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A tanulmány az egyes finanszírozási szerződéseket elemzi a nemzetközi és az összehasonlító jog tükrében, amelyeknek legelterjedtebb formái: (i) pénzfinanszírozás (tőkejuttatás) – hitel, kölcsön; (ii) dologi finanszírozás – lízing; (iii)... more
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      International BusinessInternational LawBankingBanking Law
The aim of this paper is twofold: (1) describe the new prudential regulatory framework on securitisation approved by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision in December 2014 which will come into force from January 2018; (2) analyse... more
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      SecuritizationSME FinancingBasel III
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    • SME Financing
The key aim of the research is to investigate the relation between the perceived changes in financing gap and employment growth by SMEs in the EU. The paper builds on and extends the analysis of SAFE survey data to focus on the question... more
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      MicrofinanceEuropean UnionSME FinancingAccess to finance for SMME
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Η απότομη διακοπή πολλών οικονομιών δραστηριοτήτων τον Μάρτιο του 2020 για να αποτραπεί η εξάπλωση της πανδημίας που προκάλεσε ο Convid-19 οδήγησε σε μια ύφεση μεγαλύτερη ακόμη κι εκείνης του 2008. Όλες σχεδόν οι χώρες του κόσμου... more
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      Fiscal policyFinancial CrisisEconomic CrisisSME Financing
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryEntrepreneurshipFinance
De Wet van 21 december 2013 betreffende diverse bepalingen inzake de financiering voor kleine en middelgrote ondernemingen (WKF) creeert een nieuw wettelijk kader voor kredietovereenkomsten aangegaan door ondernemingen bij professionele... more
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      Corporate FinanceSME FinancingBANKING AND FINANCIAL LAW
The term finance or financing is comprehensively stared as a kernel and a 'key' gizmo that is obligatory for the evolution and functionality of any enterprise. Accessing the appropriate kind of financing in accord to the... more
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      Small BusinessCapital StructureSmall business entrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship and Small business Management
La profonda recessione e lo sviluppo della tecnologia Web 2.0, hanno rappresentato il terreno fertile per la nascita del Crowdfunding. Il termine, che letteralmente indica “finanziamento dalla folla”, definisce lo sforzo comune di un... more
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      MarketingPMICrowdfundingSME Financing
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      SME Financingeffect of microfinance banks on Tђξ development of SMEs
The purpose of the study is to give a theoretical frame-work for the internationalization of SMEs, and efforts are being made to identify the factors that influence the state of SMEs internationally in the Pakistan. Due to lack of global... more
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationSME Financing
Some options of financing for small businesses in Bangladesh
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      BangladeshSME Financing
This study examines the external financing sources and decisions of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) across 56 countries and shows how SMEs modify their funding channels in response to economic stage and owner's... more
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      BusinessEntrepreneurshipGenderGlobal Entrepreneurship Monitor
Abstract: The eminence of investigating the relationship between quality of financial statements, information asymmetry, perceived risk and access to finance by Ugandan Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) is well understood in the... more
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      SMESMES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIESinternationalization of SMEsSME Financing
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    • SME Financing
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      Creative WritingTeaching and LearningEducationIntellectual Property
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      Small and Medium-scale EnterprisesSMES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIESSME Financing
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    • SME Financing
The Relationship between Working Capital Management and Risk Management Among SMEs in the Philippines
A working Thesis
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      Financial AccountingCapital MarketsFinancial Risk ManagementRisk Management
(An ISO 9001-2008 o rgan isation) Sedm e S m a ll E n te rp ris e s D e v e lo p m e n t, M a n a g e m e n t & E x te n s io n J o u rn a l w o t£ d w id e w indow on AASAAE, s tu d i e s UGC Approved International Refereed Research... more
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      Entrepreneurial FinanceSmall Business Policy Development and Entrepreneurship DevelopmentSME financeSME Financing
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      International FinanceSME FinancingFinancing of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
An empirical study has been carried out to find out for borrowers what factors lead to difficulty or satisfaction in the borrowing process and for non-borrowers it has tried to identify reasons behind not seeking institutional finance.... more
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      Entrepreneurial FinanceSmall and Medium-scale EnterprisesSMES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIESBanks and credit markets
This study examined the impact of financial planning on the financial performance of small scale business firms in Ekiti State. The study particularly determined the relationship between risk management on the financial performance of... more
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      Corporate FinanceSME FinancingFinancing of Small Entrepreneurial VenturesGender bias in women entrepreneurs access and use of growth financing products and services
Crowdfunding is a rather new financing method which is especially used by start-ups and small firms, in order to get their business funded. In comparison to classical investments, such as venture capital, crowdfunding is tapping the crowd... more
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      EntrepreneurshipCrowdfundingStartupsSME Financing
Kain tenun sebagai kain budaya menjadi sangat penting dalam kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia. Beragam jenis kain tenun telah dikembangkan dan menjadi ciri budaya lokal dibeberapa wilayah di Indonesia. Misalnya tenun Sumba yang... more
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      SMELocal Economic DevelopmentSMES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIESLocal and Regional Economic Development
Kajian kondisi UMKM, salah satunya membahas bagaimana pelaku UMKM melakukan pencatatan keuangannya.
