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      EconomicsProductivityWagesIntrinsic Motivations
The social cooperative is the opportunity for social and professional reintegration of people threatened with social exclusion: Reintegration tool; The objectives of the social cooperative; The threefold nature of the social cooperative;... more
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      Social EntrepreneurshipSocial EconomySocial ExclusionSocial Enterprises
This is a guiding blue print for Savings and Cooperative Societies for those who desire to establish a SACCO in Kenya or study the same.
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      BusinessCooperatives (Development Studies)Commercial LawCooperatives
Absztrakt: A foglalkoztatási és jövedelemszerzési lehetőségek javítása napjaink egyik legnagyobb kihívása a vidéki térségekben. Ennek orvoslásában fontos szerepet tölthetnek be a szociális szövetkezetek, amelyek képesek integrálni a... more
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      Rural SociologyGlobalizationRural DevelopmentLocal Economic Development
Tematem analizy niniejszej części raportu z badań „Wykluczenie społeczne: diagnoza i mechanizmy przeciwdziałania w województwie wielkopolskim” są osoby bezdomne. Choć zagadnienie bezdomności per se nie sprawia większych problemów... more
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      Poverty, Homlessness, ClassismSocial Cooperatives
This is the revised addition of a history of the community clinics in Saskatchewan written by Stan Rands, a noted social activist, public servant and community clinic administrator who died in 1985. This edition includes a new... more
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      Primary Health CareSocialismCanadian Public PolicyCooperatives, Theory and History of Cooperatives, Forms of Cooperatives (Credit, Consumer, Agricultural, Housing, Energy, and other service cooperatives
ABSTRACT The study examined the contributions of microfinance programs channelled through cooperatives for the government’s poverty alleviation thrust particularly among microcredit beneficiaries. We implemented the study through... more
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      PovertyMicrofinanceCooperatives (Development Studies)Rural Poverty
Democracy is generally considered to be a core element of cooperatives. However, other than elected boards of directors, it appears to play little part in either the governance or operations of most cooperatives. Two challenges to... more
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      Economic DevelopmentDemocracyCooperativesSocial Democracy
All about starting, rebranding, and or running a successful sacco.
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      PovertyCooperativesManaging of Marketing Associations and CooperativesCooperative Learning
Community wealth-building strategies have been seen by some as a form of development that promotes local ownership and retains wealth in the community. In particular, cooperatives have been promoted as a way to not only build local wealth... more
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      CooperativesAgricultural cooperativesCooperatives and DemocracyWorker Cooperatives
The book is structured like a dictionary and as such presents 23 short contributions, each with a different topic and an author’s profile and disciplinary perspective. All letters aim to show how diverse, rich and old is the co-operative... more
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsInternational EconomicsPolitical Economy
Social entrepreneurs are often addressed as a “heroic”, unique group of people (Light 2010; Zahra et al. 2009), focusing on the “personality” of social entrepreneurs and identifying very special traits, including a strong ethical fiber... more
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      Third SectorSocial EnterprisesThird Sector StudiesSocial Enterprise
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePositive PsychologyCreativity
SOMMARIO: Il caso: Cass., sez. un., 20.11.2017, n. 27436. – 2. Il rapporto fra socio lavoratore e cooperativa: la tesi ‘‘monista’’ della dottrina e l’opzione ‘‘dualista’’ del legislatore. – 3. Il collegamento negoziale unidirezionale fra... more
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      Labour LawDiritto Del LavoroUnfair DismissalSocial Cooperatives
Absztrakt: A foglalkoztatási és jövedelemszerzési lehetőségek javítása napjaink egyik legnagyobb kihívása a vidéki térségekben. Ennek orvoslásában fontos szerepet tölthetnek be a szociális szövetkezetek, amelyek képesek integrálni a... more
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      Rural SociologyGlobalizationRural DevelopmentLocal Economic Development
*** EN In this article I examine the use of the SWOT analysis for a small to medium business. In the specific case, a small Italian social cooperative was taken as an example (80 employees, <2 Euros million in turnover, working... more
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      Social EconomySocial CooperativesSWOT Analysis of an OrganizationImpresa Sociale
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      CooperativesItalyHungaryAgricultural cooperatives
Recalling Gibson-Graham’s notion of rereading as a technique for uncovering possibilities that are currently obscured from view, This paper moves beyond thinking about solutions to Detroit’s plight based on market-driven forms of... more
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      Urban DevelopmentWorker CooperativesSocial Cooperatives
Sommario: 1. Il caso del lavoratore che impugni solo il licenziamento. – 2. Il rapporto fra socio lavoratore e cooperativa: la tesi “monista” della dottrina e la scelta “dualista” del legislatore. – 3. Il collegamento negoziale... more
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      Labor lawUnfair DismissalSocial Cooperatives
During times of crisis, economic practices organized on principles of reciprocity often arise. Greece, with the vibrant sociality pertaining to its ‘solidarity economy’, is a case in point. This article is premised on the idea that crises... more
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      Foodways (Anthropology)Food Security and InsecurityAnthropology of FoodEconomic Anthropology
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      Social MovementsKinship (Anthropology)Anthropology of FoodFood
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      Social EconomySocial EnterprisesSocial InclusionSocial enterpreneurship
In recent decades, an ethical and responsible tourism has become increasingly important in the context of a general orientation to promote sustainable development models in the world. The recognition of the negative impacts of mass... more
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      Ethical ConsumptionSocial JusticeEthical decision makingTourism
Against the widespread assumption that data are the oil of the 21st century, this article offers an alternative conceptual framework, interpretation, and pathway around data and smart city nex-us to subvert surveillance capitalism in... more
