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Agricultural cooperatives have changed considerably in recent decades. In witnessing these structural changes, scholars have proffered analyses of nontraditional ownership models focusing on residual claim rights. However, crucial... more
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      EntrepreneurshipOrganizational TheoryGovernanceAgricultural Economics
Many years of significant investment into the production and adoption of productivity-enhancing technologies and practices in agriculture have not yielded the desired results. Most smallholder farmers in Africa remain trapped in poverty.... more
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      Rural SociologyClimate Change AdaptationEnvironmental StudiesRural Development
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      Central AsiaTransition EconomiesAgricultural cooperativesCommonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
The Decree 46 of 1992 created the National Board for Community Banks which was granted the power to license community banks. Community banks were created to: (1) promote rural development through provision of banking and financial... more
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      Development EconomicsCommunity DevelopmentBankingRural Development
The grape payment system has evolved in wine cooperatives along with the development of quality wines. New rules are implemented to classify and control grape quality, and to define the price paid to cooperative members. First, a model is... more
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    • Agricultural cooperatives
Drawing on an analysis of the Walloon dairy sector, this paper aims at bringing novel insights on the coexistence issue in agrifood transition studies. Whereas most studies explore the coexistence of farm models, our study focuses on... more
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      Cooperatives (Development Studies)Cooperative ManagementCooperativesAgricultural cooperatives
Tarım kooperatifleri Türkiye’deki tarımsal örgütlenme için uygun bir model midir? Yoksa tarımsal işletmelerinin çoğunluğunu küçük işletmelerin oluşturduğu ve işletmelerinin arazileri parçalı yapıdaki tarımsal yapımız, yeni bir örgütlenme... more
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      Agricultural PolicyAgricultureCooperativesAgricultural Law
This work provides an international overview of the historical transformations and of the current strategies of wine co-operatives. Historical analysis shows that these organisations were created between 1865 and 1920 in almost all... more
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    • Agricultural cooperatives
News forms of proximity collective dynamics emerge among farmers in France. From traditional patterns (co-operative, association, employer groups, etc.), farmers groups are formed, who develop projects in new collective ways, with few... more
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      Collective ActionAgricultureAgricultural cooperativesFarmers' Organizations
The following report details a case study evaluation of collaboration between hill livestock farmers to achieve Sustainable Intensification (SI), through the Welsh Government Sustainable Management Scheme (SMS). Findings demonstrate... more
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      Sustainable agricultureAgricultural cooperativesSustainable Intensification
The farming structure in transition countries has shifted from dominance of large corporate farms to family smallholdings. Smallholders everywhere experience difficulties with access to market services, including sale of products,... more
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      Rural DevelopmentAgricultural cooperativesCommonwealth of Independent States (CIS)Transition Countries
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      Human GeographyProperty RightsAgency TheoryTransaction Cost Economics
All about starting, rebranding, and or running a successful sacco.
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      PovertyCooperativesManaging of Marketing Associations and CooperativesCooperative Learning
Much of the scholarship on the work and legacy of activist Fannie Lou Hamer concentrates on her tireless efforts for civil/human rights and African American representation and access to electoral politics. This article brings to light an... more
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      Social MovementsCivil Rights MovementAgricultural HistoryAgricultural cooperatives
Товчлол Хөдөө аж ахуйн нэгдлийн үйлдвэрлэсэн мал аж ахуйн таваарын анхдагч зах зээл нь улсын бэлтгэл байсан бол түүний үндсэн хэрэглэгч нь БНМАУ-ын болон ЗХУ-ын хөнгөн, хүнсний үйлдвэрүүд байв. Хөдөө аж ахуйн нэгдлүүд таваар үйлдвэрлэгч... more
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      HistoryPolitical EconomyMongolian StudiesSocialism
Very few women's cooperatives exist in Europe today; of those that do, the vast majority are involved in non-agricultural sectors. For the past thirty years in Greece, numerous women's agricultural cooperatives have been established in... more
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      Agricultural cooperativesWomen's participation in community development in rural areas
This study examines the contributions of cooperative towards agricultural development in Awka North L.G.A. The objectives includes to determine the socioeconomic characteristics of members of the cooperative in the area, to identify the... more
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      Agricultural DevelopmentCooperativesAgricultural cooperatives
The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) has been parsimonious, empirically supported, widely cited, most prominent, most compelling and well established model for predicting intentional behavior. Despite its comprehensive and valid... more
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      MarketingComputer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)Theory of Planned BehaviourMarketing Research
Cooperative is a special group of people with mutual interest to solve their individual problems through common efforts and ultimately attaining economic and social empowerment to the group members and the community. The Derg regime... more
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    • Agricultural cooperatives
(EN) This study aims to analyze cooperative option for solving current problems in Turkeys' tea production, by discussing traditional cooperatives, new cooperatives, private companies, and state-owned enterprise comparatively. Another aim... more
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      Turkish EconomyModern TurkeyAgricultural cooperativesThe new cooperativism
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      Economic HistoryAgricultural EconomicsCooperativesAgricultural cooperatives
In the United Republic of Tanzania, producer organizations such as agricultural co-operatives have the potential to improve the economic position of small-scale farmers by strengthening their engagement in markets and improving overall... more
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      Gender StudiesCommunity Engagement & ParticipationCoffeeGovernance
il s'agit d'un rapport sur l'état des lieux de la justice et ses perspectives d'évolution au cours des 25 années à venir.