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      IndonesiaSME FinancingUmkmFinance for UMKM
The performance of the SME firm was viewed along the full proportions of financial, strategic and structural development. The socioeconomic function performed by SMEs is widely known in developing and emerging countries. But, in recent... more
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      Organizational BehaviorStrategic ManagementBusiness ManagementInnovation Management
The Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a very important role both in social and economic terms. To survive, these entities need adequate funding and ongoing support. This article aims to present the one hand the various sources of... more
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    • SME Financing
Without incertitude SMEs have become the significant clout of sustained, instantaneous and bracing growth of Nigeria economy. Moreover, SMEs have performed an unparalleled role in advancing Nigeria economic growth, and serve as a breeding... more
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      Small and Medium-scale EnterprisesCrowdfundingSME Financingentrepenuership,SME
Microfinance was introduced in Malaysia to provide financing services to the poor and Small Medium Enterprises (SME) to start up business. The borrower may use the facility to finance business activities such as to purchase assets and... more
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      MicrofinanceSmall and Medium-scale EnterprisesSME Financing
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      Development StudiesGhanaSmesSME Financing
Sustainability standards – voluntary or mandatory – have become a major issue in global trade. Since SMEs are striving to integrate into global value chains the pressure to comply to labor, environmental or governance standards has... more
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      SMES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIESinternationalization of SMEsSME FinancingSustainability Standards and Certification
as a heterogeneous group of businesses, Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) has been the most essential component for developing and developed economies. Even their important contribution, SMEs still do not have a unanimous definition... more
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Financing Small and Medium-Scale Enterprises (SMEs) to achieve the desirable growth and expansion has been topical for governments, policymakers, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), financial and non-financial institutions. The... more
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    • SME Financing
SMEs has performed an unparalleled role in coming to the Nigeria economic growth and assist as a training ground for entrepreneurs and a provider of solutions to address the challenges of unemployment in all consuming labours and... more
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      EntrepreneurshipSME Financing
This reports is an internship report on How First Security Islami Bank is helping Women empowerment by providng SME investment.
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      BankingInternshipSME Financing
Financing SMEs is a challenge all around the globe. In Africa, this challenge is compounded by several deep-rooted issues which pertain both to the environment in which firms are working, as well as to the lack of breadth and depth of... more
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      Management of InnovationSMES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIESSME financeSME Financing
Balance Scorecard among SME’s Feedforward system  A Regression and Moderation Analysis Tabang John Joseph

a concept paper for Advanced Managerial Accounting
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      Feedback (Education)Balanced ScorecardSMES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIESManagerial Accounting
Small Scale Industry (SSI) is being the heart of Indian economy and employment. The developing country like India, its contribution is highly inevitable. It provides a platform for innovative, effective and efficient entrepreneurial... more
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationSmall BusinessSmall and Medium-scale Enterprises
Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) constitute a major part of the economies of both developed and developing countries. SMEs play a very important role in the Turkish economy as well. They make up 91.9 percent of all enterprises,... more
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      SMES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIESinternationalization of SMEsSME FinancingSME development
تعد المقاولاتية من الأهداف التي تعمل الدول على تنميتها من خلال تشجيع مواطنيها على التوجه نحو العمل الخاص بإطلاق مشاريع خاصة تساهم في تطوير الاقتصاد وتحقيق التنمية، وتخفف عن الحكومات عبء خلق الوظائف بصفة مستمرة لكل الأفراد القادرين... more
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      EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship PolicySMES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIESSmall Business Policy Development and Entrepreneurship Development
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      BusinessEntrepreneurshipBusiness AdministrationInnovation statistics
1.1. Statement of the Research Problem: Small Contractors’ Needs Based on the strategic importance of the construction sector in the development of Zambia, in particular the road sector, there is need to ensure that there is in place a... more
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    • SME Financing
This report analyses the strengths and weaknesses of the Juncker Plan. Based on the Plan’s preliminary results, experts’ opinions, experiences with similar instruments and two case studies, this report identifies various short-term... more
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationCohesion PolicyEuropean Politics
Excess liquidity is one of the main concerns of most central banks, including Bank of Algeria. This study aims to determine the factors explaining the appearance and persistence of excess liquidity in the Algerian banking industry. To... more
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      FinanceBankingAlgeriaSME Financing
This study aimed to analyze lending small businesses on PT. Bank Riau Kepri, Branch Ahmad Yani, Pekanbaru to see the connection between the guidelines made by PT. Bank Riau Kepri in SK Directors Number: 107 / KEPDIR / 2013 dated October,... more
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      Business AdministrationPolitical EconomyPolitical ScienceBanking
In Turkey, most university administrators and academic staff members are not yet fully aware of intellectual property rights (IPRs). Researchers often have difficulty in licensing opportunities that can provide additional revenue streams... more
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      Creative WritingEntrepreneurshipManagementEngineering
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      SMEChinaChinese PoliticsContemporary China