an scalable alternative to traditional map... more
Features from the past in present cities have been identified as valua-ble and as potential assets for future urban development. Transferring knowledge about the history and heritage of the urban landscape is considered to be a... more
Efficient environment monitoring has become a major concern for society to guarantee sustainable development. For instance, forest fire detection and analysis is important to provide early warning systems and identify impact. In this... more
Indices for characterising hydrological drought are, in general, data demanding and computationally intensive. A very simple and effective index, the Streamflow Drought Index (SDI), has been recently proposed. It is based on cumulative... more
Apoptosis was induced in immature and mature sperm in the presence or absence of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitor. The association of cleaved (cPARP) with sperm morphology was examined using sperm deformity index (SDI) score.... more
a g r i c u l t u r a l w a t e r m a n a g e m e n t 9 6 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 2 3 -3 4
While many country reports have been compiled in the area of land administration over the last decade, there has not much attention been given to the basic cadastral issues. As a result, one of the objectives of Working Group 3 "Cadastre"... more
This paper addresses the need to develop a Local Geospatial Data Infrastructure (LGDI) for sustainable urban development. This research will highlight the effective and efficient framework for the development of local infrastructure. This... more
- by Azman Ariffin
We adapted and optimized a method to quantify the cellulose, hemicellulose, xylan, arabinan, mannan, galactan contents in lignocellulosic biomass. This method is based on a neutral detergent extraction (NDE) of the interfering biomass... more
This publication dicusses the interplay between various political factions, the scientific community and the media regarding the rise and decline of the SDI program in the 1980s. It also explores the implications of ABM technologies and... more
- by Leonard Sweet
- History, Media, SDI
RESUMO. A fundamentação teórica que norteia este trabalho provém de estudos do Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo (ISD) realizados no grupo de pesquisa DIALE-Diálogos Linguísticos e Ensino (CNPq/UENP)-, bem como contribuições teóricas... more
Steady technological progress has led to a noticeable advancement in disciplines associated with Earth observation. This has enabled information transition regarding changing scenarios, both natural and urban, to occur in (almost) real... more
Environmental modelling often requires a long iterative process of sourcing, reformatting, analyzing, and introducing various types of data into the model. Much of the data to be analyzed are geospatial data—digital terrain models (DTM),... more
Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) are envisioned to increase efficiency, transparency and equity, but realising this potential has proven problematic. We argue that insights from studies of large-scale, integrated but distributed... more
Apoptosis was induced in immature and mature sperm in the presence or absence of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitor. The association of cleaved (cPARP) with sperm morphology was examined using sperm deformity index (SDI) score.... more
One of the essential components for the construction of a geographic spatial data infrastructure at a regional, national or global level is the geographic information catalog server. But, for the catalog to be a useful component, it must... more
Geoportals are established to function as main gateways to find, evaluate, and start "using" geographic information. Still, current geoportal implementations face problems in optimizing the discovery process due to semantic heterogeneity... more
The need to improve access to spatial data has attracted both research and policy attention because it is considered as one of the key requirements for sustainable development. Since multiple stakeholders are involved in the spectrum from... more
INSPIRE Conference 2018, Antwerp, Belgium 18-21 September Thought very complex in technical requirements, the INSPIRE Directive made a huge progress in building an European Union (EU) Spatial Data Infrastructure. The further challenges... more
Digital Earth (DE) is a powerful metaphor for the organisation and access to digital information through a multi-scale three-dimensional representation of the globe. Recent progress gave a concrete body to this vision. However, this body... more
Environmental modelling often requires a long iterative process of sourcing, reformatting, analyzing, and introducing various types of data into the model. Much of the data to be analyzed are geospatial data—digital terrain models (DTM),... more
Housing, an essential aspect of quality of life, is also significant for sustainable development (SD). All of the major international statements on SD refer to housing or settlement strategies. However, indicator sets derived from these... more
This paper reviews Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) approaches and implementation strategies of the developed and developing nations with
Steady technological progress has led to a noticeable advancement in disciplines associated with Earth observation. This has enabled information transition regarding changing scenarios, both natural and urban, to occur in (almost) real... more
Efficient environment monitoring has become a major concern for society to guarantee sustainable development. For instance, forest fire detection and analysis is important to provide early warning systems and identify impact. In this... more
Reservados todos os direitos. Os textos apresentados são da exclusiva responsabilidade dos respectivos autores.
In Italia la Direttiva INSPIRE ha avuto sino ad ora l'impatto maggiore sulle Regioni Italiane ed ovviamente sugli utenti dei dati e dei servizi da esse messi a disposizione secondo i dettami della Direttiva. Per questo motivo il... more
Metaplanning can be considered as a necessary step for improving collaboration, transparency and accountability in sustainable and democratic spatial decision-making process. This paper reports current findings on the operational... more
Spatial data and related technologies have proven to be crucial for effective collaborative decisionmaking in disaster management. However, there are currently substantial problems with availability, access and usage of reliable,... more