Solar Activity
Recent papers in Solar Activity
We study possible interrelations between the 300-year record of the yearly sunspot numbers and the solar inertial motion (SIM) using the recently developed technique of synchronization analysis. Phase synchronization of the sunspot cycle... more
Context. The Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) was launched in February 2010 and is now providing an unprecedented view of the solar activity at high spatial resolution and high cadence covering a broad range of temperature layers of the... more
V. A. KUDRYAVTSEV, V. A. KUZNETSOV, AND O. G. RYAZHKAYA Institute.for Nuclear Research of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow We study the self-arline properties of intensity fluctuations of underground muons generated by primary... more
Unexplained periodic fluctuations in the decay rates of 32 Si and 226 Ra have been reported by groups at Brookhaven National Laboratory ( 32 Si), and at the Physikalisch-Technische-Bundesandstalt in Germany ( 226 Ra). We show from an... more
The first satellite observations of the total field-aligned component of the quasi-dc Poynting flux are presented for two passes over the polar region, one in the noon sector and one in the afternoon. The energy input due to electron... more
The ICE experiment onboard DEMETER micro-satellite provides, since July 2004, continuous and regular observations of electromagnetic emissions in the frequency range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. We analyse the behaviour of the natural and also... more
Ion drift meter observations from the Atmosphere Explorer E satellite during the period of January 1977 to December 1979 are used to study the dependence of equatorial (dip latitudes < 7.5 ø) F region vertical plasma drifts (east-west... more
The past few hundred years have seen large fluctuations in atmospheric 14 C concentration. In part, these have been the result of natural factors, including the climatic changes of the Little Ice Age, and the Spö rer and Maunder solar... more
The sandhopper Talitrus saltator has an endogenous activity rhythm with a circadian periodicity. It is well known for its ability to compensate for the apparent movement of the sun during its migrations along the sea-land axis of the... more
We identify solar cycle signals in 155 years of global sea level pressure (SLP) and sea surface temperature (SST) data using a multiple linear regression approach. In SLP we find in the North Pacific a statistically significant weakening... more
We present a continuous record of the Asian monsoon over the last 16 ka from y 18 O measurements of stalagmite calcite. Over 900 oxygen isotopic measurements providing information on shifts in monsoon precipitation are combined with a... more
Page 1. 1484 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE, VOL. 40, NO. 6, DECEMBER 1993 Altitude and Latitude Variations in Avionics SEU and Atmospheric Neutron Flux E. Normand and T. J. Baker Boeing Defense &amp; Space Group, Seattle, WA... more
In south-central Siberia archaeological evidence suggests an acceleration of cultural development and an increase in the density of nomadic populations around 850 BC. We hypothesize a relationship with an abrupt climatic shift towards... more
The relation between solar activities and the geomagnetic field induced currents (GIC) have been well studied in the auroral region and it usually occurs most frequently at high latitudes. However, during major geomagnetic storms, the... more
The physics of solar forcing of the climate and long term climate change is summarized, and the role of energetic charged particles (including cosmic rays) on cloud formation and their effect on climate is examined. It is considered that... more
The new Climate Timeline and Correlating Periods of Human and Earth History chart is revised, more detailed and improved. These view of Earth's history over the last 20 million years addresses various interdisciplinary aspects of Earth's... more
The Sun is the nearest stellar and astrophysical laboratory, available for detailed studies in several fields of physics and astronomy. It is a sphere of hot gas with a complex and highly variable magnetic field which plays a very... more
Ionospheric total electron content (TEC) of the equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA) is studied by analyzing dual-frequency signals of the Global Position System (GPS) acquired from a network of receivers around the Asian-Australian region... more
"Tempus Solaris: Some concepts on solar activity, secular variations of atmospheric Carbon–14, and the Carbon Isotope Stages "Absolute dating by the Radiocarbon method has been a fundamental tool for archaeologist worldwide since... more
This paper gives a brief overview over the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) project and model. IRI is recognized as the official standard for the ionosphere by the International Standardization Organization (ISO), the... more
The development of regional ionospheric Total Electron Content (TEC) models has contributed to understanding the behavior of ionospheric parameters and the coupling of the ionosphere to space weather activities on both local and global... more
The Sun's magnetic field and differential rotation give rise to much complexity in its structure and activity over a large range in both spatial and temporal scales. The most notable among these is the solar activity cycle of 11 years, or... more
Whether the solar activity was very low, and especially whether the solar cycle existed, during the Maunder Minimum (1645 1715 AD), have been disputed for a long time. In this paper we use the Guliya NO 3 data, which can reflect the solar... more
The cosmogenic nuclide beryllium-10 (10Be), recovered from ice cores, is often used to study solar activity on long time- scales. However, the 10Be signal is also influenced by factors other than the Sun. To identify and quantify various... more
Roney-Dougal, S., Ryan, A., & Luke, D. (2014). The relationship between local geomagnetic activity and psychic awareness. Journal of Parapsychology, 78(2), 235-254.
This research was performed to characterize the variability of weather behavior in the lower and upper atmosphere layers, particularly its dependence on conditions in the troposphere and ionosphere at six different stations over UKM... more
Radiation measurements made onboard the MIR Orbital Station have spanned nearly a decade and covered two solar cycles, including one of the largest solar particle events, one of the largest magnetic storms, and a mean solar radio ux level... more
The total odd nitrogen (NOy) budget in the stratosphere and lower mesosphere has been determined using the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE-FTS) measurements of NO, NO2, N2O5, HNO3, ClONO2, and HNO4.... more
Identification of the causes of past climate change requires detailed knowledge of one of the most important natural factors-solar forcing.
Time series analysis of the leaf biometry and rhizome production of the endemic Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile was performed for a meadow in the Ligurian Sea (NW Mediterranean) in order to assess changes in plant... more
The knowledge of the scale height in the topside ionosphere region remains rather poor due to the insufficient observations carried so far. To advance this knowledge, presented here is a new method of retrieving the topside ionospheric... more
The climate of Labrador is uniquely influenced by Labrador Sea atmosphere-ocean dynamics and related sea surface temperature, sea ice and atmospheric fluctuations in the northwest Atlantic. Here we describe composite ring width and... more
Space exploration programmes, currently under discussion in the US and in Europe, foresee human missions to Mars to happen within the first half of this century. In this context, the European Space Agency (ESA) has conducted a study on... more
Key drivers of solar weather and mid-term solar weather are reviewed by considering a selection of relevant physics-and statistics-based scientific models as well as a M. Messerotti ( ) INAF-Astronomical Observatory of Trieste, space... more