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      Cooperatives (Development Studies)Farmer Associations and OrganisationsAgricultural cooperativesGouvernance d'entreprise
Indian agriculture is at a crossroads, where fundamental correction is required to correct its current path; this has led to introduction of co-operatives. This paper tries to understand the co-operative model for contract farming in the... more
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      Contract farmingContract farming & Governance and public policyAgricultural cooperativesCooprative Managment
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      Community DevelopmentSustainable DevelopmentPublic Policy - Social Welfare PolicyFishing Communities
Please consult the book's 2nd edition, above Three prints of the 1st edition were sold between April 15, 2014 - July 31, 2015. The book went out of print and its adventures in publish-land are discussed here:... more
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      ReligionSocial MovementsGender StudiesEconomics
Iliopoulos, C. 2003. “Vertical Integration, Contracts, and the Theory of the Cooperative Organization.” Invited Paper, EURESCO CONFERENCE: Vertical Markets and Cooperative Hierarchies: The Role of Cooperatives in the International... more
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      Theory of the FirmAgricultural cooperativesVertical Integration
This thesis examines the urban collective ecological food initiatives that have been increasing in number with considerable momentum in the last three years. It is based on fieldwork of one and a half years that consists of participant... more
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      Rural SociologySociology of Food and EatingOrganic agricultureSociology of agriculture
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      Food PolicyAgricultural cooperativesDecision making processSurvey data
Community wealth-building strategies have been seen by some as a form of development that promotes local ownership and retains wealth in the community. In particular, cooperatives have been promoted as a way to not only build local wealth... more
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      CooperativesAgricultural cooperativesCooperatives and DemocracyWorker Cooperatives
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Smallholder dairy farmers produce the bulk of total marketed milk in Kenya. Dairy cooperatives are one of the avenues for these smallholder farmers to harness markets for their milk. The paper sought to find out the socioeconomic factors... more
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      Agricultural cooperativesDairyAgricultural value chainsAgricultural Economics and Agribusiness
L’article s’intéresse aux conditions qui permettent aux coopératives d’apiculteurs du Mexique et du Guatemala de contribuer au développement durable. Les liens possibles entre coopératives agricoles et développement durable sont d’abord... more
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    • Agricultural cooperatives
The agricultural cooperative system from the countries with a market economy displayed from the very beginning a large diversity, according to the specificity of agriculture, level of economic development, local traditions and market... more
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    • Agricultural cooperatives
Breve análisis del fenómeno de la colectivización agraria y de la granja comunal -koljos-, en particular.
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      Agricultural cooperativesUrsscolectivización agrariakoljós
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      Theory of the FirmAgricultural cooperativesVertical Integration
The book is structured like a dictionary and as such presents 23 short contributions, each with a different topic and an author’s profile and disciplinary perspective. All letters aim to show how diverse, rich and old is the co-operative... more
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsInternational EconomicsPolitical Economy
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      Eastern EuropeAgribusinessAgricultural cooperativesVertical Integration
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      Organizational CommitmentApplied EconomicsAgricultural cooperativesMixed oligopoly
Drawing on an analysis of the Walloon dairy sector, this paper aims at bringing novel insights on the coexistence issue in agrifood transition studies. Whereas most studies explore the coexistence of farm models, our study focuses on... more
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      Cooperatives (Development Studies)Cooperative ManagementCooperativesAgricultural cooperatives
The economic nature of agricultural cooperatives is explained by means of a logical continuation of the organizational economics rationale for family farms. The traditional explanations of the importance of family farms is discussed, and... more
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      Property RightsGovernanceInstitutional Economics of organizational changesAgricultural cooperatives
Proceedings of a Round Table during the Controversies of Marciac regarding cooperation for agroecology. French Minister of agriculture just adopted a new law to promote agroecology, thanks to specific measures to support collective... more
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      Rural SociologyAgroecologyCollective ActionAgricultural cooperatives
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      ScienceValue ChainAgricultural cooperativesTheoretical Framework
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      Human GeographyApplied EconomicsLand reformSouth Africa
Abstract. We use historical variation in the market share of agricultural cooperatives to examine the nature of the cooperative firm. Our data in-clude the share of sectoral output accounted for by cooperative firms across 15 commodity... more
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      Agricultural cooperativesStatistical SignificanceMarket Share
The importance of cooperatives for European farmers has often been claimed but empirical studies to support this claim are scarce. This special issue presents a number of articles on the recent development and status of agricultural... more
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      AgribusinessAgricultural EconomicsCooperativesAgricultural cooperatives
For years, scholars and policy makers have ar gued that cooperatives, particularly agricultural cooperatives, exhibit organizational inefficiencies primarily caused by individual member behavior that is often independent and... more
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      Property RightsGovernanceAgricultural cooperativesOrganizational Design and Structure
This study examines membership of Cooperative and adoption of agricultural technologies of Farmers in Awka North L.G.A of Anambra state, Nigeria. The study provides empirical evidence on rates of adoption of agricultural technologies by... more
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    • Agricultural cooperatives
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      Science and TechnologyUnited StatesAgricultural cooperativesUnited States Department of Agriculture
The main objectives of this research were to analyze the role of the fruit and vegetables producer organizations (FVPOs), the recent developments in the fruit and vegetables sector, and the performance of these organizations in achieving... more
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      Agricultural EconomicsEuropean UnionSpainComunidad Valenciana