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      SovereigntyColonialismCooperatives (Development Studies)Cooperatives
En España la crisis económica ha tenido un correlato directo en el sector periodísticoy conducidoal cierre de medios de referencia y al aumento de los despidos y la precarización del sector. En este contexto adverso, las... more
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      Media StudiesSocial EconomyCommunity MediaCooperatives (Development Studies)
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      Cooperative movementsCooperativesCooperative LawWorker Cooperatives
En España la crisis económica ha tenido un correlato directo en el sector periodístico y conducido al cierre de medios de referencia y al aumento de los despidos y la precarización del sector. En este contexto adverso, las cooperativas de... more
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      Community MediaInvestigative JournalismAlternative MediaCommunication for Development
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      Gender and SexualityLGBT StudiesSocial CooperativesSexuality and Work
El capítulo ofrece elementos para el posconflicto colombiano, a través del análi- sis de las organizaciones de la Economía Solidaria como agentes socioeconómicos del territorio útiles para superar situaciones de conflicto entre actores,... more
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      Comparative PoliticsPeace and Conflict StudiesColombiaCooperatives (Development Studies)
While developing the operations manual of three eco-laundry shops established by a Smokey Mountain cooperative, I discovered an alarming disparity in salary schemes among the social enterprises. Cooperatives in the Philippines embody the... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentUrban PovertyStakeholder TheorySocial Cooperatives
This paper examines how the Argan Oil Cooperatives in Morocco positively altered the social, economic, and political status of women. It undertakes a historical investigation of the circumstances that the women lived in, specifically in... more
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      BusinessBusiness EthicsEconomicsDevelopment Economics
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      Nonprofit StudiesThird SectorNon-profit ManagementNonprofit
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      CooperativesSocial Cooperatives
PL Kategoria retradycjonalizacji stanowi przyczynek do dyskusji o kondycji rodzimej ekonomii społecznej (ES) – o tym, jak inspiracje historyczne, obok wymogów instytucjonalnych, budują jej nowoczesną formułę. Celem artykułu jest analiza... more
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      Social PolicySocial EntrepreneurshipSocial EconomyPolityka Społeczna
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePositive PsychologyCreativity
En España la crisis económica ha tenido un correlato directo en el sector periodístico y conducido al cierre de medios de referencia y al aumento de los despidos y la precarización del sector. En este contexto adverso, las cooperativas de... more
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      Media StudiesPolitical ScienceSocial EconomyCommunity Media
This is the revised edition of a history of the community clinics in Saskatchewan written by Stan Rands, a noted social activist, public servant and community clinic administrator who died in 1985. This edition includes a new introductory... more
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      Primary Health CareSocialismCanadian Public PolicySocial Cooperatives
To avoid ‘co-op whitewashing,’ experiments with data co-ops should be co-developed with communities connected to the long history and analysis of the various forms of cooperatives. To cite this article: Scholz, T. & Calzada, I. (2021),... more
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      Social EconomyCooperatives (Development Studies)CooperativesPlatform Studies
Exploiting a unique data set created in 1999 on a sample of 228 public, nonprofit, and for-profit organizations operating in the social service sector, and on 2,066 workers, the article tests whether workers' satisfaction and loyalty to... more
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      Motivation (Psychology)Job SatisfactionSocial EnterprisesHuman Services & Social Work
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsPolitical EconomyDevelopment Studies
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      Social EconomyCooperativesSocial Welfare PracticeSocial enterpreneurship
The study examined the contributions of microfinance programs channelled through cooperatives for the government’s poverty alleviation thrust particularly among microcredit beneficiaries. We implemented the study through personal... more
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      BusinessPovertyMicrofinanceCooperatives (Development Studies)
This article problematises sexual inclusion in the workplace by theorising the social and historical processes that underpin heteronormativity in organisations. Drawing on a genealogical analysis of sexuality and inclusion in four Italian... more
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      SociologyGender and SexualityOrganizationLGBT Studies
Opinions on social cooperatives. The research report about social exclusion and social cooperatives in Poland. The survey carried out in October 2017. The analysis covered a sample of 747 web users.
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      SociologyDisability policyUnemploymentSocial Exclusion
Franks, P.E and Shane S (1989) : Building commerce through co-operatives, Indicator S.A, 6 1/2 pages 109 - 112.
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      Development EconomicsDevelopment StudiesSocial SciencesUrbanization in Developing Areas
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      Social ChangeSocial EconomySocial InclusionSocial Welfare Practice
The present paper concentrates on the issue of work in the context of operation of social cooperatives,defined by the law as social enterprises (Act of 27 April 2006). In order to illustrate the character of operation of this new form of... more
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      Social EconomySocial Cooperatives
2012 ist das UN-Jahr der Genossenschaften. Seit der Finanzkrise erleben sie eine Renaissance. Vor 150 Jahren kämpfte eine Volksbewegung für die staatliche Anerkennung der modernen Selbsthilfe-Firma.
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      Voluntary AssociationsCooperative movementsCooperativesCooperatives and Democracy
In this paper, we study the mechanisms of field transformation triggered by the defensive work performed by a field’s focal population to safeguard its acceptability. We explore this issue through a longitudinal study of the Italian... more
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      StigmaSocial Cooperativesfield transformation